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Everything posted by redkidsmum

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ..bit cute My girl might not have the Jersey udder yet but man she has the floppiest fanny... a cow would be proud of it wobbles when she walks...don't cough girl ..puppies may fall out
  2. Sorry to hear of the loss of your baby girl Hope all the other beautiful babies are doing well Thought my girl was starting last night ..lots of panting ..got out of bed & double checked all whelping supplies etc....but she was just feeling the heat ..hot when there are buns in the oven
  3. Register them with a explanation. Fine is usually a slap on the wrist first time. $300 next time. Thanks for that ..information i was not aware of regarding fine ..got slapped on wrist once as I was less than a week out in my breeding schedule..two litters in 18mths
  4. Ok even if you are a great breeder ..sometimes a unplanned pregnancy can occur ..bitch has already had her litters allowed in the time frame allowed ..what do breeders do with the resulting pups that cannot be registered ??
  5. Congratulations ..bad luck you did not get the little parti girl you so wanted ..but healthy babies is all we really want...has not been a easy month so far with our girls !!! baby loses & mums in trouble have been bad My girl still thinks she is a pup ..no stopping her running on her walk yet... Eating for 3 or 4 .. :laugh:hahha
  6. Congratulations ..sorry about the baby who did not make it Daytime delivery ..what a clever and considerate girl you have
  7. All the best Partipaws ..looking forward to hearing great news soon..puppy breath !!
  8. That is wonderful news & certainly cooler this time for dam & puppies ...here's hoping for a safe delivery of 8 beautiful puppies
  9. Things are looking a bit quiet in our July thread ..thought I would post a photo of my fatso ..she looks more like a mini than a toy at the moment less than a week to go for her now
  10. One of my friends had this happen a few months ago with her poodle . Dam aborted a dead pup then went on to deliver three healthy pups over a week later ..Her vet said they would all be dead but no ..miracles do happen
  11. Awww Natz So sorry to hear the bad news ..Poor little early angels . : is Mum the girl that had the bad anal gland ?? I hope your other girl continues to keep well ..
  12. Natz ..so sorry to hear your terrible news .. .I hope the remaining pups go full term. Only a short while ago the same thing happened with one of my friends ..Dam went on to deliver 3 healthy pups 10 days later ...everybody were truly amazed including vet .... Dreadful start to our July thread
  13. My OH and I eventually ran out of room on the bed ..so we built them a doggie dorm..fans ..aircon..heated pad if cold ...radio ..baby monitor ..my friends all laugh..they are waiting for the plasma screen.. then say they will move in there themselves. We still have several that sleep with us plus any girl on season or getting due to whelp
  14. Aw Je2910..I am just so sorry to hear your terrible news ..what a dreadful thing to happen to your poor girl ..my heart goes out to you ..poor little babies
  15. Am I correct in saying that if you get a dog de-barked and you are in victoria (once you've jumped through all the hurdles), you cant show it? I have no idea how all the breeders in Vic with 'talkative' breeds cope. No you can show it if you have jumped through all of the hoops. But even if you try to dodge it and cut across a border where regs are not as tough - if the dog has ever lived in Victoria before the op you cant show it. How would the judges know if the dog was debarked ???
  16. But why shouldn't it be a first resort? Why is it O.K. to desex before you do everything else in your power to stop unwanted matings and wandering etc but not O.K. to have their voice lowered if its driving you nuts? Seriously do you know how many people will go to the extremes of what is needed to do to get permission to do the voice lowering before they simply say we cant stand it and send it to the pound? You assume people love their pets as if they are children and will do anything they can to find the answer regardless of what the consequences are along the way and thats just not true. If I have a barking dog why shouldn't I be able to simply say Id like its voice lowered before it becomes a problem ? Its a minor op with few risks and no negative side effects - what's the problem? Steve I am so with you ..I have just had one girl done that was driving my husband ,Neigbours & myself to distraction ..set the rest of my little pack off ..was always yelling at them all ..even our parrot learnt to yell out "Be Quiet " "Stop it " ..NOW PEACE REIGNS ..she still has a small sexy woof ..ahhh
  17. My girl is like this aswell, last time i had to sit in the box with her all day with her sitting in my lap (imagine an amstaff here, but this isn't unusual for my sookie girl), she wouldn't let me leave, after she finally whelped the bean bag just outside the box was my makeshift bed lol Looking just a tad pregnant here at around 40 days. Had a good laugh imagining you sitting with such a big girl on your lap having pups bit bigger than my toy poodles
  18. Oooh thats sounds nasty ..is this common with your breed ?? Luckily I have never had any anal gland problem ever .".touches wood" My Tameeka is getting very very sooky ..can't sit down without her wanting the lap cuddle Can always imagine one day one of my girls will whelp right in my lap My girl who is due soon would not whelp till I got in the whelping box with her last time! She was buggered by pup 5 and was literally in my lap for the last couple!! Lucky I'm not too bothered by the mess, and luckily it was a night time whelping and my young-uns were asleep. Natz, hope your girl gets better soon. So far have not had a baby quite in my lap ..we whelp on the spare bed..they lean against me for comfort ..yes among the mess ...I do the full on help with the pups . Mums are happy to go into whelping box when it is all over ..I stay to sleep out with them for at least a week
  19. I personally think it is the best thing since sliced bread ..haa I would not hurt my babies for all the money in the world but to have a dog quietened down is far better than yelling at it for the next 10 years or so and upsetting all the others who think they are in trouble also ..usually they are because one barker can set all the others off !!! Was considering moving to middle of now where just so they would not upset neighbours ..now all great
  20. Oooh thats sounds nasty ..is this common with your breed ?? Luckily I have never had any anal gland problem ever .".touches wood" My Tameeka is getting very very sooky ..can't sit down without her wanting the lap cuddle Can always imagine one day one of my girls will whelp right in my lap
  21. Not sure this is of any help. Did they check for Tonsillitis also, I had a boy (Rottweiler) with Tonsillitis and he had a smell from his nose and his thoat seemed to close up when excited/hot etc, AB didn't really work so we had the tonsils out after trying everything else and he hasn't had a problem since, I did also change his food to a sensitive skin and stomach and left him on it, along with raw as he does really well on it. When you opened his mouth wide and looked down his throat you could see a whitish kind of mucus. At the time he didn't seem to act sick in any other way but when they were out you could tell the difference he was much brighter. He recovered really quickly and didn't go off his food at all. I didn't even know they got tonsillitis, I felt like i had a 5 year old child, but our vet said they see it a bit but most often in shelties. Another thing that can cause a smell is the Adenoids but I am told they don't normally remove these in dogs as it is a much harder operation. Good luck with your girl Cheers Lee Thanks Lee ..Had asked the vet about removing her tonsils as on the first examination while asleep had said sinus & tonsils inflamed ..Vet said tonsils would only be secondary infection & needed to get sinus infection sorted out ??
  22. No discharge or ear infection..is totally happy & well when she is not sneezing ..nose must be painful at times as she rubs it against things or paws at it ..am going to check with vet if Sinonasal Aspergillosis has been ruled out with nasal swab ..has been mentioned to me by DOLer in heath section where I also posted ..If no improvement soon will take her to Townsville Vet Uni for more checks
  23. That is exactly how I feel about my Kandy ..I thought my heart would break when she left for the Rainbow bridge .. ;) Have a whole little pack of furkids now ..love them all dearly..several I adore .. but they are not my baby girl
  24. Thank you for this information ..will check tomorrow to see if the nasal swab she had done ruled out the aspergillis infection ..we live in a tropical area and fungas grows well here ?? She is having another exploritory done tomorrow while she is sedated for another procedure
  25. Thank you for your fast reply Anne..I suspect the same..the vet does not have a fine enough instrument to check high enough ..she is only small ..Did the Uni remove the grass seed or did it just break up eventually ??
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