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Everything posted by Drumbeat

  1. We are currently enjoying the peace and quiet after collecting ours from the kennels at the weekend, although our boy doesn't bark as much as the girl. Give it a week and their voice will be back to normal...
  2. Sending healing vibes from myself and the Lakelands
  3. We moved from Stirling to Mundaring last year and I was told I only needed to register with Mundaring when the rego with Stirling expired. However, I did advise Stirling of our new address. I think it's worth appealing if the dogs are still registered with another Shire.
  4. Could you treat him like a pup for a few weeks and get up through the night to take him out? A month isn't really a long time to toilet train an adult dog.
  5. Lakelands are red Christine, not gold :D The blacks are bred by my dogs' breeder - they're very cute aren't they?
  6. Wires are only about 1" taller and 1kg heavier and only come in one colour, white with black and tan.
  7. Monah, you're a women after my own heart. Let me bore you with some photos of mine....
  8. I started taking Izzy to puppy class at Northern Suburbs when she was 9 weeks old - our previous dog had suffered from fear aggression and I was very keen to socialize her early. She is now 3 1/2 and has never had a days sickness - she also didn't have the 16 week booster vacc as our vet thought it unneccesary. I'm sure taking Gibbs 1 day early won't be a problem
  9. She's a sweetie! RnH, be prepared for 'is that a miniature Airedale?' or 'is that a Schnauzer?'. When someone recognizes mine as Lakelands I get all excited.
  10. Where, where - I never knew you liked Lakelands??
  11. Info on measuring on this page, hope the link works! http://www.petsprovidore.com.au/thundershirt.html?mode=add&page=&amount=1
  12. So glad I found this thread, our girl has developed storm fear after the freak hailstorm we had in Perth last year. I have just ordered one from Pet's Providore who were mentioned in an earlier post. I will also try it on out normally laid back male who gets a bit anxious going to the vets. Are people using them when dogs are home alone or only when supervised (I guess if they're used for seperation anxiety the dogs aren't supervised)?
  13. I have two coated dogs and a heavily mulched garden - I just live with it (and use a mini vac regularly.
  14. If it's only for when he's a puppy would a smaller size be better for the loung room? I ended up using the hard plastic crates (starting with a small size then buying the larger one) when our girl was a pup. She is a lot smaller than a goldie though. There may be one for sale in your local paper?
  15. Ooh, she's gorgeous. I was very tempted to try and adopt a Springer but I didn't think my nerves could cope with a Lakeland and a Springer - although they'd probably have worn each other out
  16. She's just gorgeous - I'm a sucker for anything with a wire coat
  17. $2000 seems alot for a 2 year old but I have no idea of the price of Newfies. We recently adopted a 14 month ex showdog for the tiny amount of $250!
  18. A few months ago I saw an advert on Gumtree to rehome a very young pedigree pup. I knew there were only 2 breeders in WA so e-mailed them both to let them know. One of them contacted me to say thanks and they were contacting the owner as it was one of theirs. I was more concerned about this pup getting into the wrong hands than the owners feelings, I think they'd only had the pup a few weeks.
  19. Great beds Rubystar, did you buy them in Perth?
  20. Had a huge storm in the South-West overnight - 42mm of rain and discovered the leak in the roof around the flue of the slow combustion heater is worse then we thought Unfortunately since the hail storm last year our girl hates the sound of heavy rain so we had a trembling Lakeland shaking the bed until the storm blew over. Nice amount of rain drumbeat - shame about the leaky roof though Poor Lakeland girl!!! I have finally convinced our ridgeback that she doesnt need to be IN our bed during a thunderstorm....so she camps right next to the bed instead!! We did lots of training when she was a pup to desensitise her to storms but she was home alone in the storm last year and our pergola sheeting was shattered by the hail so the noise would have been horrendous. I have herbal drops at home but we are down at out holiday place for the weekend. Thankfully our newly adopted boy was a little bit anxious bot not too distressed.
  21. Had a huge storm in the South-West overnight - 42mm of rain and discovered the leak in the roof around the flue of the slow combustion heater is worse then we thought Unfortunately since the hail storm last year our girl hates the sound of heavy rain so we had a trembling Lakeland shaking the bed until the storm blew over.
  22. We inspected the small dog section of this kennel last year and ran a mile so don't suggest it for a whippet.
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