Thankyou ALL SOOOOO much for your advice. I don't feel so despondent now. He is on a lead, and I have just been getting him to take about 20 steps in the front yard, up one way then back the other way. He does weight bear on it and tries to use it up and down a few stairs, it's that he if wants to get anywhere quick he motors along on 3 legs, the I correct him verbally, then he takes a few steps on four legs.
It also crossed my mind of it being a mental issue and a lack of confidence thing. i asked the vet, if it the nylon is irritating him, will the body adjust in time to it, he said yes. Do any of you agree or disagree to this ??? I really DO NOT want him to take the nylon back out, as there will be no support and his trialing career will be finished.
Thankyou agian for all your responses, PLEASE keep them coming.