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Everything posted by Jigsaw

  1. From what I understand the kenneling of a dog, crating, removing toys or not walking the dog is to create a desire in the dog for learning. Making training the most exciting and stimulating part of it's day. Some trainers recommend a quiet time prior to training such as being in the crate or tied up or even in a down stay. I believe it's a method often used for detector dogs as well.
  2. You're doing a great job in teaching Sam and changing her thinking towards how to treat dogs and maybe this will spill over into some other parts of her life too. :D
  3. Love the Doberman doughnut!!! Yum!! That puppy photo is just gorgeous, you can see her thinking "Yes, I am very cute and I would never ever ever destroy anything in your home. I just wouldn't know how".
  4. Positive thoughts and prayers being sent to Porridge!
  5. I'll be there at the next one too with the mad koolie Paxy! See you there!!
  6. No, Paxy can't read! Sorry that's my dog's name!! Love seeing PAX work Chill! MonElite did you come up to one of the training trials in Newcastle? We were next to a Dobe in the stays for CCD maybe that was you??
  7. They're different sides!! And she has darkened up a lot as she's grown up. I think the thing she looks like the most at 8 weeks is a little pig!! But very cute!
  8. 8 week old koolie puppy at about 4 months old
  9. Poor Charlie!! He's so lucky that you are his parents and look after him so well. I'm sure you have your moments but keeping him busy being a dog helps you and him stay on track I'm sure. Fingers crossed that more tests will at last reveal some answers for you and Charlie. And he is just so cute in your avatar picture!!
  10. He was such a fighter for you and his owner. You did all you could for him and his owner was able to spend time with him and say goodbye.
  11. An absolutely awful thing to have happened to David and the guide dogs. Hopefully both he and the dog make a full recovery and able to go for walks in their community safely again. Hope the silly woman gets everything she deserves. Maybe guide dogs should have little cameras on their collars that take photos every few seconds so that when something like this there is a record and prosecution could follow. http://www.dogcamsport.co.uk/Dogcollar.htm
  12. They're working on getting them recognised. They are great dogs and yes they are VERY switched on!
  13. If you see them together it's easier to see the physical differences in them. I think the hardest ones to pick are the solid koolies as they can look very much like a kelpie.
  14. They can turn on the speed can't they!! Some lovely snow shots there. Gorgeous dogs!!!!
  15. Just found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO_YhEzXWqM&NR=1 Now he's pretty good!!! Love the rocking horse ride!!!
  16. Looking forward to seeing which pup you take home and hearing of his adventures with you!
  17. If you add water to cornflour you can make glue! Cornstarch is available as a lubricant in a tube for chafing from Lanacane!!! No help on the grooming side of things though I'm sorry, so my comments really arent' helpful on that side of things.
  18. IG you've done such a wonderful job of looking after Reg and now his owner in this crisis. I'm sending blessings and healing Reg's way. Poor old man. Hoping for good news in the next few hours.
  19. Reverse sneezing video It can be rather disconcerting to watch your dog do this. My toy poodle did it pretty often and as others have said the blowing on their nose usually stopped it. But if he's been in kennels he may have canine cough - a canine version of the common cold basically.
  20. They are both so cute! What a hard decision for you! I think I see mischief on both their faces though perhaps a little less on the one with the white muzzle!!! When do you get to take your pup home??? How do you plan to introduce your other dogs to the new arrival?
  21. Robert Stabler is a vet behaviourist in the Newcastle area. I've sent you a pm Skip.
  22. My toy poodle would eat anything that I ate, probably with the exception of broccoli, that was always picked out and left on the floor!! My current girl (koolie) will not touch any vegetable, she's interested but spits it out, she's a carnivore, it has to have meat for her! I dropped a frozen blueberry on the floor the other day and she grabbed it and I thought maybe I've found it, but no it got spat out again after being rolled around for a few seconds!! She won't eat bread or pasta either!
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