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Everything posted by pennyw74

  1. Ok, Izzy is now 18 weeks old and getting bigger and bigger. Which is the best car harness to buy?
  2. I'm going to have to look back through the paperwork but this is what I remember. When I picked up my puppy, I filled out the pink microchip form with all my details. A couple of weeks later, I received a printout (which looked like it was printed from a website) with her microchip number and my details on it. I cannot recall who it was sent from (I will check when I get home). Is this what comes from the council where the breeder is located? I have also received her papers. That is all I have ever received.
  3. I read the 'apology' part as not intended by the OP to be taken literally. I see it as a way of showing pup that "now we want calm" behaviour. An 'off' switch, if you will. It seems a couple of people have interpreted differently? Thanks Erny - exactly right. Also, if she doesn't understand what my growls mean and I shouldn't be doing it, does that mean when I talk to her and she has no clue what I'm saying when I tell her how much I love her and how gorgeous she is and when I just generally talk to her about my day, that I shouldn't be doing that, too? I don't want her to interpret it as me saying horrible things to her. Actually, I do that, too. If I feel she's getting a bit "rough", I start some training which she responds to very well. What you do sounds exactly the same as what I do.
  4. Penny, its rather common in cavies, just hold the nose down, gently put her hand around her snout and hold her mouth closed. Thank you. As long as it's nothing to really worry about. I have tried doing that. Even if I don't do anything, she will stop if after a few seconds, anyway.
  5. Have you checked with your council what age they need her registered? Not having a dig, but most local councils require dogs to be registered from 3 months (12 weeks). Yes, have found out - 6 months - cheaper if she's desexed.
  6. Wondering, to make up........what? Cavaliers are so cute. A friend has 17. Great little group. So "lap" able!!! (Compared to my labs, that is) Just being silly...to apologise for growling...that's all...for playing "mean".
  7. Thanks...I know we've got to register with the council and that's a lifetime thing. We will be doing that once she's desexed. I just thought there was some other register she had to be on.
  8. Our puppy isn't registered with any council as yet (she's just 18 weeks old). We got her papers from the breeder and the microchipping papers but that's it.
  9. My puppy is microchipped but I've heard that it isn't enough. Do I have to register her somewhere myself? If so, where do I register her (I'm in Sydney). I don't mean with the local council but is there some pet register I should be using?
  10. Our puppy, a Cavalier who is now 17 weeks old play growls. Sometimes, we'll get down to her level and play, she'll growl and bark a little and we'll do the same and chase her and she chases us. We do that until we (the pack leaders - my fiance and myself) decide the game is over. We then tell her the game is over, tell her she was a good girl, give her a scratch on the belly and a cuddle (to make up for the "angry" growling during the game) and then she goes back to playing with her toys or snuggling up on our lap. Is it wrong to play this game with her at this stage? Does this mean she'll try and be dominant as she gets older, too? I guess, when we play now, nobody really "wins" so we haven't encouraged her to be dominant over us, it's just a game that starts when we say and finishes when we say. Any thoughts? I don't want a dog that growls if people come near her (she's so scary being a Cavalier anyway but you know what I mean...). People who don't know her later in life might not know that she's lovely and is only playing..
  11. I tried to feed my puppy Sentinel in her food last night. She licked all around it and left the lonely little tablet in her bowl, so we had to force it down her throat again. Beefy flavoured chews...sure.
  12. Unfortunately I think some vets are also there just to take our money, they dont all have our babies best interests at heart... they know if the dog has seizures, means more money for them as you take them to the vet... and if you loose them.. more money for them to put the dog down.. and then you will get another one and the cycle starts all over again Im afraid I dont have alot of faith in vets, I would rather trust breeders and people who have had dogs for many years like here on DOL.. Now that is very sad.
  13. When I'm walking my four month old Cavalier, Izzy, she pulls and pulls on the lead, always wanting to run ahead. She also makes this weird snorting sound. It sounds really horrible. I'm just wondering... a) how can I get her to stop pulling on her lead b) what is that strange sound that she's making through her nose or mouth or both c) how can I get her to stop making that sound d) does this sound mean she's doing any damage to herself? Thanks in advance for your help...
  14. I just don't understand why a vet would give an animal a vaccination when there seems to be quite a few cases of reactions. A vet is there to help and look after our animals.
  15. I have emailed them but have received no response since this morning. I have now asked for a refund. When I ordered them, I asked them how long it would take. They said they would send them that day and according to the tracking site, everything would have been fine had it not been returned to sender and I still don't know why it has been returned, either. Anyway, I'll wait and see what sort of response I get. For a saving of $12.60 over six months, I'm not sure it's worth the grief. Just a bit disappointed, that's all...
  16. I ordered from pricelesspets and expected to receive my parcel today. I checked with the eparcel tracking website and it shows as return to sender yesterday. Now I've had to go to Petbarn and pay retail as Izzy is due to have her tablet on the 1st of the month (today). How could they get it so wrong? I have checked my order form and I have my address correct. Has anybody else had problems with their deliveries from these people?
  17. It's Opticin (antibiotic eye ointment).
  18. He didn't really go into too much detail with what he is going to do because it's not for a little while. I was hoping that this cream would perhaps work. He is going to check her out when she's next in. He mustn't be too concerned if he's only going to look at her next time she's in.
  19. Yes, the breeder is definitely a Cavalier club member.
  20. He didn't do a tear test as yet, maybe that's what he's doing when she goes in for desexing.
  21. He looked at her eyes and said they looked fine. He did look for extra eyelashes, etc. I'm not exactly sure what the cream was for but I think it was just in case there was any infection that he couldn't see. He said to try it to see what happens - it may clear it up. So far, I don't think it's done anything and she's on day 5. I asked him if it was because she was teething but he said that wouldn't cause it. I think the breeder is a Cavalier Club member but I'm not 100% sure.
  22. My four month old Cavalier has teary eyes. She has been the same since I first saw her at about six weeks old. The vet noticed them at 12 weeks but didn't worry. He commented on them again at 16 weeks and has said that she may have blocked tear ducts. He has given us some "cream" to put in her eyes twice a day for 10 days but I don't think it's doing anything. I think this was just in case it was an infection. When she gets desexed (in about six or eight weeks), he's going to check them out when she's under anaesthetic. I'm not sure what this may involve, whether he is going to flush the tear ducts or not. I have heard that having teary eyes is fairly normal/common for Cavaliers. I am not worried about having to wipe her eyes daily. It is staining her fur under her eyes, too. Any advice or opinions?
  23. I saw Izzy do it this morning after eating some of her normal food. She's a character.
  24. Ha ha...I saw Izzy doing it just before doing her poo today.
  25. Just a question, when I give my puppy chicken necks or other bones, she does this thing where she kind of scratches the grass with all four legs and moves backwards before she eats it. I'm probably not describing it right but if you've seen it, you'll know exactly what I mean. Anyway, does anybody know what it means and does anybody else's puppy do it?
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