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Everything posted by GenPareto

  1. Thanks all ! I did go home in taxi from the city, cost me my arm and leg, only to found out the gate was closed !!!!!!!!!! So I ended up working at home that day....
  2. Anyone knows how to search a telephone number by address ? I am at work and just realised I forgot to lock the gate and the dogs can come out to the front yard and street ! I am in Cherrybrook Sydney...anyone who could help ? If I can call my neighbour (need to search for their numbers) that would be great help !!!
  3. Yeah that's the food I have been feeding my GSD too. She seems to do quite well.
  4. My GSD has the same skin problem about a year ago too since she was 15 weeks. It lasted for about 4 months and she is ok now. During the 4 months we have tried the following: 1. Antibiotic from Vet - Works instantly but eczema comes back after antibiotic runs out. 2. Vet later advised us to try a list of antihistame one by one for a couple of days, and then stick to one that works for as long as the eczema remains - this strategy appeared to have work because after awhile the eczema disappears with one anti-histame. Unfortunately I forgot the name for that, but if u ask the vet (mine is castle hill veterinary ) there should be a list available. 3. Put Sardine into the diet, raw or canned. This advice comes from my violin teacher who have a collie with similar skin problem, and was advised by a dog dermatologist. I have no way of saying whether 2 or 3 works independently, or jointly, or just one of them works. But the end result is my GSD doesn't have rashes anymore. Hope this help.
  5. While on this topic, is it ok to feed my dog the whole chicken (ie. the pack from the supermarket) ? I was told drumstick bone will damage their intestine and throat, so does it mean I have to take away the drumstick before giving it to them ?
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