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Zhou Xuanyao

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Everything posted by Zhou Xuanyao

  1. Thats right dogs are not rational, they act and react instinctively and emotionally only - Thats why we love them so much, dogs dont lie, dogs are always honest. There are many possible reasons, my theory is probably one of the dogs was more aggressive than the others for whatever reason, and that one dogs actions would spur on the others instinctively, they then feed off each other and a small incident can turn into a frenzied attack. Having been locked away for so long the bond with the owner was weakened, they may have taken a hit to thier tempermant bieng in confinement so long, perhaps become a bit neaurotic, ect.
  2. RIP big guy, so sorry for your loss. He will be missed by all who knew him through your photographs, a real character and the perfect ambassador for his breed. eta I remember when he featured on that program, don't recall what it was called. He was the only one polite enough to sit there and wait to be told it was ok to eat, meanwhile all the other dogs ate everything while he sat there waiting for permission. What a great dog a real champion.
  3. She is billed for the man hours it takes them to do everything they are public servants. You dont run over someone's dog then charge them for damage to the car. She made a mistake, it was not intentional, it happens. Doesnt matter anyway. She will refuse to pay, it will go to court and police will have to pay it themselves.
  4. Cars these days are designed to damage easily to absorb impact, some more than others. Dare I say this one sounds like it was a little over engineered. Its an outrage asking the women to pay for the damage. The damage to the car is the police departments problem, it was damaged in the course of duty and as a result of a decision made by the driver.
  5. I would say yes they can in an indirect way. They can react certain ways to certain breeds because of the way that breed looks or thier body language, not because the dog knows that any particular dog is any particular distinct breed. So for example a dog may consistently react with aggression toward large spitz breeds such as Malamutes or Akitas because of the way they carry thier ears and tail, the same dog may typicaly react playfully toward a Staffordshire Bull Terrier because the dog may like thier unimposing size and goofy disposition. The dog might also associate certain looking dogs with particular experiences in its past.
  6. Thats right I think it reads that way, there is nothing in the sequence of events that suggests a physical assault on a human police officer, it sounds like the assault charge is for patting and kissing the dog. Its emphasized that the police will allege the dog was kissed or touched, and then it follows to say that the officers had to step in to "protect" the dog, presumably from what they deem as an "assault". I think that if more information doesnt come to light clearing this thing up and making it sound a bit more rational its going to end up on blog sites all over the world, a bit like when they prosecuted a kid for recieving a stolen fredo a few months back.
  7. Oh yeh rightio. He might be a fool to try and play with a police dog but is this some kind of joke or what ? He was charged with assaulting a police officer for patting and kissing the dog ?
  8. Haha. Im sure he will be fine. Having said that, I have a better idea. Purchase a circuit gym and some free weights, then you dont need to go to the gym, and in the long run you save alot of money too
  9. So sorry to hear this it comes as a shock, I was a big fan of the big guy RIP Rocco
  10. Fair enough lol yes it is a long thread I was lazy what can you do Keep in mind in the event of an incident the women will not come out and say "the dog did nothing wrong, I lashed out becuase im irrational and neurotic" she will say "the dog lept toward me and tried to bite me and thats when I hit it".
  11. Probably you I would not be surprised. Dog laws are a joke. Alot of bylaws state that if a dog causes someone to be afraid, then thats considered an attack. Yes it can be applied in an extremely irrational manner at times you better believe it. The police are not likely to take any interest in this. I would suggest you speak to her (without your dog present) and see if you can sort something out. Like another poster has stated, its true that people like that dont care how under control or friendly your dog is the phobia is far beyond that, I have known a person like that before, a friend. The angle you need to take is to explain that whether or not she is afraid of the dog, its your right to walk it and she's not to raise a weapon toward you again. Trying to explain that the dog is friendly will be a waste of breath. typo
  12. If you are debating its on your own theres nothing to debate. Fact is this case has nothing to do with a dog, its a just another angle of media beat up. The suspect is not known to police and there is no evidence of what breed his dog is, simple as that.
  13. No its not good, the dog had nothing to do with it and the breed is not known, so the story is about one guy punching another guy, thats it.
  14. What is the first word in the headline ? What evidence is there of the breed of dog ? This article is just abot hyping up Pitbulls. The media doesnt care for some guy getting bieing king hit for no reason, especially in a major city like Melbourne. Happens alot, pretty rare to make the news unless theres a particular point they want to hype up or its a celebrity or sportsman involved.
  15. This is just one of thousands of assaults, nothing more nothing less. The fact he had a dog with him is irrelevent, they are only running this story because they are trying to hype up "Pitbull" again. The pup was a Pitbull based on who's evidence ? They dont even know who this guy is for a start.
  16. Lets keep it rational folks they are unlikely to take much notice of submissions which are emotionally charged.
  17. Yes I have one. Dont call the newspaper. They make up enough stories on thier own without anyone else encouraging them. There is no evidence of anything least of all "dog fighting rings" who are stealing dogs.
  18. Forget about the police. They have already told you they are not interested when they said they cant do anything without an adress. The best thing to do is confront the problem head on so you dont have to worry about her anymore. Walk with your husband next time, let him deal with her. She only does it because she gets away with it, if you show her your not afraid of her she will probably stop.
  19. "Mental issues" and "psychopathy" are not the same thing. Second, while unlikely (given the circumstances) its possible he doesn't have mental issues at all. Humans are capable of any measure of cruelty. We can see evidence of that looking into our past and even the present in other parts of the world. Most of us would not hurt an animal due to conditioning and culture only, nothing more nothing less. Look at China, this kind of torture happens everyday, they are conditioned not to value a dogs life and they believe that torturing the dog improves the taste of the meat. Surely the explanation is not that they are all psychopaths ?
  20. I didnt intend to come across as picky, I just dont think we should be making up stories or dramatizing, because most of us cant stand it when the media does it.
  21. If bieng irrational made someone a psychopath then there sure would be alot of psychopaths around. Is your post rational ? We don't know what motivated him. Could be many different scenarios here. Someone needs to be judged against alot of criteria before they can be diagnosed as psychopaths. Could be he does feel compassion just not for dogs, or could be he is sorry for his actions but is compelled to do it anyway, ect. Calling him a psychopath is no different to the media calling all attacking dogs pitbulls, or ofcourse a recent headline about dog attacks in Aboriginal town camps, talking of the place bieng overrun with "rabid dogs" ect.
  22. There is no evidence that he is a psychopath. I think the media makes enough unsubstantiated claims and dramatizing without us joining in.
  23. The poor little mate. I hope his adopted by people that will give him the life he deserves.
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