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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. I had a well endowed male desexed at that age..yes he got swollen...yes he shrunk up in time. I've never heard of a scrotum being removed unless there was damage through accident or tumour etc. I'd be questioning that vet to have made such a statement and to imply that the swelling was anything but normal post op condition. Wanting some money for another proceedure perhaps?
  2. I recently had an equiry to use my male at stud on a pet owners bitch. They 'wanted her to experience motherhood at least once in her life'. I know where they got the bitch from and contacted the breeder to see if in fact she was on main register. I sent them an email outlineing their costs to do a mating. Transport to me Stud fee. Non refundable if bitch gets pregnant then absorbs, aborts or whelps dead pups. (my male has done his job, the rest is their chance and responsibility) Any progesterone or vet costs during servicing Transport back to them Membership to their state canine council and cost of kennel prefix. Hip/elbow scores of the bitch Vwd test of the bitch. I've not heard back....guess they realized it's not a money making proposition! :p
  3. Crossing fingers that this time I get pups. Hoping for April 10 litter (German Pinschers)
  4. Entries are in. Looking forward to the show.
  5. My breed didnt really have an accurate database until I had bred a long lost colour and started digging to gigure out where it might have come from. Over 7000 entries later, some back to the mid 1850's gives us a better understanding of where our breed came from. Close to extinction only 60 years ago, its interesting to see how inbreeding and linebreeding brought this breed back to a safe population. We also have sanctioned interbreedings to add to the scant genepool.
  6. I use febreeze on the furniture once a week. I vacuum once a week. We have carpet and lino and area mats on the wood floors and currently 4 dogs in the house (one is a puppy that is still learning to go outside when required) and yet, without airsprays, candles etc we have not had anyone mention our home smells 'doggy'. I also would know after being away all weekend at shows or something like that, house closed up tight and when you first come in...that's when you usually can smell it....but we simply don't have that issue. I also bath dogs every other week or so (when showing) and wipe them down as they love to roll around in the lawndust outside. We have a very small house but it's never been an issue....we occasionally have the big dogs inside as well but other than more fur floating, the smell just isn't there.
  7. Lost and Found Pets North East NE Victoria (Alpine Region)
  8. Not only good information but it was put to use and it worked..no parking log jams to my knowledge and all in all, a quiet and well run show without drama. No breaks for judges so they pushed through and got done inspite the heat and it could have been a lot worse had they taken breaks. Yes they looked a bit melted at times, but they continued through and the stewards were great to keep the cold water flowing for them! Great to have that kiddie pool available..my little pup enjoyed her swim, even if it was because we insisted she do it!
  9. No matter where you show, the same can be true....remember, it's the JUDGES OPINION that is up for discussion when it comes to non awarding....another judge will disagree. Dog shows and judging are subjective and this is why a dog dragged around long enough will find judges to give it points and award in the end a title. Right or wrong, it's how it is. However, written critiques make for a judge to explain their decisions and not just have gossip ringside with disgruntled exhibitors when they are denied points. I've participated in European style shows, with the equivalent of CAC's and CACIB's and have a far greater respect overall for the judges that hand them out. Sure there will still be some out there with generic critiques, but I have been fortunate to have dogs judged in the past by many that really know the breed. I have also had quite a few of my dogs in Europe compete and gain very educated comments (along with multiple CACIB's and Best of Breed as well as Group Wins) They saw the faults (as any dog has) but also commented on the strengths. It helps justify the awards, compared to so many shows in North America and here as well, that we get barely a pointed finger or a nod, but hardly ever any constructive communications. And then there are the judges that think I have a Manchester, or a Dobe.....(in sweeps) not helped by a smart ass ring steward that encourages it when calling me to the ring.
  10. I'll have to check facts to be sure, but I believe that in Sweden, docked dogs (or perhaps it is cropped) are now ineligible to be shown, regardless of where they came from (meaning that they were done legally) Lets go back a bit....many of you won't ever remember seeing cropped ear dogs here...yes there were,. and yes they were eligible to compete inspite of what some of you have been told. NO, they act of cropping ears has been long gone in this country but importing legally cropped ear dogs and showing, was permitted....until a VERY short time ago (one of the more recent changes to the ANKC rules, closed the loophole) I know this part first hand because last year I was looking at bringing a dog in that I had bred, was cropped (and docked) and living in another country at the moment. I wanted to show him, and had been told that cropped ears had never been allowed however a few years prior to that, I was reading the rules and it was not against the rules, however was implied through those I spoke with, that judges would likely non award. I was willing to take my chances and kept pursuing it. Anyway, the point of this is simple...there was a time when physically altered appearances could be shown, now it's not permitted. Docked tails will in time be in this catagory. I don't agree with it, but since it seems that a lot of people controlling this issue either are not breeders or are not breeders of traditionally docked breeds, we must accept that in time, our docked dogs will not be eligible to be shown. For those that say a law can't be changed....take a lesson from NZ. I applaud their work and committment to stand together as a dog fraternity. For so many that feel the need to comment, I would like to see only those with traditionally docked breeds involved in the debate, as to be honest, the rest of you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the charges of cruelty due to docking tails, and this is why we are in this mess to begin with. Fire away, you are entitled to your opinions, as am I.
  11. May I point out Angelsun that while you criticise the spelling in the original letter,you yourself are guilty!! The correct spelling is appalling,not Apauling!! Gee...sue me....or should I say soo me? one spelling slip compared to how many in the OP? jeeze...(is that how you spell that?) The POINT BEING.....a letter lobbying a major organization with such issues.....reminds me of the many overseas scams starting with "I am the wife of recently murdered king blah, blah
  12. No one has commented on the grammar or spelling of the letter first posted...Unless someone has retyped this and has not checked it...it's appauling! This type of letter, should it be original and correct, should never be submitted for consideration to ANY major organization based simply on the lack of professionalism shown. Now...apart from that: I am pro docking (and pro cropping) I have currently TWO imported dogs with docked tails, and am in the process of bringing another one....why? Not because they have short tails...but for their bloodlines. For me, it's a bonus to have a docked tail, BECAUSE I LIKE HOW IT LOOKS! AND it's true to my breeds heritage which I protect....sue me for doing this sort of thing, but to ME, it's as important as keeping IN SIZE and not having the wrong features as written in the breed standard and our historical records. The arguement from some is that mediocre docked dogs are winning over better natural tailed ones. BLAME JUDGES...(and those that blindly follow their decisions) What about the breeds that have the bobtail gene? Do we rule out a puppy for future simply because of the lack of tail by a genetic quirk? What if the dog is in fact a fine specimin for the breed....will the ban of exhibition of docked or shortened tails, evolve into a ban to use them for breeding? Give it time, and let the breeders and showies fight amongst themselves long enough, and you can be sure it will come to pass. How to police this sort of thing? Anyone remember 'Breed masters' (known by many other names around the world) who are responsible for assessing dogs in litters and deciding IF they are eligible for registration or not based on deformities or faults. It's not about if you are pro docking or anti docking....for many of you, you say you don't care because it doesn't apply to your beloved breeed....but do you honestly feel you are safe? What if mandatory eye testing becomes a criteria for showing/breeding, and you own a Golden Retriever who has retinal folds? (considered not acceptable for breeding by N.A. eye testing standards) What about you Sharpei breeders/fanciers with pedigrees full of dogs that have had eyes tacked from as young as 4 weeks....you could be in the target next and not permitted to show or breed with a dog that has had this done. Others argue that docking isn't the same as the above..that it's nasty, cruel and simply wrong. You have the right to say that. I also have the right to say that when I have banded tails, the pups are still wet and are nursing and make no indication of anything happening to them. They COMMUNICATE with their peers just fine thanks, compared to their full tailed friends, and I am currently in the process of waiting for genetic testing to see if my breeding dogs carry the bob tail gene.
  13. I've been non awarded with a Junior male....the judges reasons weren't mine..I too would have non awarded him, as he was naughty that day, didn't move right, squirmed during the exam etc etc....the judge said simply "he's not mature enough"...he was 12 months and a week...duh.... Anyway..I have no issues with being non awarded, but have the right reasons...not an 'opinion' (if that makes sense) I watched a line up for bitch challenge a couple weeks ago....winners in their classes...but put them all in for challenge and to be honest, there wasn't one there that would meet the breed standard if I was in charge of awarding....but challenges were given, and people went off happy.... I had a judge friend once tell me the story of him judging and non awarding due to lack of merit...the exhibitor was NOT happy and stated firmly that 'this dog is a champion'...to which my judge friend said 'not as far as I"m concerned'.
  14. I've got a set but they are middle size.
  15. Hats off to Benalla KC for getting things done...it was a nice change to have a show pretty much done and dusted by 1pm instead of other shows, with the same amount of entry, drag on until late in the afternoon thanks to extended morning tea breaks and obnoxiously long lunch breaks. With the threat of heat looming all weekend, I was hesitant to go, but because my group was on fairly early and after a smaller group on Saturday, I took the chance and glad I did. It was nice to hear the PA used (and it was clear to hear even where I was parked quite a ways away) telling people approximately when to be at the rings and what sort of breaks were being used. Made for a very enjoyable weekend for myself but more importantly the dogs.
  16. Back in the ring after almost a year not showing, this is what I"m taking for the moment..have another little one to show in a few months.
  17. Short story..the US system is a bitch to learn....and varies from region to region when it comes to how many dogs/bitches are required for a major. 15 points all up of that, you need two majors A major is a win of 3 points or more (up to and not more than five points) You can win a major by going group first if there was a major offered at the breed level in any other breed in that group assuming your breed did not have a major offered. Some regions have amazing numbers needed for a simple three point win....others you need only four of the same sex You MUST have the same gender entered to get points. A dog and a bitch competing mean no points for either, even though one will be BOB. If you beat specials (champions) from the classes...it gets difficult again. BOB over specials...all the specials count towards a major (the numbers, and all are considered neutral, meaning males or females are equal) if you go Best of Opp over specials, the number of specials in that gender only, count towards a possible major. Best of Winners adds points only if the other gender has the major (or higher points) so if your showing a male, and there is no points offered, but you get Best of Winners over the bitches and there was a three point major, you get that major. Five points maximum per show...even if you go BIS from the classes as a lone entry. Each region is slightly different so you need to be aware of your point schedule for that region. Before the show, and just after the entry closes, they will post the numbers of entry...so you will see the following 1-3(2-5) which means....1 male, 3 bitches, 3 male specials, 5 female specials. if a major is 4-4 (and then up the scale at 5-5 and then 6-6 for the max five points) , that is, it takes four males for a three point win, and 4 bitches for the same..you have the possibility of a major for a bitch if she goes BOB or Best of Opp. The male must go BOB for the major as there isn't enough dogs entered if he goes Best of Opp. (there would only be a total of 3 males) So if the male goes BOB, he would get he would get 5 points. (7 specials plus his single entry is eight...but he only needs 6 entry for a five point win) and the class bitch goes best of Opp, she would also get a five point major. Yup...bit confusing, but once you've actually played in the rings over there for a while, it makes sense.....and yes, the Canadian system is different again! :)
  18. On the flip side...I imported an Aus Grand Champion in my breed. Different colour to what was normally seen and he couldn't win to save his life...he was far superior than some of the examples I'd shown in the past (as you always wish to improve) and yet, he couldn't be found in the group line up to save his soul....In Canada, to obtain a title, I had to win in the group for points. Not an easy feat but I had done pretty good up til then. I was very well known as a handler of other dogs, and breeder/handler of my own breed and yet, couldn't place in a weak group with low numbers. Normally I would wait and have a good photo taken of a decent win, and have that printed in the national mag...this time, I took just a good selection of photos taken on a local beach by a good friend with a talent for the right camera angle....and put a well worded ad in place.... He wasn't even pointed in Canada, but he was a Grand Champion here, so I used that in BIG letters. The weekend after the mag was in the hands of the judges....he placed group 2 and group 1.....he went on to finish his title in a couple more weekends, with more group wins. I campaigned him that year to top in the breed with about six months of showing after the ad came out. Coincidence between not winning and then suddenly winning big after publication? No, I don't think so.....
  19. Back to the original topic before we were interrupted: I have a neuter. I strongly believe in the class..however, when I started in this class, it was more of a 'the oldest one there, took the ribbon'. It was more of a veteran than a correct neuter class. Incorrect coats and presentation of coats and substandard exhibits. (in my opinion) I have seen a good change in the past year, with more lovely dogs entered in the class and tougher competition for class in group. Sometimes the judges muck it up at the end and again, the oldest dog wins..(not the better dog) but we're getting there. I have a neuter that has her championship in the regular classes. She was neutered when we found out she was hemaphrodite and that was around 2 years old. Judges constantly ask her age....and are quite shocked when they hear..moreso when they ask why she was spayed and we tell them. (no point hiding it...) I'm as competative in that class as any other....there are more and more exhibits entered when the class is offered and we often see a full line up for Neuter BIS compared to when I started in the class. For those that scoff at the class...it's not really any differen than any other...why bother with Aussie bred....Why not get rid of intermediate? We used to (I"m told by those in the game longer than I have lived here) have 'state bred' class as a regular class...is that still around anywhere? Classes come, and classes go....and everytime they do, so many get all bent out of shape over it...bottom line like so many other things in life...no one forces you to enter or partake...or even watch....you might not like the class or agree with it....but clearly many others do as we see numbers increase. Time to build a bridge....
  20. I was in a discussion quite a while ago, where I was educated that here in Australia, despite what standards say, we have no method of actual ' disqualification' of a dog in the show ring. The 'non award' was stressed as the ONLY option in spite of the written standard. It was then strongly presented that the term DQ is actually non existant here when it comes to show dogs. As for being told by a judge, that it is 'their opinion I've paid for' NO, I've never been told that, but in fact I have said that to others and then had to make a decision as to whether or not I would pay for that opinion again in the future. As for sub standard dogs in the ring...yup...all the time..some are known as 'phil' it happens and nothing will change that. Not all exhibitors care if they show only thier best or not. When you have the only entries in a breed, you can pretty much run your own show when it comes to how big a challenge win you want to pay for.
  21. ages on bitches are all over the map now that VCA in their wisdom and without consultation to many, brought in specific ages to some breeds, and this was NOT age at whelping but age at MATING! I'm sitting on a young male now that will be used..I was under the impression it was 12 months, but glad to hear that I may be wrong and he is considered old enough to 'do the deed' in the eyes of our policing body registration body. Must go dive through the muck they call 'rules' and see for sure. Naturally it'll be different for all other states...
  22. I've got one that will do it only to males, at any point in her cycle....it was quite funny last time she was fat with pups to watch her try to get around the young juvenile male who stood there with the 'deer caught in the headlights' look on his face! :)
  23. Well November ended up with some highs and lows here...Brandi was ultrasounded and although I saw two, vet said no...no pups...our lovely GSD girl had three when all was said and done..two sable girls and a black/tan boy..now to wait a bit to see if there is a longcoat in there. They are just over a week of age now and fat slugs living on full cream milk from their outstanding mother. My girl (German Pinscher) failed to conceive and is now on a diet after an impressive phantom...strike two for her and surgical implant, this time with the semen from Spain. :*(
  24. I've done this in the past quite a few times...the bitch needs to be bred (first litter and she's not getting any younger) others are interested in the upcoming mating for their own reasons to tie into their lines and I have what they want but it's not my path to follow exactly, Cash litter..yes that's right..and nothing wrong with it...sold the entire litter to pay for a bitch or dog that would be a better mix to my overall long term plan. Dogs were still all up on health tests, registered and such....it's not considered a 'bad breeder' to breed a litter and not keep...there are many other things at play, so implying such a thing is really assuming the breeder is 'out for profit' only, which isn't always the case.
  25. No ultrasound but am pretty certain that a litter of German Pinschers is arriving on or about the 26th. Frozen surgical implant mating from a male I bred that lives in Spain now. Black/tans and stag reds expected. Tony's holding out hope for a red boy ;)
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