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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. I've dealt with Pyo a few times, and won't leave a bitch entire any longer than necessary. I never would spay during a section and have only had to do one during heat..very messy proceedure to do it then. Too hard on the bitch in my opinion! I had my stud manchester castrated when he was about 7, just after he finished his American championship and sired his last litter for me. He really turned on for obedience then (although had two titles pre knacker!) I"m a firm believer in spay/neuter and nothing leaves here to be rehomed without being done. Too many crazies out there wanting to 'do a litter' and most just want the $$ from it...I also like to get the animals desexed in my care so I can be sure there are no issues with the surgery before they go and have to adapt to a new enviroment.
  2. Angelsun is pleased to announce the very long awaited litter of German Pinschers. It's been 3.5 years since I had a litter on my own, and it's very satisfying to say the least. Luna (Ch.Beebronx Celestial Angelsun) is contented mom to 6 boys, and a girl born today. All black and tan and vWD clear by parentage. Sire is Dane (Ch.Masterkarn Did It I Did)
  3. I'd like to see you try and get a shepherd to fall over Yup...easy peasy....I've done specialties in the past.
  4. there was a bit of talk about putting one on, but haven't heard 'boo' since the original conversation I had. All I can do is make myself available...
  5. thanks everyone...yes it sucks. Part of breeding. A first time this has happened for Tony, unfortunately I can't say the same. And yes BB, I agree....and get pissed off when I see some of these BYB's wanting a litter, no health testing, no championship, bred to whatever down the road. The bitch seems to always get pregnant, and they always seem to have big litters without incident (ignorance often can be bliss) I'm watching Luna now, she's due any day and putting the events behind me. Bekki's litter is doing great though..she's a fantastic mom.
  6. I've got photos of Bekki and her brood somewhere and will post I don't think Luna will make it til January...she's happily planted in her new whelping box area. She could whelp any day as she's day 58 from the first mating. With the loss of the litter and the mom less than a week ago..we're just getting back on track around here.
  7. No 'official' card/measurement to my knowledge..it's an honour system because it's not about the hieght of the jump, more about if the dog can jump.
  8. Not great news unfortunately. 6 still born and two that didn't make it. That's breeding for you...anyone out there thinking of doing this sort of thing...wish they would really see the down side. Mother dog is looking for pups....normal behaviour of course. Tony frustrated and exhausted from the ordeal. She was on day 57 so not a big deal really...we suspect detatched placentas and it appears that the dead pups were about 24 to 36 hours dead when whelped. Nothing much a person can do in that situation. Bekki's litter doing great....and I"ll start preparing for my girl now.
  9. Kes is whelping...leave it to her to do things on her terms. She's not due til the 25th, and I swear she waited til Tony finished putting the whelping box in place, heat lamp etc....probably looked around and said..yup..this'll do....and went into labour! grrrr Updates later...he's whelping, I'm driving to KCC to attend the Rally seminar.
  10. Good old fashioned rick rack ribbon still works nicely....when tied with a proper knot, won't slip tighter. Cut off when they get too snug, do it again. I've got new pup velcro collars brought in from the States that have little numbers as well as being coloured....but I have a feeling I'll be using ribbon for the first week or so. It's easy with the sheps....they all look different so it's easy to tell them apart and we don't need ribbons/collars.
  11. Anyone looking for tiny collars for pups..I've managed to stock some in my store because I cater to a TON of toy breeds in the area.These are nylon, adjustable from 6" to 10" and some that go 8" to 12" They are clip ons with a good solid clasp. (not the soft plastic garbage ones you find in the reject shop) Although I"ll be sending them with my pups when they go, they can be reused on litters if need be. Prices start at $6 each
  12. (tell that to Canadians!) scientifically, you're correct...cause in the winter, we got fried from the sun bouncing off the snow banks even on overcast days...ugh...don't miss that!
  13. We reckon Kes has at least six....she's going for her exray on Saturday to do a count. I'm off to Melbourne to pick up the new whelping box for Princess Luna on Sunday and then I can start getting things ready for hers in the early new year..... We're both convinced we're getting too old for this!
  14. 1 black and tan male, 5 sable females, 3 sable males.
  15. two boys and two girls so far....a few more in there.
  16. Sorry to hear this BB. It's always so disappointing when this sort of thing happens. On a positive note...litter one is on the way....I think it could be a long night.
  17. It's something to do with 'ghosting' in the genetic colour. The colour appears but then leaves because of the dominant colour withing the hair. Colour genetics is very complex (more than my brain can handle) My red pups can be born almost black and develop their red colour over many weeks.
  18. BIG congrats Trish for the lovely litter!!!
  19. Quick note from a tired teacher, to thank the Schipperke club for their work to put on the demo today at KCC park. I enjoyed not having to hold the clipboard full time, but do what I love best and that's teach. Helping to coach and guide up and coming judges to let them better understand the finer points of judging this sport to allow all handler teams to get the most from their experience. MANY great questions from some people today on this sport, and a great turn out for this event at the park. We had a few skepticals come through and they were converted!! Some nice working dogs, and handlers of various experience levels. Many realizing this is much more complex than they had first believed and ready to go home and do some homework/study in some of the areas that they struggled with. Hopefully some of the pep talks after their 'runs' helped some of the very novice handlers and in the end, the happy dogs that did their best to work for their handlers, was worth the sunburned face and VERY sore feet that I have tonight! Onward and upward to January.
  20. I've had to do it..it's not fun, but it was the right thing to do. Puppy came back to me after a couple of months a total basket case because of what the owners did (or in this case, didn't do) Inspite of plenty of work and assessments, it was deemed that the puppy was not safe for rehoming, nor to stay in my home with people and other animals. It was taken to the vet and dealt with. Fortunately, I had a vet that didn't question my decisions on this sort of thing. It's the crappy part of being a breeder and for many, they never have to deal with this extreme situation.
  21. And Kes due Xmas day.....word of warning..if you see us at shows in early January...probably want to tread lightly due to lack of sleep and such!
  22. Nice to see the new pointscore for neuter....it's disappointing to be forgotten in that class....my Angel has two specialty BNIS and two all breed BNIS....at some shows, she was the only thing going in the ring....was pretty discouraging to not be able to sit down at the computer when home, and enter pointscore....will be looking forward to possible wins in 2012 now...IF any clubs within four hours offer the classes!
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