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Will be moving from Darwin to Dubbo in the new year. Are there any DOLers in Dubbo? What about dog obedience clubs? Pippa and I been attending positive training classes out a Fred's Pass but want to keep going with a view to doing agility trials.
do the same I will try this. Pippa is like the girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead.... When she is good she is very very good and when she is bad, she drives me nuts.
I did try yipping, it worked for a while, now she thinks it's a game. (sigh)
Thanks, Dog Sense. That article was great. A really creative way to solve the problem. I haz flava and Miranda, I tried to shaking - no change. Tried shaking and eyballing - no change. Tried roll over until she relaxed. Made a difference but only for a little while. I don't remember having this problem with my previous GSD. Tried distracting her from my feet when working in the garden. Not much progress. She understands gentle really well. Today I sat on the floor with her - my feet tucked under - and I praised her and played with her ruff and ears constantly saying 'gentle' and that worked. Have also just purchased pigs ears for her to chew on - right now she's enjoying one. Thanks everyone for your input.
Thanks StaceyB and Leema and for those links, Persephone. I've had a thorough read and will print everyones's comments out and work out a consistent plan of attack, so to speak.
Steve, thanks for this thread. My German Seheperd dog puppy is really trying to establish herself as leader. How do I stop her biting? I've started isolating her when she bites. She's non biting when I get her from the pen after about 20 mins but then when I put her on the lead she sits and won't come with me. Rather than pull her I put her straight back into the pen. Am I doing the right thing?
My 14 week old German Shepherd puppy has started to bite. Hands, feet, shoes. When I stop her she just thinks it's a game. I distract her with a toy and as soon as the game is over she's biting again Does she consider the distraction to be a reward for her biting? I end up confining her in the garden This is really frustrating because she is normally such a lovely companion. We don't play tugging games and have never encouraged mouthing or biting.
Thanks Helen.