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Everything posted by Laika
BTW any luck with the chip number and details I have sent you?
we have always been available to take in a rescue from pretty much anywhere in the Country. Just have to let us know where they are! How long has there been a breed rescue for Keeshonds? I've taken a few out over the last couple of years and have never had the offer for a breeder to take one on themselves before. I've had dealings with some nice breeders who would refer people but no one has put up their hand to actually take a dog in need. Great things have changed :-)
I've emptied my inbox - haven't been on the site for a while so hopefully all should be ok with it now - I must say though the new format takes a bit of getting used to!
Hi Cheri - tried to email you but email came back - copied and pasted your email addy so not sure what went wrong - will send you a PM with details
Thanks Cheri - will email you :-)
ATTENTION - KEESHOND BREEDERS There is a male keeshond in at Blacktown Pound. Is microchipped - DOB 6 Dec 1999 (from memory) - his name is on microchip as Bfd - any ideas of who could have bred this boy. He looks lovely. There is a video of him in the rescue forum. I also have his chip number if anyone would like to confirm. He is also looking for a foster or forever home. I am down to take him out but it is only a temporary situation as he was past his due date and could have been euthanised. Please PM me rather than posting as I don't check posts much these days. Would like to let his breeder know if possible that he is in there :-( Thank you
Jaybeece - you must be devastated. And like the others tears running down my face. What beautiful memories of your beloved cats. I am sure they will be with in spirit and as you say be forever a part of you. Take care and big hugs xxx
Second that ... dickheads! The dog deserved much better than his potential new family and deserved to have a life. If people keep breeding endlessly there will always be too many animals and not enough homes. Although he didn't get rescue it definitely looks like he has touched your heart. So at least someone loved him at the end. I know rescuing you often feel like you can't do enough but then we have to look at the ones we save and know we made a difference to them :-)
I saw this little boy near the office when I was there last week. What a stunner! Poor little darling ... he looked so sweet. At least he found you and the vet! So glad to read the last few posts saying he is getting a bit better.
Oh I am so so sorry for you. Please whatever you do don't bash yourself up about it. You can only make decisions based upon what you see at the time and animals often have a very good way of masking certain health problems. If the vet or vet nurses thought it was something major then they would have notified you before you had gone but clearly the symptoms were not that obvious. I took a little 6 week old kitten to the vet Thursday week ago. She had gone off her food the day before but mid-afternoon came over after I gave her some a/d to tempt her. She had eaten a little bit but thought I would take her to the vet for advice and a general checkover. The vet said what I had been doing was right but she would give her some fluids. My daughter and I grabbed something to eat on the way home and then once home got some more food out for her too force feed her to make sure she had eaten something. When I got the kitten out of the crate she had gone all floppy and was dying. I immediately called the vet and went straight up but she was on her way out so was PTS. The vet was just shaking her head too. I was just so upset as she was the most gorgeous little silver tabby with the biggest eyes. Just goes to show how quickly they go downhill and many times we just don't know why. I know your girl was older but how would you have been able to tell? I am sure she wasn't that bad otherwise you would have waited at the vet or the staff would have noticed something when you dropped her off. You gave her the best chance she had to life when no one else was there for her. At least she got to experience love in her life even though it was short. Big hugs ... I know it must be hard x
I don't give my dogs food treats as a reward so haven't taken dog treats into the park. There is a cafe where I used to go walking but don't now but I know they serve things for dogs and give treats. It can cause problems if dogs are food aggressive so I don't think it is a good idea to be serving food or drinks up like that anyhow. Just my personal opinion. I would be expecting if you took treats down and dogs knew about them then of course the food orientated dogs would be there with bells and whistles on. I find dog parks can be good but the opposite can also apply. I used to go to a good one in Leichhardt/Haberfield in Sydney. Then they put a cafe in there called Cafe Bones and it became a nightmare after that. Sometimes I've counted over 60 dogs in there but that was a while ago. Before the cafe you could peacefully walk your dogs and generally people had them under control. Or at least had some dog sense to know when to put them on leads. Then came the cafe and then more and more people came including some with absolutely no idea on how to read a dog's body language. Many a time I had to tell someone would they mind putting their aggressive dog on the lead. I've heard a couple of dogs have died down there because of an attack and some have been seriously injured. Generally I think they are a good idea but just the sheer volumes of people walking their dogs in one place I suppose it is only a matter of time before things can go wrong. But unfortunately more and more people are moving into Sydney so I can imagine places like these will only get more crowded year after year and therefore result in more problems.
I use Sydney Animal Hospitals at Stanmore and if you see the more senior vets there they are excellent. I do a lot of rescue work so in and out of there quite often. And sometimes with rescue cases you get some unusual things crop up. There is also Tanya Carter at Haberfield Veterinary Clinic. Excellent vet that has had the practice for many years. I have used her for many years with my own animals. I've used Sydney Uni years ago and didn't go back again as the vet was so rude. However last year I had a kitten that saw a specialist in there and she was excellent. Not sure where in the inner west you are but I also see an excellent vet at Bankstown Veterinary Practice. A friend even drives all the way from Wollongong to see her. PM me if you want any more details. Sometimes I think it is a matter of trial and error and finding out which vet suits you.
I know Kristine is a physio rather than chiro but would try giving her a go. She is a human physio and then did a masters in animal physiotheraphy. So well qualified. Here are her details - CANINE PHYSIO CENTRE Leichhardt - Sydney Run by Kristine Edwards of Animals Great & Small Physiotherapy Mobile: 0408-229-341.
I do a lot of rescue work with cats and kittens and ringworm is just part of the course. I first panicked when I got my first case now I just go "oh yes here we go again". The vet misdiagnosed it and then I ended up with a spot. I just used Lamisil once a day spray and it was gone in no time. It is the only time I have caught it in the 2 years I have been doing rescue and my 5 year old has never caught it. Pain in the butt to get rid of but with new drugs and sprays on the market it certainly makes it easier to get rid than it used to. I treat everything coming in as a possible carrier until after a quarantine period and even then it can develop after the supposed incubation period. Personally if you have only come in contact with the animal once I wouldn't be too worried about it. Half the time I am more worried about the drugs and chemicals we use to get rid of the ringworm!
I have tried this product on my foster cats and after trialling one bag seems fine. I normally feed IAMS or Royal Canin. It will be interesting to trial another couple of bags to see how they go. I find it a bit odd though that on the packaging there are no details of who manufactured the product. What would happen if there were problems with the food - who do people go to and who is liable? Eg - the Orijen situation.
So what model camera do you have? I will do some research and get back to you. I love these long lenses!
Hi Ruthless - how old is the lense and how come you are selling it? I've got a new 40D but have an old 100-300 lense and although they are compatible it is not a brilliant combination - sort of a bit slow. The lense I have worked with my old film 620 EOS which I bought in 1988! Which I think still takes better photos than the new digital lol. Anyhow if you could let me know if it is the current model etc will look into it as I was thinking of upgrading anyhow. Nothing worse than trying to get action shots (including horse shots) and everything is a bit slow lol. Thanks :-)
Rachel - just read the sad news :-( So very sorry for your loss. These keeshonds leave a very special place in your heart don't they. I am sure he will not be forgotten! Having looked at your website a few times at the many lovely dogs you have and have breed he was certainly one of my favourites. RIP little Darcy.
Dear Anna ... so sorry for your loss. At least she was in a nice comfy warm place at the end. I am sure there will be many happy memories to remember her by. RIP little Miss Powerlegs.
If it is ringworm I would have thought it might have spread to other parts of the animal as well. You could try using Malaseb shampoo once a week and then when dry apply canestan as per the instructions.
I've got a Canon camera too and do have the Zoombrowser software here somewhere. However I bought a card reader and now never use Zoombrowser. I bought my Canon in 2000 so it is quite old and the software never seemed to just work on installation - there was always some problem. And that was even after my techo friends tried to get it working too. I think you should be able to download your photos via Windows as well. The card readers are about $20 from memory and so much easier than plugging in your camera etc. Let me know if you get stuck and I will have a better look at how my system is set up.
I live in Sydney and know vet costs differ dramatically. Always shop around until you are happy. Also, with cats you can call the cat protection society and get discounted desexing done - unfortunately don't think there is anything like that for dogs. I recently had a female 11 month old dog desexed which I was fostering and they gave me some liquid to paint on around the wound to stop her licking. She was walking around fine even the next day without any pain killers. From my understanding if you give animals painkilliers they are more likely to go running around and do something stupid lol.
I have a friend that has set up a physio practice for animals in Leichhardt and is very well qualified. Please PM me if you would like the details. Also, try Bowen therapy. I haven't used it on dogs but I know someone that does animals and have been looking into a practioner for my pony so have got a contact if you need it. For myself personally, after years of bad backs and numerous visits to chiropractors (nearly ending in hospitalisation because I was overmanipulated) and osteopaths the only thing that fixed it permanently was Bowen therapy. No hash manipulations ... you body is taught to rebalance itself rather than endless visits and $$.
I had a dog with this problem and rushed him to the vet. Vet said probably just a change in diet. He stayed on fillet chicken and rice for a couple of days and that was it. Vet said don't really worry unless the poo's are really really smelly or there is no improvement in a couple of days after a bland diet of chicken and rice is feed. It was a bit worry at first as his poo's were a bit runny too.
I have had dogs where kennel cough has started with a sneeze. But then I had a keeshond for many years that would walk around sneezing his head off when I was having a lavendar bath. I have some air fresheners in at the moment that squirt out every now and then and one of my keeshond fosters sneezes - I think that is all it is as he is definately not sick. Just have to do a trial and error thing I suppose. The joys of allergies.