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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. Forgot to post that Miss Angel is now Neuter Champion titled. We'll be continuing to show in the neuter class to support the entry and because she loves to show and hates being left at home when the others go out. (boy do we pay for it when we get back home if she's left!) She's now (once paperwork gets back) Ch.NCh.Masterkarn BackNBlack We'll also be starting more serious training to get her into Rally
  2. Exactly, because YOU believe it would be difficult. That's completely different to somebody else saying, "you should only have one breed because that is all you can do justice to"...... I get very tired of people who insist that they know best what another individual can cope with. Agreed fully....well said..... It's the same as those that comment on litters born....more than one a year makes someone a puppy farmer....some think more than one every two years....I've seen (and done myself) three litters in a year, and had no issues...just how things went....two or three years before the next mating took place. Guess I"m a puppy farmer?
  3. ANGELSUN is hopeful to see a litter due around May 20th (German Pinschers)
  4. GIPFEL is awaiting the arrival of possibly 9 GSD's in a fortnight. The lovely girl Brandi (sable) bred to the UK import Genja (black/tan). We're hoping to find a nice boy in there for us.
  5. Thanks for that MEH, our set (for King Valley KC) has the instructions for each sign on the back and laminated...it really helps when you're working with signs you might not be overly familiar with in training and for those still new to the signs.
  6. Bit costly when you need to buy a full set of 22. Similar items that have been used are florist wires for holding wreaths. Works a treat! couple dollars. Currently a friend is working on a full set of gear which inclydes all signs with repeats, covered bowls and distraction toys, witches hats and numbered 'snap n slide' bases/holders as well as the storage containers. Will see if he's ready to go and if so, post photo.
  7. In regards to the story of a bitch given antibiotics and as a result, produced pups with outside intestines...I had the opposite. I had a bitch (second litter) that had two pups born this way. As it turns out the cause WAS a low grade infection that had I put her on antibods, could have prevented both these pups, AND the two born with club feet (birth defects) and the others that simply failed to thrive because of their level of infection, thanks to the mom during gestation and after being born. So you see, there are plenty of cases that contradict each other. I personally have in fact used antibods on bitches early in their pregnancy and later on, without any issues. All healthy litters born and raised.
  8. rally O signs now available to be downloaded for your use. found at http://www.greatdanerescue.com.au/rallyo.htm thanks to DOLer MEH for doing this.
  9. Thanks MEH for doing this....I really appreciate the efforts..ok everyone..pass the word around.....lets get these downloaded and into back yards!! ;)
  10. GSD's have one standard of perfection...I"ve never seen in the written word, where it calls for a rise in the centre of the spine...unless this has been a recent addition promoted by the specialty clubs? As for falling over...clearly you've not done or seen enough specialty events...it's sort of like tipping cows...fun but not very nice really. I"ll find some video of dogs that are so weak in the rear during a walk, they step on their hocks, wobble with great abandon and constantly stumble...these have gone on to win groups/bis etc....because few judges walk the dogs, or if they do, pay attention to the weakness. Way back when.... showed a young dog with sickle hocks....he constantly stumbled during a walk. He could only be stacked a certain way or he would quite simply fall over. He won the group as an adult (still had these issues) and did very well in the puppy ring when younger. Sorry to disagree, but this happens a LOT....the only good thing about this boy was his exceptional head and that he did not have a roach in the spine.
  11. Not a happy camper.....I"m slowly drying up the mom and increasing puppies meals....can you caption the expression on this face?
  12. Disk is on the way to MEH. I'll let her sort it all out as to where/when they can be downloaded from.
  13. Just starting solid foods...Mom is kicking them to the curb....reluctant to sit in there for any time to feed but wants to be in to 'keep an eye on them'.
  14. Won't run, or can't run? (meaning that they don't know anything about it) Where in Vic are you?
  15. MEH has been in contact with me and I'll be sending very large size sizes via disk. These will be put on a website which will be available for folks to download (big thanks for this!) Ptolomy, I didn't know about the seminar (wasn't invited, so I guess I'm not giving it! hehehe)
  16. I have two of these that I groom regularly and although I'm not a bad groomer of this breed, because it's not MY breed I probably don't know the finer points...am curious to know if people cheat and use clippers, and if so, what size (I hand scissor the body/legs) and use a #30 on the shaved parts. Have always struggled a bit with landmarks on the face...angle of the shaving of the cheek and how far down into the neck...any tips would be great cause I seriously get a headache everytime I do one, wanting to be sure it's done correctly and keeps the traditional look in place.
  17. Most of the signs are the same, but not all, so it's important to not download from the AKC site. I'm hoping that someone out there will have the 'smarts' to create a website that can be used to download signs....I've got the signs...large PDF versions or .doc but don't have the website to offer downloads, so have been burning them to disk and mailing out when asked. Gets expensive after a while and generosity only goes so far at the end of the week when payday isn't coming any closer! ;)
  18. I include in the puppy owners manual, a guideline for feeding. It simply explains the proportions of meat to carbs etc that are recommended for growing puppies or maintanence at maturity. What I include is how I'm feeding them before they leave....perhaps not in the most precise measurements (blob of this, or heaping spoon of that) but haven't had any issues with this way over the years to be understood by new owners. Most will either give up and open a bag of something or have put the time into learning how to feed a dog without Purina's help.
  19. We do the same for pups as we do for the adults, but chop the meats smaller. We use more organ meat than we would give them, but we include our pasta/veggie mix, goat milk or yogurt and water to make it an attractive sloppy mess suitable for any hungry puppy! They love! (well they do tend to swim in it first until they figure out it's better to eat it!) Pups grow fat and happy...no kibble here for over two years now....we're very happy with the way the pups grow on a natural diet.
  20. I"m curious as to what this means....signs of the parvo vaccine...can you elaborate on the symptoms with this puppy?
  21. Had to share this photo....each one we took...she stuck out this tongue...wonder if she's trying to tell me something?
  22. I planned on using an agent as I knew it would be so much simpler. I have a local AQIS approved vet so I"m good in that regard as she's up on all the latest rules/regs. Waiting to see if they are going through with the sale or will pass.....
  23. Ten days on and doing well. Yes there is only six as we lost one boy the first night between the heat and the new mom's inexperience. All babies are doing really well now and have doubled their birth weight (in less than a week) Luna is really into the Mom thing and doing great now.
  24. I know the age we can send internationally, but can anyone with recent experience give me an idea on any other rules or restrictions that need to be dealt with prior to and during an export of a pup to Singapore? Rules seem to change by the day and I want to be sure that I've crossed all my T's and dotted my I's properly!
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