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Everything posted by Drumbeat

  1. Huski, I'm the middle aged women with the hyperactive Lakeland Terrier, please come and say hello :)
  2. My heart is breaking for you. Strength and love to you and Roo
  3. Bet you're glad you're not standing in the middle of a sports field
  4. We're having regular heavy downpours up in the hills, perhaps they haven't reached you yet :) Glad Rosie wasn't hurt, I've used very unladylike language if my dogs have been rushed too!
  5. Jules I am so very sorry to read your sad news. I've loved seeing photos of your cavs that you've posted over the years. Big hugs to you and your husband. RIP Joey
  6. I've just discovered there are still workshop tickets available in Perth, can someone tell me where they're being held because I just can't see it on the advert ETA just found out they're in Marangaroo
  7. He's absolutely gorgeous, I confess I'm not sure of the breed as I haven't been following the thread but I could hazard a guess :laugh:
  8. Oh no, hope Rosie comes home soon for her dinner. Hugs to you from the Lakelands.
  9. It might be worth contacting Showdog, she may know the local breeders.
  10. No, I'd agree with you - don't think any terrier would be good with chooks. My neighbour's chooks are on the other side of a wire fence and mine watch them with great interest!
  11. I think Lakelands look more like miniature Airelands than Welshies. When Izzy was younger we often got asked if she was a miniature Aireland.
  12. She's such a sweetheart Jules. Congratulations on the ribbon
  13. So sorry to hear of the loss of your gorgeous boy
  14. Double Trouble!! They are good when they are asleep LOL :laugh: Thankfully ours are very good sleepers. Jed on the left is actually a bit of a couch potato, very different temperament to Izzy.
  15. It takes a bit of practice especially between Lakelands and Welshies. The biggest difference I can think of is that Lakelands come in a larger variety of colours such as red and black. Airedales are obviously leggier and seem to be a little less 'busy'.
  16. I have one I could send over on a plane :laugh:
  17. Whipitgood, if you're near Darlington you're welcome to call around and have a look at ours. I wish they did them in a smaller size too which would suit us better.
  18. So sorry to hear of your loss - what an amazing life they must have had
  19. I thonk their closest relatives are Lakeland terriers, the black and tan above looks very like a Lakeland.
  20. So sorry to hear about Charlie, I hope your many happy memories will help ease your loss.
  21. So sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful girl
  22. Calling into a strangers house holding a tomahawk will always get you an invite to stay of course :D
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