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Everything posted by Katty23

  1. Are you getting the Keppra through your vet or a pharmacy? If its a pharmacy, because its for a dog and not on the PBS, the price will VARY, possibly ALOT. Ring around a few pharmacies and ask for a private price. As for buying from overseas, quality does vary in some countries, places like UK, US, Canada should be fine, be wary of other places. If you buy from overseas you are technically importing medicine and there are some very strict rules in place. That said, its unlikely customs will be on your back if its small quantities and you hold a vet script at home. I'm getting the Keppra through my vet. I've shopped around and he's the cheapest. I'll check out the rules on importing medicine though if I decide to buy overseas (if I can).
  2. Hi. My dog is currently taking Keppra for his epilepsy. It is very expensive ($200.00 for 20 days supply). Has anyone bought or know anything about overseas medications? I have found lots of pharmacies in Canada that have Keppra or generic at about half the cost but none of them mention if they send to Australia. They say you need a script from your Doctor so hopefully a veterinary script will suffice. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks.
  3. I have looked to get Keppra from overseas. Only save about $10 a week that way. It is only a very new drug but there will very soon be a generic available. So hopefully that will be cheaper. My vet wont drop his price any more and I know it is a good price at $200 as I've shopped around.....lots. I'm going to ask my vet again about the valium. It's always worried me that Bleach would go into a cluster and I wouldn't be able to get him out of it. Not sure of my vet anymore. He should have known to do liver tests on pheno and should be offering me valium. I've also got 3 cats, 1 just been diagnosed with arthritis (she's only 3) so trust me, I spend enough with him. Anyway, if Monte's liver is doing fine on pheno then stick with it. Cheaper and more convenient. Good Luck!
  4. Yes. The 8 hour between pills thing. I would have forgotten to tell you that. It's just habit that i do it now. I work full time too from 8 till 5. So I give him his pills at 7.30am (just before I leave for work) 5.30pm (when I get home) and midnight. Not quite 8 hours apart but close enough. Bleach (my dog) has been on Keppra for about 9 months. He's doing great. Less fits. Positives of Keppra - drinks a lot less water and is not as food obsessed on the Keppra as opposed to the Phenomav. He used to drink sooooo much water on the Phenomav. Like 8 litres or more a day. And of course with drinking comes peeing. He sleeps with me so I was up 6 times a night to let him out. - he's not as sluggish. I really didn't notice how sluggish he was on the Phenomav until I actually took him off it. He's much more lively and 'with it' on the Keppra. - he definitely has a lot less fits on the Keppra not that he had that many on the Phenomav. Phenomav probably 2 a month. Keppra 1 every 3 months. And with the Phenomav his fits always came in 2's, 12 hours apart. So once he fitted he'd fit again in 12 hours ish. BUT I have noticed that when he does actually fit on the Keppra they are more severe and last longer. I actually panicked the first time he fitted on the Keppra, I didn't think the fit would stop. And it was so intense. - he's happier in himself - he doesn't drag his back feet now Negatives on Keppra - the price. They are $200 (and that's a reduced price; normally $235 but I haggled with my vet) for a 21 day supply. - fits are more severe but certainly a lot less frequent Hope this helps. Can you tell me if your vet has given you valium incase your dog doesn't come out of a fit?
  5. Puggles, I would like to chat with you a little more on epilepsy if cool with you. Maybe I can give you my email address. I just read on that link that you gave me that I should have valium on hand in case my dog has cluster seizures. My dog has had cluster seizures before and I asked my vet about valium but he dismissed the idea. What do you think?
  6. Thanks for your comments, guys. It has been a rough 5 years I tell ya. I think you're right that I should ask my vet why he recommends Hills l/d. I think it does have something to do with the protein. The fact that it has a carcenogenic in it that has been banned from human consumption worries me a bit. But it might out weigh the good that the Hills is doing. Going to study the ingredients when I get home. Now Puggles. It's funny you say that my vet has been very re-miss with regards to testing liver while he's on phenobarbitol. I have often wondered that. I did some research and everyone was saying that your dog should be tested every 6 months while he's on phenobarbitol to check the status of his liver. My vet never ever did that, nor did he tell me about it. Must say I'm bit angry at that. It's just lucky my dog recovered. The only reason I took him to the vet for testing was because he was peeing himself. Now with the Keppra............... as my dog could no longer take the Phenomav, we tried the Epibrom by itself but his seizures got sooooooooo bad (like 7 in an hour) thought I was going to loose him. Anyway, the vet in Brisbane (I see a vet on the Gold Coast where I live) who did the ultra sound on his liver recommended Keppra. My vet had never heard of it. (hmmm, my vet not sounding so good is he???). So I started him on Keppra. My vet gets it for me. But you can order it over the internet. It's excellent. Honestly he's a different dog. I can't recommend it enough. I can you run you through the pros and cons if you like and are happy to help you more if you like. But it is very expensive. And I ain't rich so it is hard but still I think it's worth it. Let me know...... Going to check your site for advise on diet for epileptic dogs now. thanks.
  7. I have tried everything to find out what causes his seizures. Detox, environment, sleeping patterns, worming etc. He's had it for 5 years now. Doctors still dont know exactly what causes epilepsy. Some people can tell when theyre dogs are going to fit but i dont even get a sign, and naturally i know my dog better than anyone else. Im resigned to the fact that its just one of those things. My poor baby. But anyway, any ideas on the food????
  8. Hi. I have a wonderful 7 yo Rhodesian Ridgeback with epilepsy. The medication he was on to control his epilepsy (Phenomav) destroyed his liver (70%). We weaned him off the Phenomav and put him on Keppra (expensive but brilliant). He's also on Epibrom. The vets didn't think his liver would recover but it has much to my relief, with the help of more medication and diet. Anyway, the vet has recommended he stay on his liver food diet being Hill's l/d just to keep his liver healthy. He's been on this food for about 3 months. But I read today on http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_re...duct/1072/cat/7 the following about Hill's l/d................ "zero meat content, use of low quality grains and fillers, carcinogenic chemical preservative." and i have read similar reports elsewhere. Now I'm confused and worried. Should I take him off the Hill's Prescription l/d food? And if so, what other would you recommend? Please help...
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