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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss Jed. Run free at the Bridge Poppy
  2. I'm so sorry Griff RIP Sinna
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss. RIP Nitro
  4. RIP Spice I'm very sorry for your loss Kadbury
  5. I'm so sorry RIP Roggie
  6. It's good he went peacefully whilst in your mums arms. RIP Snoopy
  7. Mine have never choked but Holly used to swallow the necks whole and then bring them back up She even did it with a wing once. Choking was a real concern for me. I stopped feeding her the necks and wings for a while and have begun to give wings again recently without any problems. I tried freezing 2 necks together and giving them to her while still frozen and she didn't have a problem with them then as they were too big to swallow whole, but they could break apart as they defrost so I'm wary of doing that. Milo has never had a problem as he is a good chewer. I feed lamb bones (I think they are called flaps, they look like lots of ribs connected with fat and meat) and lamb shanks. Also chicken frames which they love. I want to try her on lamb necks but the butcher is always out of them
  8. I use Interceptor Spectrum for both my cavs Kyla
  9. RIP beautiful little soul I fell in love with this little boy when I saw the photo of 'porridge face' in the breeders forum. I'm so sorry he has passed
  10. RIP Sophie Thinking of you at this heart breaking time cavNrott.
  11. Run Free Little Charlotte I'm so sorry for your sad loss pappylove
  12. So sorry for your loss Silverblue RIP Baby Lucy
  13. RIP Milly :D Thinking of you at this sad time chooka
  14. ~Harminee~, :cool: thank you, thank you, thank you. I love it soooo much. You're a star :p :p
  15. Just one more of Milo, sorry Not sure if any of these are suitable but would appreciate it greatly if anything could be made from any of these Thanks.
  16. This is Holly and the tri coloured pup is Milo.
  17. Sorry, have to load 1 at a time 'cause of size
  18. Hi, I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to make me a signature I'll post some photos but I'm not sure if they are correct size
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