I'm currently thinking of getting another dog, but can't decide which gender would be best? I already have two male pugs (not desexed), and they get along with each other perfectly. They are absolutely inseperable, affectionate with each other and also love other dogs. Just typical pugs!!
One of them (the older one, 4 years) is the "boss" as soon as I'm not around and takes care of the younger one (3 years) in every situation.
The breed of the new dog would be either Boston terrier or French Bulldog. First I thought a desexed female would be best, because the hierarchy would stay the same. But now I'm not that sure any more...I definitely don't want that my boys try to hump her all the time, don't know if desexing her would prevent that. I have to add that my boys have a nearly unexisting sexuality, they've never been interested in female dogs or humped each other or furniture etc, that's the reason why they are still entire and also will stay entire!
What do you think: male, male, female or 3 males or maybe 2 entire males + 1 desexed male???