Amstaff Shane
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Hi All, Just thought I might rack some of your brains for ideas. My friends English Staffy was fine a few days ago, walking, getting into the car, etc and then within 10 minutes of getting home both legs on the right side went stiff-ish. It's as if there were some kind of paralysis, and both legs have not returned to normal since. It has only occurred on the right side - both front and back legs. Left side is fine. Both affected legs seem a little shaky. The boy doesn't seem to be able to bend the legs himself, there isn't any pain or any other type of problems with him at all. He can roll himself up nto his side but cannot get up to walk due to this problem. After a visit to the vet and leaving him there for two nights, there is no improvement and there is no degradation either. He is exactly the same. The vet advised it is abnormal as normally it would be either the front legs or back legs and not one side. It's heart-breaking to see him like this, he's an amazingly smart and affectionate boy. Due to costs, my friend simply cannot afford the tests etc. I was wondering if anyone else has had their dog(s) experienced anything like this, and whether it was neurological and what his chances are of a natural recovery (if at all possible)? He has not shown any signs of stroke (mentally he is all there, no problems, eats fine, etc), it's just these two legs that will not relax. My friend understands Euthanasia is an option but shes not ready to approve of that just yet (only been a few days) - Do you think it is worth it to get him home for a few weeks and see if it improves? I just feel that it *might* pay to give it time, and if after that theres no improvement then bite the bullet.. Thoughts anyone?
And Yet Another Food Topic....
Amstaff Shane replied to blackwolf's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Check this thread out; http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=128030 -
That is a brilliant post DeltaCharlie, thankyou very much for sharing it. That is exactly the sort of informaton we are looking for! :D I know that not everyone who currently feeds a raw/prey model diet will not be able to post what DeltaCharlie has, but if you would like to contribute to this thread, can you please post that sort of information in that layout, (e.g daily feedings)as it would make it easier to compile the information afterwards. Beauty!
A decent thread? :D Are you seriously that naive or lacking in forethought, that you believe ANY thread will only contain information you want? Last time I looked this was a public forum. Threads RARELY stay exactly to the point of a topic. Since when were you made judge, jury and executioner on what is allowed to be discussed in any thread? The discussion has been interesting and many have added in links that are educational and thought provoking. Urrrr, there will be two threads. This one is for discussion, and the other thread that I will eventually be compiled (using information regarding raw feeding from this thread) which will be one that can only be edited by mods and a handful of people. I am not naive or lacking in forethought. If you read my original post, you'll understand what the overall aim is. It is to get people started on a raw diet, not debate where dogs came from and how humans are 99% genetically the same as chimpanzees. I never said I was judge, jury and executioner. I created the thread and I would *prefer* if it stayed on topic. Yes, it's a public forum, I am not "forcing" anyone to stay on topic, however it's more beneficial if it did so people don't have to read about chimpanzee chat. I think my harmful request to stay on topic is fairly valid, and others would probably agree, bar you.
To be honest guys, the fact is that dogs are carnivores and they did, as tested by scientists via DNA link, descend from Wolves. Based on DNA evidence, the wolf ancestors of modern dogs diverged from other wolves about 100,000 years ago, and dogs were domesticated from those wolf ancestors about 15,000 years ago. This date would make dogs the first species to be domesticated by humans. Also, a dogs internal system is almost exact to that of a wolf, again scientifcally tested and confirmed. Let's put that to rest once and for all. Wolves in the wild eat meat as a primary, as do other carnivores, and they also don't grow their own carrots/peas/potatoes or put mashed up content into a tin can and store it for later. At the end of the day, this thread is for those who are interested in a raw feed diet and want to know more about what types of meat to feed their dogs, how to start, what quantity they can base their buying and feeding on, and overall just healthy, experienced information from members of this forum. Thanks to those of you whom have posted regarding information about raw feeding. I will collate this info and we'll try to compile a decent thread to help get others started.
From what I've read; There is no general agreement among expert nutritionists regarding what constitutes “too much” protein in the dog’s diet. Research shows that dogs have a high capacity for digesting and utilizing diets containing more than thirty percent protein on a dry weight basis. (Dry weight basis means the food with no moisture present. Dry dog food in a bag usually has 10 percent moisture and canned food has about 74 percent moisture.) If left to catch and consume prey to survive, as wild canines do every day, dogs’ diets would be even higher in protein than what is generally available commercially.
I'm sure I speak on behalf of many, when I say that I have no problem with people giving their dogs vegies as long as they are the vegies that *matter*. At the end of the day, this thread is not to discuss with people what they can and cannot feed their dog(s), but for those who WANT to put their dog(s) on a complete raw/prey diet, at least the information will be accessible once the actual "Ultimate" thread is compiled and updated with solid, healthy information that anyone can understand regarding raw/prey diets. If other people who are serious about the actual BARF diet want to create an "Ultimate" thread regarding that, then I think that may be a good idea so that people can differentiate between the two models and choose which one they (and their dogs) prefer the most. So, with that out the way, where do we start when it comes to the raw/prey model? Shall we start at the actual ingredients (e.g is beef/chicken/kangaroo mince Ok to use, is it best to use chunks of meat, etc) Decent discussion and debate is what it's all about. If you experience with types of meat intake, etc, please don't hold back! Good, healthy discussion is what we want! :rolleyes:
It seems there are many that want to *start*, but they are either scared or do not know HOW to start without the hassle of not knowing what to do. This is the sole reason I want to make an Ultimate Raw/Prey Food thread, for people like yourself that want to know the ins and outs without having to take rubbish out of the bin, so to speak :rolleyes:
I guess what I was moreso wanting was a non-BARF thread that really focused on a complete raw/prey diet (BARF is not completely raw/prey really). Those who chose to go down this path have an "Ultimate Raw/Prey" thread, and if those that are on BARF want to make one for "BARF" then they can do so for those who prefer that method. Ultimately, I want a thread that has the information minus the discussion inbetween (so basically there will be two threads, this one we are using to discuss and the one we create that has the information only - e.g the "Ultimate")
Some say that BARF is different due to the fact it includes fruits/vegetables, and some who discard those types of foods from the BARF diet are feeding raw/prey with a mixture of kibble or other foods (modified BARF in that respect), and then there's others who say they are on a BARF diet which is effectively a complete raw/prey diet. In *my* opinion, BARF is different, so I would say that raw/prey doesn't include BARF, however I'm open to discuss that with everyone who wants to contribute. healthy debate is definitely good.
Gday, Whilst using the search function to find information from actual members regarding raw feed/prey diets, I have found that information is scattered all over the place (many websites, many different threads and many groups). Seeing as there are almost 13,000 members on this forum, and thousands of members have their dogs on a raw/prey diet, I was pondering why there isn't a sticky thread which is basically an "Ultimate DOL Raw/Prey Diet Information" thread in which all of our experienced members can continously add/edit/update information for novices/advanced owners that would like to feed their companions a raw/prey food diet. I am just starting my girl Meike this week on a raw/prey diet, and although I have read a few ebooks, many websites and signed up to yahoo listings for my own benefit (seems like too much work and could have been made craploads easier), it hasn't been the easiest thing to do, due to having questions I haven't been able to find an answer for. Due to the fact we have such a large forum here, I think it would be beneficial to not only new people but also those that are experienced may learn a few things and find all the information they need, in one place, on this great forum. The sort of thread I was pondering would be one that has not only what meats to feed, but also information on the quantities to feed depending on ideal weight of ALL dogs (both daily and weekly amounts), published in an EASY to read, no nonsense guide with links on how to find dogs ideal weight, a percentage calculator, do's and dont's, etc. Basically, EVERYTHING needed at your fingertips to get you up and running (including a simple visit to the butcher) without having to search dozens of websites/groups for information. I know that there are available resources published by other people (books, etc), however there are many contradictions and I believe that we, as thousands of dog owner members, could basically re-compile a more beneficial resource on this very forum. Perhaps we could use *this* current thread as a discussion thread in which we can take information that we, as members, discuss/debate/agree and then compile an "Ultimate DOL Raw/Prey Diet Information" thread in which can be accessed as a "click and voila" complete resource for the novice and experienced raw/prey feeder. It would also mean alot more coming from experienced Australian owners who are living proof that the diet is the best thing for your dog. Would any of you be interested in working with each other to compile such a thread on here? Would Moderators allow us to continously update a 'Continous Sticky' with the name of "DOL Ultimate Raw/Prey Feed" thread? (Similar to the General Health Information sticky, however only specific users have access to edit the information) I think this is a pretty serious thing to have, especially for those that may join the forum and have no clue what wet, commercially made canned food does to their companion. This would give them an alternative, without the hassle of looking elsewhere. Something we can call our own. Any Takers?