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Everything posted by rotts4ever

  1. I have to rotate toys otherwise my guys get bored with them, if they last that long, but when I swap them every now and then its like they have a new toy again. I got them some old go cart tyres that last ages but they are good for dogs with big heads but not good for dogs that have a head small enough to fit through the middle as one of our pups put his head through the middle once and was walking around like he had a big necklace on with his nose sticking out. It was easy enough for us to get off and looked funny at the time but god knows how long he would have had it on if we weren't home. So now we only leave the go cart tyres with the bigger dogs. Ours run around with them, chew them and play tug of war with them. I also have an 8 month old that tries to balance on them or pulls his teddies and ropes through the middle which is quite bizzar to watch. We got ours for nothing as they were just getting chucked and they have only destroyed one so far where normally they destroy anything given to them even the toys that are marketed as super tough. I brought a ball with a rope through from the expo and the 8 month old chewed it to pieces in about 15 minutes. I have a dog here that chews the black Kongs to pieces so it starts to get expensive trying to keep them amused, I'l have to have a look at this thread and so what others suggest. Cheers Lee
  2. No, I dressed for the occasion so it was all good? What's your prefix? I was telling my Rottie friend about your lovely dogs but couldn't remember any of their names! Hi Ruthless Prefix is Rotteln. The dogs there on sat were my boys Damit,Enuff and Focus, Wendys girl pippa and Lisa's girls Tauri and Kado. I think it was actually busier today as we seemed to have a steady amount of people at all the stalls and walkways and we gave out nearly all of our pamphlets and fact sheets. I'l like to add the Dogs NSW Girls and boys were lovely all week end as were all the other breed stall holders and a lot of the stalls looked amazing. Hope to meet you again at another doggie day Cheers Lee
  3. Yes you did,I owned the 3 Boys. How great to meet you and then see your post here. Thanks for stopping and chatting, I hope you didn't end up with too many slobber marks. Cheers Lee
  4. I agree I think you'l find all clubs are advised when the expo is running and are asked if they would like to attend. If the club decides they want to attend they send in their application along with a refundable stall holding deposit, you can state you want a single or double stall and they are allocated depending on demand. After everything is allocated you are then asked how many passes your club needs, people attending with a dog get a free pass and this year your club could buy $5.00 for passes for helpers not entering the gates with a dog. The NSW Expo was not run last year so Dogs NSW ran the Dogs NSW promo day but this year the expo returned. Aside from the year that the Expo didn't run the Rottweiler club has attended every year that I can remember so I'm sure any club can go if they wish but I guess getting the helpers is another story and it is very tiring on the dogs and the owners. It can also add to the expense of small clubs decorating stalls etc but it is a very worthwhile cause. We are set up opposite the Neo's and next to the schnauzers and today all the dogs were great. I can't tell you how many people said oh the Rottweilers are lovely not how I thought they would be, you hear so many bad stories. I do find it sad listening to some of the stories how they have just lost their mate, especially when their eyes fill with tears, but its nice to see them cuddling another one while they share. I can't believe how many people let very small children run up and cuddle big dogs but it's a good opportunity to try and educate them on the no no's but today we did also have a lot of children asking 1st if they could pat the dogs which was very nice to see and is happening more now than in previous years so maybe the message is filtering through. Probably the only negative would be that because the dogs are at the expo it gives people a false sense of security and they forget they are still dogs and capable of acting like dogs. I had a mum watch her son try to climb onto my adult male's back,I pulled the dog away and said something and her reply was yeh I already told him not to ride the dogs. I agree it's not for everyone and not all dogs would appreciate all the attention especially when you don't have eyes at the back of your head and I must admit to always thinking god I hope none of the dogs act up but I don't think any club would be refused if they wanted a stand. And besides you get a laugh at the people that tell you they have 80kg rotti at home and it's got no fat on it, there must be alot of mutants out there, or you shouldn't feed raw meat cause it will give your dog the taste of blood. I loved seeing all the different stalls today but there were a stack of breeds not represented Cheers Lee
  5. Hope you find your little one soon, are you anywhere near Glenwood? this was posted on another forum the other day and he only went missing 4 days after yours Pepi is our 10 year old desexed male long coat Chihuahua He went missing from our home in Glenwood at 6 AM on the 10th of February 2012 Good luck Lee
  6. Hi I have a dog that licks a hole in his front leg when an old shoulder injury is acting up. Maybe your dog has or had an injury and refered pain or even some sort of stress started the licking which became a habit or maybe he is still sore or has a fungus. I have seens some dogs with allegies where it is only really noticable on the feet,I would get him checked for injury as well as for an allergy or fungus in his feet. Good luck with Jed Cheers Lee
  7. I guess it's not about stopping anything happening just reducing the risk, I spray my shoes etc with F10 etc and leave at the front door until my pups have atleast had their 2nd vac (14days after)and all my visitors spray and take shoes off at the front door as well. It takes 30 min for F10 to kill Parvo virus. When I have a unvaccinated litter I don't even go near them after work (I'm a dog groomer) until I have sprayed,washed,and changed my clothes. You can never completely guarantee that a puppy wont catch something and no you can't put puppies in a bubble as even vaccinated dogs can still catch something and become ill or be carriers, it all depends on the level protection the dog has aquired from their vaccination. But I think if there are ways to reduce the risk I will try especially after seeing the results of puppies with parvo in the past and it's something I hope mine never have to go through. Cheers Lee
  8. I'd be much more worried about walking into a hospital myself. Generally, Vet Clinics have the time and staff to undertake correct infection control. Vets and hospitals have the worst bugs because they are so clean and things become resistant. I have just had a dog pick up a drug resistant infection after an op on his face, only one drug to treat it as is resistant to every other drug. This can be picked up in hospitals and vets even after the whole sterialization process so I'm not that confident moping the floor will kill everything or maybe I'm just suss after haveing a dog with his face being eaten away and starting vomit from the poison. Over a month on a drug which he is still on and a hole that has only just closed that takes up most the side of his face and a lovely scar. This bug could have been picked up anywhere but like staph is much more resistant when picked up in vet or hospital. And that not to say it's the vets or hospital fault but probably a reflection on mutations from being very clean and possibley societies over use of antibiotics. So I'd prefer to ur on the side of caution when it come to unvaccinated puppies especially with a breed that is so wimpy when it come to fighting viruses, tough with an injury crap with viruses JMO Lee
  9. All my unvaccinated puppies are in a crate or carried otherwise the vet comes out to the car. Cheers Lee
  10. Im pretty sure it was 797.....but get a second confirmation Thanks Showpony Cheers
  11. Hi I'm after the total number of dogs entered at Manly and Dist Erskine Park 8/1/2012 Thanks in advance Cheers Lee
  12. Peter from NFS who advertises on dol did have some, he breeds Mastiffs so you could probably talk to him about how strong they are. I use them on my Rottweilers who are well behaved but you would have to make sure they were good quality. The dogs that aren't so trusted get another type of check. Also snake chains aren't bad on dogs that pull a little as the bigger ones are also usually a bit thicker snake but they are not good for dogs that lundge forward etc as that stress could/will snap them. There is a Rottweiler Breeder named Heidi Youle, not sure if she is on Dol, you could probably get her number through the rottweiler section, she was rep/ selling some nice looking, strong collars, different link types and different finishes like bronze, gold etc. Maybe she could send you a list of the products she reps for as some of the collars I've seen are pretty enough to show in but still strong and I think they come with a guarantee against breakage but you could ask her about that. If you have trouble finding her let me know and I'l try and get her contact details for you Cheers Lee
  13. I ask friends and family to start collecting and also the local paper shop and service station let me pickup some of the papers they haven't sold once a week when I have a litter due. Also places that stock the local paper often have left overs once a week. Our local MacDonalds is a combined service station and they don't mind me taking the left overs the day before the new local paper comes out every wed. I like grabbing them like this as they are like new and store nice and neat, I put them in a couple of milk crates handy to the whelping box. Cheers Lee Edit to add I put bedding, kylies, towels etc over the top of the newspaper
  14. How long do you have until they have to be changed over to main? All the show dogs we have we're bought as show potential ones, and we've shown them as pups, some from as young as 12 weeks, but i have heard you can change them from limited to main up to a certain age. Just out of curiousity and i know a little off topic, what is the age? and do many breeders do this? It used to be 3 years but now I don't think there is an age limit but can only be transfered between limited and main register on 1 occassion. The fee scale goes up depending on the age. The highest fee is charged for transfering a dog from limited to main over 18 months old. Cheers Lee
  15. I Think I read not long ago you previously couldn't have Of, From, Vom, Von but it was changed or taken out of the rule. Can't remember now where I read it, Maybe in a Dogs NSW Journal? or when I was searching the web for something else. I hate when you half remember something and then can't find where you read it. Cheers Lee
  16. I have used the Liquid Protexin on pups around the same age with great results, I found the liquid to be better for some reason. I always keep some in the fridge. As soon as antibiotics are finished I dose them, Good for loose poo when starting solids and I give a dose just before they go for their needles etc. Good also when pups are under stress through travelling etc. The original packaging has a dose rate for puppies for maintanence and stress. My vet buys it in bulk and sells it in glass bottle (pretty cheap this way) and I just use a syinge to put 1ml in the mouth, the pups don't seem to mind the taste either. Just need to remember to shake it well before use as it tends to separate when sitting in the fridge but it has a longer life in the fridge. Another breeder put me onto it a few years back when I had a very sick litter of puppies that were just a few weeks old and I've used it ever since. Liquid gold. It's worth a try and it won't hurt your pup, package says to give after antibiotics have finished Good Luck Cheers Lee
  17. I love protexin too, I buy it in liquid form and syringe it in their mouth 1-2mls. I think it is liquid gold, I think my vet sells it for a $30.00 for 200mls. They buy it in bulk and sell the amount you want in a glass bottle, you need to shake it well before use and if you keep it in the fridge it last longer. Cheers Lee
  18. In australia I believe back in 1998 it was decided and accepted from the ANKC that the standard followed for the Rottweiler in australia is the FCI/ Country of origin standard which states TAIL : In natural condition, level in extension of the upper line; at ease may be hanging. The ANKC's own rule states once a country of origin standard is accepted that it is accepted in full without alteration and any changes made to that standard by the country of origin are accepted, The only variance with this is that if it is felt that a statement in a Breed Standard is ambiguous or unusual then the ANKC NBSCG can add an explanation, which will be placed in [square brackets] after the ambiguous or unusual statement. So yes a specialist judge does judge to the standard meaning tail in natural condition and I choose to follow our agreed standard and leave the tails natural. It's suggested that if we could shorten tails tomorrow we would, wrong, I would not and I'm guessing most serious Rottweiler breeders more concerned with the whole dog would choose to leave tails natural also, but I could be wrong. I also have no problem with freedom of choice but the fact is natural tails are correct by our followed standard and it is mine and many others freedom of choice to follow that standard. Truth be known leaving my dogs tails on has helped in regards to the many idiots that should not own a Rott not liking the tails so it saves me from saying I'm not selling you a pup, it has also helped me with PR as a lot of the general public think they look friendlier when you can see a tail, right or wrong, that is the view. An overseas judge that is judging by standard has every right to mark a dog down that they feel isn't following the set standard just as they would with any other deviation from any breeds agreed standard. I don't care what the other breeds caretakers choose to do or what their standards requires. I also find it amusing reading the comments that The bad sportsmanship against people with a legally docked Rottweiler is at times shameful. I own one of the 1st Rottweilers in NSW to be left with a natural tail and the bull shit I had to listen too, the judges that would look over our head like we were'nt even in the ring and the comments about my x Lab were constant. Once I even had a lady push the puppy away when he was after a pat saying get that tailed thing away from me and no that was not another rottweiler person. That was seven years ago, I continued to show but it was very hard at first. That dog is multi V1 rated, BISS, Multi best in group, Multi RUIS Grand Champion and has his ET Title but more importantly has a wonderful temperament and is a great PR dog. To this day I have still had to listen to, by certain judges, They don't look right with a tail. I had to listen to the crap that rotts with tails have worse hips, bull, I have 3 in my yard at the moment that have been scored 1:3, 1:1 and 1:1 the best scores I've ever had all with natural tails. So I guess any shameful behaviour can go both ways. While the standard says natural the NBT fits in my mind to the standard, the problem is some breed just for the NBT without looking at the rest of the dog, disregarding hip scores, missing teeth and docking undesirable length of tails under the guiese of the bob tail etc which in my mind is doing the breed no favours. I have no control over stopping people from shortening tails, and nor do I want to, they can fight the law all they want. Good on those that fight for what they believe in but remember others have a right to their own beliefs also or rolling over if that the prefered statement Cheers Lee
  19. I have a rottweiler male puppy that had the exact same problem. He would get very car sick so he started not wanting to get in the car so the stress seemed to caused his car sickness to become worse. Once he threw up before we even got to the car. I cleaned him up with little fuss and put him on the front seat with the air conditioning on him and then he travelled fine. He was the only pup in the litter to suffer and I have never had a dog with car sickness before. He is a very relaxed, happy pup in every other situation and it was only the fact that he was getting so sick that he didn't want to go near the car. We show him so make sure we leave plenty of time for him to settle once we get to the show and he recovers quite quickly. I found that if I put an air conditioning vent on him he was better, if it is warm or stuffy he becomes ill, I also found putting him in the car with one of my other dogs who loves the car and gets very excited has been a big help and he will even follow the other dog into the car now because it's fun. One trip to a show I put him on the front seat with the air on and he slept for most of the 2 hour trip and our last trip I put him in the back seat with an older boy and the windows down and he only drooled the littlest bit and was much happier. It seems the more relaxed he is getting the better he is getting or maybe he is growing out of it, he is 19 weeks old now and is travelling much better and we even travel him in the trailer now but he still drools a bit in the trailer if it is warm so on long trips I stop and give him a walk every now and then which helps. I'm sure once she figures out it's fun she won't feel so bad and she'l grow out of it. My friend fed her pup a ginger biscuit from the super market when travelling which she said helped her little one and she has grown out of her car sickness as well Good luck with your lovely girl Cheers Lee
  20. Yep and put it on every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks until the hair has started to grow back and then back to once a month Cheers Lee
  21. Hi Dante A couple of my bitches have become a bit loose when pregnant, probably due to hormonal changes. It has never been a problem and I probably wouldn't worry unless became very runny especially if she is healthy in every other way. My bitches always get looser towards the end of pregnancy, seems their body is cleaning out just before birth. You could try giving her some Protexin liquid which I have found to be excellent, I always keep some in the fridge and have used it on my adults and puppies at some stage. You can even give it to puppies just before the stress of getting needles etc. You can buy it in a pump pack or I get my from my vet who sells it in a glass bottle to me and I use a syringe to administer it straight into the mouth, you don't need much (remember to shake bottle well before use as it separates) Small dogs 1-2mls, Puppies 1ml, under stress 2ml. It has a maintenance dose or a under stress dose but I just use it as I need it. One of my 19 week old boys sometimes gets a funny belly when he travels and doesn't want to eat etc I give him 1 dose and it fixes him up pretty quickly. Cheers Lee
  22. When I first read this post I also thought Pano which we've seen bit in large fast growing pups. Blair Kurtz and Matt at Quakers Hill vet are also very good. Many Greyhound people use them for injuries as they do the ciro/muscle work as well as being vets, so you have the benefit of being able to get the dog checked for anything that is out or injured as well as being able to get xrays, meds etc at the one place if needed. They are also very good with large breeds, I've been very happy with them treating my rottweilers after they were recommended to me from a bull mastiff breeder. I'm not sure about the other vets that work there but can recommend Blair and Matt and their prices have been very reasonable compared to other vets as well. Cheers Lee
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