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i am not a big fan of chicken mince and rice with dogs i have found rice to give some dogs the runs and some of my dogs are not fussed on the chicken and i have a friend who has 2 rotties that can't have chicken at all they go into shock ... has your vet checked for hook worms ? have you had a lot of rain this brings worms out
Hi guy's i have a little problem with a rescue koolie that i have here. he and his sister are both 2 1/2 years old and have been on a chain since they where 8 weeks old very rarely let off and never taken off the farm never worked or any time spent on them both have lovely temperaments and are just dieing for some one to love them the sister is good now and no longer hunts for a way out of my yard and just melts into your arms when you pat her the boy also has stopped hunting for a way out but when you try to spend time with him he gets way to excited and starts to hump himself i have tried just walking off but he just follows still doing it the only thing that puts a stop to it is to growl at him and a light tap on the ribs but i don't want to have to do this to him .....i have just started to take him to pet manners and he did it there last night while training and as i did not want to give him the light tap he just kept on going.........any ideas anyone as to how to put a stop to his humping
some one by the name of amanda i was told she works at Bitsa
yes we now do have the marker one of the dogs that was tested by this lab was one of the 40 marker dogs his dna was sent in as a test because he is a pure koolie, the own of these koolies is taking action against bitsa in the new year
my friend sent bitsa the DNA of 4 koolies 2 that she bred herself and knows their history and breeding for the last 40 yrs and one of those 2 dogs was used to get the stamp for the koolie dna gene the other 2 dogs she knows the breeding and history behind them but did not breed them herself.....the results are guaranteed to be back with in 14 days which 3 did come back in that time but the 4th one was missing so she rang the company and asked about the last one she was told that there had been a mix up as the dna came out as pure kelpie so they were going to run it again.........my friend said ok and hung up and then sat down to read the ones that had come back, the first one was for a very small fine boned bitch 49cms tall and her dna said that she was mostly koolie great dane x bull mastiff the next dog she read said that it was koolie x great dane this is the dog with over 40 yrs of koolie breeding merle to merle all the way by my friend and only stands at 52cms tall the next was a dog that i owned for awhile and know her dam a koolie as my father owns her and my friend owns her sire the dog with 40 yrs of koolie koolie breeding behind it now this dna came back as poodle x koolie so what happened to the great dane that should have turned up and where the hell did poodle come from as i said i owned this dog my father owns her mother and she has no poodle in her i have never seen a merled short straight coat that malts like mad poodle before each of the 3 koolies came back with 54 breeds in there dna some of the breeds have only been in Australia for 10 or 20yrs now and no way could they be in these dogs blood lines ..... the 4th dna has never turned up and the Bitsa will not take any calls from my friend and refuse's to refund the money of the missing dna report, so breeders please be aware that if you use Bitsa your Boxer that you breed may come back as a shi tzu x and you could end up in a court case with the unhappy new owners of your pup
To me, traditional workings breeds, selected for working ability and breeding true to type for generations, are miles away from F1 hybrid designer dogs. so true Diva working dogs cross bred or pure are not and never be designer dogs they bred for work ability not looks or tpye I also thought the ANKC recognised the koolie as a working registry breed? I don't mean showable at ANKC shows, I know they don't have that kind of recognition, but I seem to recall some official acknowledgement of the working registry in some journal or other? and yes they are now allowed in agility, obedience flyball and herding and any other sporting events just no bench showing we are pleased to say
no one is going to flame you for asking lol and the answer to that is no we all breed koolie to koolie now days and there are some farmers that still breed best worker to best worker but they are crossing them with border collies or kelpies not cattle dogs (heelers) there are some very hard biting border collies out there i have seen some in action but those borders are working border collies short coated and bred to work cattle just like the koolies some have been bred to work only sheep and some cattle i have both types here
do you mind if i ask who your friend is i know most koolie breeds but not all, i have a litter of pups now and a couple of older pups from dance's last litter and i will not be breeding again until late next year
Australian Koolie is the correct name for them now here are a couple of my koolies Little Roc solid red Cruise Chocolate & white merle and Coopers chocolate merle bob tail yes they come with bob tails as well Connie Red merle Dance black merle Molly blue merle
well i can tell you now that he is a border collie cross kelpie no foxy and no heeler or dali in your boy he was bred to work cattle there are heaps of them out on the farms beautiful dogs and top workers P.S the spots are from the working border in him i had a pure bred working border papers and all that was all white with black dots and one black ear
good pup he was learning fast as for accidentally chases the sheep towards the owner that is what they have to do bring the stock to the person
thanks snaps that's great will use it on my web site thank you again soooooo much
sorry the girls in the first pic are bron blue colour Mirra in the middle and pepper, here are a couple more pics
no takers for my pic then thats ok i will see if i can find a better one that would be easier to do, shame my computer is to old and small to have ps on it i would love to give it a go myself
hi guys i am a bit late finding this post but all your work is just the best, and i love your new title signature gods lol i don't have PS and i don't think i would have the brains to do the stuff you guys are doing it is just ??? i am lost for the right words to use hows this bloody marvellous lol, could any of the signature gods have a go at playing with this pic for me