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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. That is beautiful Is that you singing atua? Whoever it is, she is very talented.
  2. OMG are you joking, she's getting another dog? When I read it this morning she was thinking about going to buy a rabbit today
  3. My photography skills (or rather lack of ) leave a lot to be desired but here are my attempts..... Christmas decorations lined up ready to be packed away for another year.
  4. OMG What a little cutie!!
  5. Stella looks like she was a beautiful girl I'm sure she wouldn't want you to be feeling guilty, just remember all the good times you spent with her
  6. If people are paying $3000 for them, I'd expect them to sh*t silver. eta .......and that's a poo patrol I'd gladly do everyday
  7. Sending healing vibes to Grover, I hope he pulls through OK
  8. run free Big Bad Bruce :D for you and your mum and dad Tash
  9. Sorry for your loss Mrs T RIP Barney
  10. I've seen a man in a wheelchair walking his neo along a road I travel on into town. The first time I saw them, I wondered if he could possibly have the dog under 'effective control' but each time I have seen them, the dog is walking calmly on loose lead, just strolling along beside master's wheelchair
  11. Oh persephone, this made me bawl like a baby Rest easy with your babes Dulcie
  12. HollyMilo


    ;) run free, forever young little Ace
  13. I have been wondering if the RSPCA would have already contacted DogsNSW to let them know that a breeder registered with them was under investigation? edit to add a word
  14. She's already suspended ETA her DOL profile listing is now suspended.
  15. I'm so sorry I♥Bindi~Boo all you can do now is love and enjoy little Georgea.
  16. Georgea looks like a real little darling I hope she lives a long happy life with you and your family I♥BB
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