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Everything posted by digisol

  1. Ok when I went back the same Vet was off as there are several that run the same practice, to wit Accacia Vet Surgery, Normanby st Yeppoon, the girl at the desk said "yes this receipt is correct" and all I could do at that point was to be annoyed and state the obvious which had happened. I'm not a doctor or a vet but with this amount seemingly to be so very incorrect I had a look around the house here for some heat transfer paste used for CPU heatsinks which I have, they are also in partly filled 2.5 ml syringes. So then, What I saw would then have been a completely full 5ml glass syringe of Metacam 20, whatever the amount of drug, the dog has obviously had some adverse reastion to it, considering that is the second time with two dogs they were given an injection which in the first dog killed him stone dead, had I not been home this dog would also be dead, that is just a simple fact. As for the receipt it is not mistaken, it says 50 ml and what I only repeated, which was also what I was was said to have paid for, 50ml @ $15.20 for the actual price of that injection. I was told the two drugs were NSAID or Non Steroidal anti imflamatory drugs to help stop the inflamation behind her eye, and why I have seen the drug Metacam which is said to be used for arthritus etc, and as I use human non steroidal drugs for arthritus I know they have some nasty side effects, when they took my Prexige pills which worked a treat off the market as some people had suffered kidney or liver failure, obviously they have some adverse side effects in those sort of drugs. I have not tried to misslead, only report what happened.
  2. BTW I simply googled the drug for any information, one link to Metacam led directly to your web site, thus the posting, I'm not insaine or an idiot, and when it comes to my best friend I do not make jokes for fun or idle gossip to be ridiculed by wankers, I had thought I might be doing someone a possible favor, nothing more. The Metacam liquid which was injected into her neck was the colour of very weak #1. As for water ? it's been raining heavily here now for about 6 weeks or more straight, and I happen to drink the stuff, especially if rain water is available, why it was allrealy on the coffee table where I was situated where I splashed it onto her ears and face in panic. As for the few cheap comments of giving re-sus on a still breathing animal I guess forums are forums and some mothers do have em, I should also say that by the time I noticed there was a big problem after I had watched and counted her last few breaths which were about 1 shallow breath every ten seconds, a tad slow for any dog, and by the time I had it figured there was a real problem she had stopped breathing and her head was totally limp where i picked up her head and she slid to the floor essentially dead, I do know dead, and I did check, she was then not breathing or moving at all. Just FTR My age is 51 not 15 or 5.
  3. No, I'm having no one on, she is a healthy Purebred Amstaff weighing 46kg and the amount I wrote down was directly off the Vet receipt, it says Metacam 20 - 50ml quite clearly, and I held the dog during the injection only 6" from the syringe. The Rimadyl is 1/2 a 100mg tab twice daily as per the receipt. And yes I did go back to have my say and to check what was on the receipt, all is correct, she simply went into an unconscious state and stopped breathing. Of course if anyone doubts this, just don't bother to watch your animal after an injection of this stuff that I had no idea would do what it did. By the time I drove 2km and got inside she was looking tired and slow looking for somewhere to lay down, if this has been a mistake in dosage by the vet I will not be impressed to say the least.
  4. I wouldn’t have bothered but it might be worthwhile that the truth be out as my best friend survived after a quick emergency mouth to nose session. Wizz the amazing wonder dog had a simple eye ulcer that never healed properly so back to the vet to cough up more cash, he then gave her more eye ointment and both the injection of Metacam and some take home Rimadyl 100mg tabs for pain and infection repair of the eye, the Rimadyl has no side effects that I can see. However after our trip to the Vet she came home a bit slow and went to sleep in her normal unusual position with her head hanging down off the couch, no drama until I noticed she was only just breathing and then failed to move when touched. I'm not one to normally panic but I did when her head fell completely limp and obviously now unconscious and also not breathing I could only remember my last dog that was accidentally killed, actually drowned in his own fluid after falling into an unconscious state by another well meaning Vet and a simple injection. Never having done resuscitation to a human letalone any dog I learnt quickly what worked and her eyes opened a little and she was still alive but drugged to the eyeballs. I can only say I was somewhat upset and a total mess but I splashed water on her so she would hopefully wake up a bit more, which she did, so I know what to do. But the drug she was given would have simply put her to sleep, quite literally and permanently had I not looked. My dog would die for me, quite literally, any time, and she has saved my life with poisonous snakes and wild pigs so it’s only fair to repay her unconditional love. Beware of the above drug and don’t leave the vet until you’re 100% sure your dog is OK.
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