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Everything posted by pants

  1. Thanks for the advice I took my boy to the vet last night, and was given some prednil to stop the itching.... He was tested for mites and there were none present on the skin scraping. The vet suggested that we might have to do some food trials down the track, and possibly a skin specialist if we have no success. I am really okay with giving my boy the prednil in the short term, but the vet expressed that this could harm his muscles/ joints and even give him diabetes for prolonged use...I think I will contact the breeder to see if his parents have allergies too, but the vet said that this would be uncommon as these things are not normally hereditry, but hey it can't hurt to ask..... I have thought about changing where we take him for a walk, but I never really considered that it could be the inside environment that could be the problem, I'm not sure that I could bring myself to leave my boy outside for any long period of time either Stormie, i know how you feel!!!!
  2. Hi Joypod, It is horrible, and I feel so helpless!!! he is just over a year old and this has been happening for a few months now, occassionally it gets a bit better, it doesn't seem to be a seasonal thing. We have considered heaps of things that could be causing his itch, but the changes we make don't seem to make a difference... We use Advocate as his flea treatment, and that doesn't seem to be the problem... We used to feed him proplan puppy, and to try something else to see if that helped we are now using Innova (this was recommended in the pet store) for his dry food and for the wet he has cooked chicken and brown rice.....and he still itches!!! I know that Bulldogs are prone to sensetive skin but this is terrible, and boy I would love to know the cause Your boy is beautiful... I love French Bulldogs (actually all bullies in general), they have such beautiful natures..... Thanks for the welcome, and I hope there is a solution out there
  3. Hi Miranda Thanks for your reply, as far as I can tell I definelty don't have wandering dew or any of the well known irritants.....The poor little bugger is so itchy, I am happy in the short term to use prednil or another drug to relieve him, but am keen to find out if anyone has been down the road of allergy testing and if so was it worthwhile? Have you had this problem with your dogs, and if so what did you find as the best solution.
  4. Hi Everyone, This is my first post!!!! I have a British Bulldog and he is is sooo itchy and the moment, especially in on the tummy and muzzle.......He scratches until there are open wounds, and he licks his paws alot. I have checked my garden for those horrible weeds, but don't seem to have any and tried diffent foods to see if that makes a difference... I have asked around and have been advised that a drug called prednil could help, has anyone had dealing with this drug and it's long term effects??? I am hesitant to use drugs as they only are covering up the problem...has anyone ever been to a skin allergy specialist and did they get some helpful results? I have been told that this could be expensive, but I'm willing to do anything to get my dog, happy and healthy.
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