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Everything posted by Jaxx'sBuddy

  1. Kavik, that would have to be my biggest criticism as well. If an org wants to follow an agenda then that's the org's business and privilege to do so (although should still stand for comment if/when compared to another). I've heard on more than one occasion from more than one or two or three people that they have been denied the right to even discuss these things. It's not the only organisation that does that either. There is another well known dog org who has told me on an occasion that I must not talk about PPCollars. thank you Kavik, that is what i was trying to say...it is the absence of critique that i object to.
  2. thank you Erny. I am more upset that people could be "turned off" training their dog if they had an experience such as mine. fortunately years ago when i had a GSD i attended an obedience club so after my experience i went to the local obedience club which worked out well for my dog and she responded really well to this training method. it is hard enough to get people to be responsible dog owners. if they do go down the path of formal training and then get told that there is only one training method (insert favoured method here) and that one doesnt work with their dog ...where does that leave them? we need to tailor training to how a dog (and its owner) learns because as a society want dogs to be well behaved and owners to feel confident in the training received. if we really do have the best interest of the dog coming first then it would be great of trainers could suggets to dog owners that another method of training may work better for their dog....one can dream!!
  3. i take your points on board about not all trainers are the same and thatb they bring their previous experience to the table BUT i am joe public and how was i to know it wasnt a franchise? why are people so sensitive? it is like asking if you vote labor or liberal or if you are protestant or catholic....it sseems to be belief based not analytically based. i will defend myself when someone doesnt like it when i say I had a bad experience. I researched the training thoroughly before i went and my dog is reasonably food motivated but i wasnt delivered what it said on the box....in other words what i was told did not match up with what happened. sorry if people dont like this but it was my experience.
  4. when she licks say ah ah then say no lick....then when she is sitting nicely not licking say good girl, no lick and give her a pat or tummy rub.,..this worked for my constant licker!!
  5. i beg to differ. Delta is a brand just like any other brand or franchise. if i go into a macdonalds and have bad food then it is reasonable that i think all maccas are bad because the franchisees have been trained the same. the same for de;ta trainers...they have all gone through the same training so they should all have the same methods, otherwise what id the point in the training and the certificate? you cant have it both ways, i had a bad experience with a delta trainer so i now think the training program produces trainers that i wouldnt use again...this applies to all delta trainers....if i had a good experience then i am sure you would have benefited from my positive experience....
  6. given my experience with a delta dog trainer at a training course for the dog i would stay away from this course as i found the trainer did not seem to know what to do with a dog that wasnt food motivated...
  7. i second all posts re the anzac highway vet...i have had more bad experiences there than good and i avoid them at all costs
  8. I don't know the entire reason behind it but some dogs seem to be okay and others react to only a slight amount of it. Zero scarfed down 3/4 of a block one night that my step father left on a table when I was sick and in bed - he was completely fine. Not even an upset stomach (and since he slept on my bed that night, I would have known if he had been having problems!). That being said, I know a dog who had 2 pieces she stole off one of my friend's children. Moira started fitting and was at the vet for nearly a week (the vomiting caused her to become dehydrated which led to other problems). Zero weighs in at about 26.5kgs and Moira is only little (an Aussie Terrier) so that probably helped in Zero's case! wow that is amazing. i wonder if there is some sort of test that can be done to show whether a dog is sensitive to chocolate...i would get the test done on my dog because if they eat chocolate it can be so serious.
  9. is it possible that some dogs dont have a problem with chocolate? before i knew any better i had a gsd that ate a 1 kilo block of chocolate with no ill effects so i think very lucky but it confuses me why there were no effects with her but other dogs seem to get very ill edited to say forgot to say for the puppy and i hope it gets better quick smart and is one of the dogs that doesnt get too ill with chocolate!!
  10. The Delta trainer in this area won't deal with dogs that show any aggression (dog or human). She sends them to another (non-Delta) trainer. yep it was a delta trainer i went to...never again.
  11. i totally agree with this. the training method i use depends on the dog and what works for the dog and i must keep an open mind if the dog and i are going to be successful.
  12. sounds like the one i went to and i left i was not impressed
  13. i wouldnt use human toothpaste i have special dog toothpaste that i use on her and she loves the taste of it
  14. i have a small dog and everyone discusses how well behaved she is. I am the pack leader, she knows it and is a beautiful tempered dog. she barks if someone knocks at the door but stops when i tell her to. she has never shown and aggression because that is not accepted behaviour in this house. so the problem i have is why do most peopl expect small dogs to be badly behaved? I have had large dogs and i can assure you all my small dog has the same rules and boundaries as the GSD's and labs. it is one of my pet peeves that small dogs are allowed to be badly behaved, there is no need for this at all. I think people with small dogs that are badly behaved are taking the easy way out by saying it doesnt matter...it does...we want all dogs to be good community citizens because that helps all dogs big and small. BTW, my small dog is very happy and confident so rules and boundaries hasnt harmed her one bit.
  15. i have a boston and i despair because i have just started to love this breed. i agree this is going very badly. what would it cost for everyone to support this even if they dodnt really think it was going to happen...nothing would be lost doing this and a lot could be gained.
  16. totally agree. i have always done this with my dogs. in fact my dogs will sit and take pills like a treat because i have always made it something the just do.. no fuss, here is your pill, do you want to eat it?...no?....ok then, open up, pill down throat. now i open the mouth and put the pill down the side of the throat NOT the middle. doesnt seem to bother the dogs as much doing it this way and its easier to do because they cant use their tongue to push it up/out
  17. Try keeping up, I said I was an instructor can't for the life of me see how that makes a difference. If someone lies on an open forum are you saying an instructor or committee person doesn't have the right to speak out. So let me get this straight no one else on this forum is a trainer or committee person. Sorry I didn't realise this forum was for handlers only. wow you are starting to get very snippy and rude to people who have been here for some time. i think you may need to rethink your approach to this subject because you may not win over the hearts and minds of forum members with your current tone. it seems that it is important for you to get your point accross so the above is simply trying to assist. however, my observation is that you have not once said that this may warrant investigation which makes it look like it is a closed shop where complaints are not listened to. now i find that sad ;) edited to say i really want to know what club this is because i want to make sure i never go near it. ms faye you are behaving in a very unprofessional way and having personal attacks at ms squish makes it look like she is right and you are wrong. not once has she attacked you personally, in fact she has shown remarkable restraint
  18. Jaxx'sBuddy


    In reply to you, I quote jdavis' well-put post: KKDD -If you are goin to support PETA, perhaps you should re-think your membership of a puerbred dog forum. I know many members here are people who merely own & love dogs, be they purebred or "mutts", but many of us are people who breed and/or show dogs, PAY to belong to DOL and find comments such as yours extremely offensive. Speaking of extremists who go off half-cocked... Im not sure where I have stated support for PETA, I smply commented that Iv not seen any evidence to support the extreme anti-PETA position of many DOLers which is quite often expressed in (ironically) violent terms. The thread started with a post about PETA poisoning dog's water, with no factual material to back it up. Other claims Iv read on DOL about what PETA does or wants to do, appear to be long and apocalyptic assumptions drawn selectively from published material, although I agree there is some stuff they appear to advocate that most of us would disagree with. But the material that has been posted in reponse to my post doesnt justify the extremeness of veiws and statements I see expressed on DOL. And now its being suggested that I should leave DOL? You crack me up. Glad to provide some amusement, but I stand by my assertion that THIS IS A PUREBREEED DOGS FORUM, people like me PAY for our DOL membership and don't take kindly to people supporting organisations who actively campaign against breeders! i agree. if we are on this forum then there is a fundemental acceptance that we agree with dog breeding and therefore dog breeders. I for one want and need you al...otherwise how where would i get my pedigreed/pure bred dogs?
  19. Does anyone else find this annoying "I can't be bothered actually READING the 16 pages on this topic, but I'll throw in my 2 cents' worth anyway" HAD you read the 16 pages, you would know that the OP has gone to considerable trouble & expense to contain his dogs, wheras his neighbours seem to have done nothing. not only do i find it annoying i also find it rude, lazy and arrogant...i prefer people to keep uninformed opinions to themselves, especially if it is easy for them to become informed...you know, like reading all the posts
  20. What a horrid puppy preschool!! NOBODY should be failed at puppy school...these are babies!!! They aren't supposed to be perfect....It's like grading a three year old kids finger painting & then making them stay back a year!!! There's always something positive to be noted about a puppy or owners achievements, even in the most challenging pups. An attendance certificate is just that....to show you attended, not how "good" or "bad" you were....you should have got one like everyone else i agree but my puppy failed a positive training puppy course basically cause the trainer didnt know how to deal with a dog that was not food driven and was excitable. it really put me off positive training and i still have a negative view of it because of this trainer That's such a shame...I'm sorry you had such a bad experience I use reward based training wiht puppies, and even with the "excitable" puppies, once we cracked what the motivation was for these babies, they came on in leaps & bounds. For some of them, play is the reward.....seems this instructor lacked both dog & people skills yes i was so disappointed and it was really expensive too. i worked out she has a strong prey drive but the silly instructor told me to keep shoving food in her mouth...i left cause the dog was so confused.
  21. What a horrid puppy preschool!! NOBODY should be failed at puppy school...these are babies!!! They aren't supposed to be perfect....It's like grading a three year old kids finger painting & then making them stay back a year!!! There's always something positive to be noted about a puppy or owners achievements, even in the most challenging pups. An attendance certificate is just that....to show you attended, not how "good" or "bad" you were....you should have got one like everyone else i agree but my puppy failed a positive training puppy course basically cause the trainer didnt know how to deal with a dog that was not food driven and was excitable. it really put me off positive training and i still have a negative view of it because of this trainer
  22. or my dog who used to be given a basket and a note in the basket then sent down to the shops to get bread and milk...........and never once did he go for a ong walk nor ever eat or loose the basket contents.
  23. ignore the crying forever!!!! do not go out until he is quiet then praise him. if you go out when he cries then in his mind the cryiong did the job and brought you out so he will keep doing it cause it worked.
  24. if they are digging they could be after lawn beetles. i think some new bug has moved in and they are trying to catch it.
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