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  1. Can someone please post how many dogs are in each Group? Thanking you very much for that! :)
  2. Thank you BB! That would be absolutely fantastic!
  3. Hello BB and CC, Can you please Post the full Breed and Special Class breakdown here as well? So many thanks!
  4. I own one of those dogs whom gained his Grand Championship Title under the original requirements. During my campaign in Victoria the Group that I exhibited in was largely dominated by the same one or two dogs, who were exhibited throughout the State at the time, and in my opinion they are beautiful dogs and highly deserving of their achievements. During his campaign my dog won numerous Class In Group awards across all Groups, often defeating Best Exhibit In Show winners in the Class, and won four Melbourne Royal Show Challenges in quality competition, as well as being chosen as a Finalist in the Group on numerous occasions. Can someone tell me why this dog should not have gained his Grand Championship Title? Unfortunately during the campaign of my dog he was judged by a few that could not identify his Breed, and on occasion he was confused for a different Breed altogether. In my opinion, some of the Breeds that are numerically smaller in number, or those that are considered 'rarer' Breeds, perhaps like my own, are sometimes overlooked, most often because there is a lack of understanding, or lack of interest in the Breed Standard. I am extremely critical of my own dogs, and have in the past placed dogs in Pet Homes that I feel are not good enough to be exhibited, and naturally, I have been criticised for simply being too 'honest'. For me, I feel the new requirements for both the Grand Championship Title and the Supreme Champion Title give exhibitors something to aim for. For those who are not able to keep large numbers of dogs, it gives many an incentive to continue exhibiting their dogs in the ring. Agree, or disagree, surely this is a good thing for our hobby?
  5. My sincere condolences to everyone involved... This is absolutely tragic news, very, very sad indeed... Rest In Peace Willow...
  6. As I understand there were some critiques written by the Judges at this year's Royal Adelaide Show? Does anyone know whether there were critiques written on Breeds at the Royal Melbourne Show this year, and if so where would they be printed? Many thanks!
  7. Please find following a note from Ian Goetze : To each and every dog exhibitor that offered their condolences on Trish's passing, we would like to express our sincere gratitude. Combined with the 100 person attendance at her life's celebration, these good wishes made it all that more special. We want you all to know that Trish's love and fighting spirit to the bitter end, starting in 1993 will never be forgotten. Her genuine love for and knowledge of the breed was outstanding, and the good company of her special friends at the shows eased her heavy burdens considerably. Again, many thanks, Ian Goetze and family.
  8. For those of you whom are not already aware, the Funeral will be held on Thursday the 3rd of February at the Fawkner Crematorium and Memorial Park at 1187 Sydney Road, Fawkner at 12.00 noon, in the Cordell Chapel. If you are attending and need directions to the Chapel, attend the front desk near the main entrance and they will be able to assist with directions and any other queries you may have. Rest In Peace Trish, you will be forever in our hearts...
  9. Extremely sad news to hear of Trish's passing... I had always admired her fighting spirit and her ability to continue exhibiting and promoting the Breed despite her illness. She was and always will be much loved by those that knew her in the dog fraternity. Trish was a wonderful ambassador for the Breed, and was always very willing to share her in depth knowledge about her beloved Breed. A great loss for the Breed and the extended dog world. She will be sadly missed, and the Breed will not be the same without her. Her dogs were always given the greatest of love and the very best of care by herself and her husband, and always were in immaculate condition, and always looked beautiful in the ring. Deepest Condolences to Ian and his extended Family on their very sad loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very diificult time. Rest In Peace Trish... Janelle.
  10. Congratulations to you all, what an awesome day for you... Please pass my Congratulations onto Rochelle for her Best Exhibit In Show also!!! Well done to you both!
  11. Warmest CONGRATULATIONS Spikes Puppy on being awarded BEST EXHIBIT IN SHOW with the very beautiful Ziva, I am absolutely thrilled for you!!! Congratulations also to baby Casey on her Best Opposite, what a wonderful day out for the girls! Beautiful piccies, a day that you will remember forever - it couldnt of happened to a nicer person! Love Janelle.
  12. :p I so never get time for foruming anymore but YES!!! Today, my little homebred girl 'Straitup Raise Thebar' aka Casey took out best Baby Puppy in Group 2..... and THEN, in a gorgeous line-up of super cuties, she took out BABY IN SHOW!!! I did cry a little She is just amazing, I love her so, so much and for it to be recognized not only by 1 judge but 2 is wonderful and I'm still on cloud 9 ;) I've been showing for just over 5 years, and although Ziva has done well at Group level, we have never achieved an 'In Show' award... so for it to happen with my special little pup, well, it's hard to find the right words!!! She only turned 3 months on April 20th ;) Woot, Woot!!!!!!! This is just wonderful news SpikesPuppy, I think I have got a tear in my eye too on hearing this news...!!!!!!! Very big Congratulations to both you and Casey on winning Best Baby Puppy In SHOW!!!!!! ;) In having so many cuddles with Casey, I know just how beautiful she is - she sure is a very special puppy, and from your very first Litter too!!!!! Yay Casey!!!! Just adore the piccie too, very nice one of you both!! Janelle.
  13. Warmest Congratulations to you Tara on being awarded Best Minor Puppy In Group and Best Intermediate In Group!!!!! Special Congratulations on being awarded Best Intermediate IN SHOW with the very beautiful Bond!!!!! Absolutely wonderful news indeed!!!!!! Janelle.
  14. Thank you very much for posting those Group numbers Sway, very much appreciated... ;)
  15. I would love to know too Tambaqui... Can anyone please tell us the Group numbers of the entries? So many thanks!
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