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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. casowner the OP said the pics were in an ad, I assume to sell the pups.
  2. The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. -- Andrew A. Rooney
  3. A dog wags it's tail with it's heart --Martin Buxbaum I saw this quote at my vet surgery this morning.
  4. I'm not usually impressed by him either but you should have listened to what he had to say. That little dog he brought onto the 7pm Project was from a Rescue group. He also commented that people should be aware of where their dogs come from, to make sure they are from reputable sources, not puppy farms, to ensure they were healthy and had been vaccinated.
  5. This is one of my favourite dog dancing clips from youtube Have a look and see if you think it's cruel, I think the dog looks like it's having a ball
  6. Maybe Chris Brown has been taking note of messages left on the channel ten forums. He just appeared on The 7pm Project talking about parvo. He brought in a young pup which was from RESCUE but had already found a home AND he said you should be aware of where your puppy comes from, not a puppy farm but from a reputable source to ensure it was vaccinated and healthy
  7. It works now and was worth the wait. A truely inspirational man
  8. My heart aches at the thought of your loss Jed I've just cuddled my doggies and cried for the ones you lost Keep getting better Jed
  9. Does anyone know if the Pet Fur Eliminator is any good? I am soooo tempted but am worried it will cut the topcoat of my cavaliers.
  10. My son got all choked up after he saw the ad featuring Gracie. He knows that dogs end up in the pound and some are PTS but he had never seen it before and it was very confronting for him to see her shivering behind the wire on the TV.
  11. I agree with all that LuvMyCav has said. Anyone who watched that interview, learning that you continued to run back into that house to save as many of your beloved dogs as possible, knows exactly what you are Jed. BRAVE. LOVING. CARING....totally devoted to your dogs. Keep getting better, day by day
  12. The Wizard of Dogz They did an excellent job casting the Wicked Witch
  13. Yesterday my nephew couldn't wait to tell me all about "the brave lady he'd seen on TV last night". The story caught his attention because they showed footage of cavaliers. He told me "She ran into the fire and saved lots of Holly Dogs". (My blenheim cav is named Holly therefore, to my nephew, ALL blen cavs are 'Holly dogs' )
  14. It is there persephone, it's the fourth story down on the right hand side "Dog saviour burnt in fire..."
  15. Oh, I do like the photo of the dally he chose
  16. It does look like she just wants to please her Mum. Yes, a very good girl
  17. Thanks for posting this info. I got some of the $3 ones from Coles this morning, such great value!!
  18. I agree, the photos of Dante are very striking. I also can't believe some of the photos entered, half pug / half JRT eta when he specifically asked for purebreeds
  19. Thanks for all the updates Toohey Yoohoo Hi Jed, great to hear you are able to read DOL again
  20. My previous kerry would sit to 'suigh síos, tú bastart', which is Irish for 'sit down, you bastard'.
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