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Everything posted by HollyMilo

  1. I'm not sure that's a 'game' you should be allowing her to play. If you feel you can't feed them separately then you will have to supervise so your little puglet doesn't steal the other food.
  2. What a lovely story Jed Chi is a very lucky little girl to have ended up in your pack.
  3. I've had a look at the shows website and you can look through archives, read story transcripts and watch the video footage. Last nights is up there already this morning, so you should be able to watch the story that way when you have time. LINKY
  4. How do you figure that? From what RL has told us, his dog was in it's own yard, contained by a fence. The neighbours dog somehow got it's leg under the fence and RL's dog had hold of the leg. If your dogs are on your own property what more can you do? It is up to the neighbour to keep their dog (and it's legs) inside their own yard.
  5. Your beautiful tribute to Lucky has brought tears to my eyes He certainly was lucky to have lived out his days with an owner who cared so deeply for him. Hugs to you RIP Lucky
  6. I've been a lurker in this thread but I just had to add this photo I took yesterday. My daughter holding her brand new cousin Amira, she's only 3 and a half hours old LOVE
  7. RIP Misty So sorry for your loss Silverblue
  8. Hmmmm maybe a scam, I found another ad this morning for a 4mth old female cav on main papers for sale, no mention of swapping for a kitten though. They were in Yass as well.
  9. I think that's the ad I saw, they are wanting a female cav on main reg, will swap for a kitten.
  10. I spaniels Milo Holly Milo again Holly again
  11. I saw these in the kmart catalogue and thought how much better these 'puppies' were, coming with a pet carrier, as opposed to the ones that were popular last year where the puppy came inside a little handbag, Paris Hilton style.
  12. The mother said she blames herself. So she should and the father should as well. Neither of them ended up getting bitten - their kid did. They didn't get PTS because of their mistake - the poor dog did. The stupid bloody newspaper should have run a story informing people about the dangers of leaving children unsupervised with dogs, not warning people against taking in adult dogs :D
  13. Just tell the paper what has happened to your sisters dog and all the other dogs that have gone missing in the area. They may do an article warning other dog owners to be careful and make sure they keep their animals safe. I suppose it could also possibly prod someone who has some information about the missing dogs into coming forward to tell what they know :D Our local paper ran a story back in November about a pair of Staffys that went missing in my area, the dogs were found in a horrific state, one needing to be PTS but the treating vet didn't mention dog fights :D he thinks it was a very sick individual who abused those poor family pets
  14. Awful - but horrendous that this is being brandished on the web with "warning against taking in older dogs'. The parents should be blaming themselves! They left a 4yr old and a 6yr old alone with an unfamiliar dog that they'd had for less than an hour, that is what the story should have focused on - children need to be supervised with dogs.
  15. RIP sweet puppies I am constantly stunned and repulsed by the acts of some humans. Who's the animal?
  16. RIP Abbey What a wonderful long innings she had
  17. I currently have a Holly and used to have a Lois and a Walta
  18. Oh my Gawd Thanks for leaving the pic small Robbi. I don't think there would be enough brain bleach in the world to erase that image if it were any larger
  19. Happy Birthday Poodlefan and Happy Birthday to you too Kendall
  20. Rest In Peace Flash I'm so sorry for your loss
  21. I haven't been taking a photo a day but took a few at the beach today I think the crab is smiling for the camera
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