Many years ago we got a beautiful Aussie Bulldog, her name was Jessie, she was a wonderful companion. She got sick when she was 10yrs old and after tests and eventually exploratory surgery, they found she had stomach cancer, we had her put to sleep while she was still under. We didn’t want her to suffer anymore
Then several years later we decided to get another Aussie Bulldog, her name was Annie. Again a fantastic temperament, but she got cancer and she was so sick we had her put to sleep. It’s now been about 6+ years, we have moved towns, the kids are grown up and most have left...
So I have been wondering whether to chance it again. I’m terrified it will happen again, and I’m not sure I could handle that grief again.
Has anyone else been in our situation and what did you do?
My adult daughter, who lives with us, has 2 cats, we have always had pets. But I see dogs and they are my one love.