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Everything posted by ~mer~

  1. Thanks for all your tips ladies. I have just ordered some Free Itch and a detangler comb with rotating teeth so hopefully I can get get the the matt's before they get too bad. Let's just hope the order arrives on Wednesday.
  2. No, infections. Her skin is very red and all scabby. She is on antibiotics as well. I googled clipping Kee's after I had posted that and now I am not sure. Her coat has been getting thinner as she gets older and now I think if I clip it, it will never grow back..... Guess I need to find a good de tangling comb and hope she will let me sit down with her and comb them out. Any recommendations?
  3. My 8 year old Keeshond has a skin infection due to a flea or 2 that missed the frontline. I saw the vet's today and he needs me to wash her back half daily in Malaseb medicated shampoo. My dog is used to being washed and groomed so this wasn't a problem but as the scabs are coming off they are matting her coat. I have decided to have her clipped (her first and only time) to help get rid of the infection and also make fighting the infection easier. What do you think? Obviously it is not the ideal but with 2 small children to look after by myself, I think it is the best option for both of us. I will then buy her a coat and hope that she keeps it on through winter. Would love any advice from anyone who has gone through a similar situation. TIA Mer
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