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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. Crate training wont fix a dog that is marking....but you can use a belly band when he's inside and that will keep the walls clean.
  2. Because I linebreed, my 'style' is set in all the pups and I basically know what I'm going to get before they are born. As such, I restrict my pick to what the breed standard calls for as there are things in that standard I don't care for, but know that in the end, we must follow the standard. It's not about what I like, it's about what best meets the written standard. I've kept shy pups, I"ve kept over the top pups...sorting that out is easy with routine and training. Fixing inadequate shoulders or wonky rears isn't as easy, so to me, structure meeting the breed standard is paramount and the only thing I look for. I've never let the cute/friendly puppy sway my decision and stay simply because of that. I've had white marks on chests for example and regardless of howgood the pup might be in other areas, it's petted out because that goes against the breed standard. I know of others that will cover it with makeup and ignore it (but it will come back and get them in the whelping box at a later date)
  3. Definately should be reported....who cares who he THINKS he is...it's things like this that will take away our sport should either RSPCA or PETA get a hold of them. People like that need to be taken to task.
  4. The United Pinscher Club of Victoria will be having their show on the Saturday and I"ll be there with three!
  5. Hi all, Interested to know of your first breeding experiences Had you had any practical experience with whelping a litter with another breeder (same or different breed)?No, my first litter was by myself in my home and without having seen/experienced any puppies born Did you do it alone or with the help of a mentor?Alone Was your bitch a maiden too or had she had a litter previously with another breeder?Maiden bitch and the male I used was also a maiden Any things in hindsight you would have done differently or things that you would definitely do again?Not really. Wh at I learned by doing, was much more I think, than I could have been taught by watching a litter being born. I thought for a long time that I would have enjoyed having a mentor, but now as I look back, I realize that I did just fine, and my original breeder, although in the breed for sometime, didn't really know very much and I soon supassed their knowledge(to which they admitted to about a decade later) What was it like raising the pups? Not much different for me than raising kids. Keep them warm, fed and clean. Stimulate to give them experiences and keep a routine. I never stressed with that litter one little bit. It all came naturally. I used common sense when I began to wean them and simply watched them and figured out what their needs were. I have changed a few things since then in how I raise a litter, including whelping set up, but overall....much of what I do now, is still the same as back then. How did you find homes or choose which one/s would stay with you? As a show person, I had a list of names before I even did the breeding. I wouldn't have done it, had I not. I didn't keep from that litter as one of the few pieces of advice I was given by someone I thought knew more than me, was to sell off the pups as they weren't anything special, and use the money to buy a better bitch....yes you guessed it, it was one of hers! thanks
  6. first off, I make sure the dog is in fact in need of rescue. As much as this sounds odd...sometimes owners get over their heads and good patient councilling is more needed to get through a rough spot. This includes putting in touch with trainers or whoever may be needed in their area to talk to them and offer help. As well, good articles targetting the problem area. If the dog is found to be in need of rescue, the first step I have done, is find someone local to assist if possible. This includes visual assessment of the animal, gathering the dog with any paperwork and transporting to airline if needed. I a person can not intercede in this manner, my Plan B is to go through my waiting list to see if anyone in that area is looking for a dog (this assumes that the dog is a large distance from me and would need to be flown to my location) I arrange a meeting for the current owner with the prospective new owner and see what happens. If these things don't work, the dog is put on a plane to me. If for whatever reason I did not have room (has never happened) I would put the dog in a boarding facility until either a foster home or new home could be found. This would happen if I were ill and unable to care for a dog. I haven't had any occasion where my set up hasn't allowed me to take back a dog when needed (or assist in taking back another dog of another breed)
  7. I have seen some chocolates with light and dark patching and coming from litters where the rest were fine. I know that there are other colours (considered mismarks) out there and some unscrupulous breeders jack up the price, call them rare and unique and get a ton of money for them. There is a website in the states that has great photos of labs and all their colours (and mismarks) Can't find it at the moment but I'm thinking a labbie person on here might have it. I beleive they also disregard the 'silver' and claim they are total crosses. The unfortunate part simply is, these breeders (of the silver mutts) are good at marketing and the population which wants something different, will pay the price and keep them in business.
  8. I've been seeing this a lot lately and all for good reasons. I personally don't have any issues with it, nor should anyone else really, including the judge. The owner tends to go stack the dog and handle the exam part, with the runner standing quietly behind. When the judge instructs the dog to be moved, the runner simply steps in, takes the lead and goes. I would rather see this sort of thing, than someone struggle to move a dog, show it poorly because of their lack of mobility due to physical issues.
  9. We're going but have to remember where exactly it is!
  10. Don't you think it would be nice for the owners/breeders to announce such things , rather than you splashing it about all over the place. Who died and left you Brag Queen? Or is it because no one will do this sort of thing for you?
  11. We have a new trailer and will make a few slight changes. In between the bays, we will put a bit of metal sheeting (about 10cm or so) to prevent dogs from pulling bedding through to their side. When we hose out the large trailer (8 berth) it's jacked up to slope backward and the water runs right out.
  12. Yes that was our stunning "Marlie" owned by Pam and Andrew. They've done a great job with that little girl and we're so proud of them! BTW...anyone finds a dark grey mobile phone (samsung)..it might be mine...can't find mine and the ONLY explanation is that it was put in the large pocket of my grey jacket and hopped out at some point during running or fighting the rain. We were set up behind the mens toilet block and I was running in the Group six ring. Bloody inconvenient to misplace it!! grrrr.
  13. It's up there with two shows recently (one in NSW the other in VIC) where the numbers were never mailed out....Yes we gathered them the day of the show, but that isn't the point...we included SAE for a reason! We have both our names on the front of the envelope and the dogs/classes etc on the back, but in honesty, that's for our use to figure out who we entered and remind us of the start time!
  14. I also agree that his methods in many ways are good old fashioned common sense. I agree when he talks about dogs being dogs, not people in fur suits, and I agree about training and work making a happier dog overall. I also agree that many things he does are beyond many peoples courage or ability. It does not make them wrong however. There are many out there that can't teach a dog to sit be it with a correction collar or bait...it does not make the methods wrong. We are quick to think that ANY method or trainer MUST be 100% spot on, or it's not going to work. What annoys me to no end, are those out there (trainers) that beleive ONE method must be used exclusively and anything less is failure on either the part of the dog or the owner. His methods overall are common sense and yes they work. I agree about showing the extremes on the TV, yes, great for ratings...but for those of us that look past the ratings and TV nonsense, we see the practical applications for his methods as well as realizing that not all methods work with all dogs (or people) We adjust methods and tactics to suit where needed, employing other methods from other sources that might help to get the job done. Multi tasking at its best I think....but above the ability for some to comprehend. I use aspects of generations of 'fashionable' dog training methods. Do not follow one method blindly or without question, as I beleive that no one method is perfect. We see so many that are writing books or making videos and proclaiming their method as the ONLY one to use, to protect a dogs free thought process, not break his spirit or other such theory. We have gone through generations of not being boss, to being boss, to being equal when it comes to the dogs place in our home. We watch bite and agro statistics rise and fall as these trends come and go. None have been wrong really, but many are not as effective as others, and most are beyond the ability of the average pet owners when they find themselves with a difficult dog. Another thread reminded me of a simple change in trend on training. WAY back, we were told to leave the dog alone when he eats or we'll get bitten. OK...makes sense....but the incidents of biting still happened because (in my opinion) the dogs were not taught respect and they guarded their resource (food/toy etc) Then the trend changed and we were told that we must teach the dog that food/toys are not to be guarded and that taking food away and giving it back will prevent bites because the dog learns to realize that it will get the item back and it's a case of learning to be patient. Then another comes along and claims it's cruel to take food/toys away and that we should leave the dog alone, let it eat and not bother it.....what goes around, comes around. This is only one example....Milan's thought process is just the same....many years ago....dogs were dogs....they were disciplined and trained and behaved (for the most part) and dog owners didn't treat them like their kids. This doesn't mean they weren't loved (yes I knew you were thinking that!) It meant that owners knew where the dogs belonged in the home, and the dogs knew it too. Then we have a generation of dogs that place themselves higher on the totem pole and problems arise....and Milan now says...show the dog his place in the world.....what goes around, comes around.
  15. I wouldn't do it, because I have seen occasions where the BIS or BISS winner does not take all the property classes. Would be WAY too embarrasing I think.
  16. agreed. It's not that there WAS any influencing, but judges are also careful to avoid situations where it might APPEAR that there was some. It's not uncommon for exhibitors to see a judge exchange something like a 'g'day' outside the toilet block for example in passing, and someone to quickly spread a rumour that exhibitor A was telling Judge B how wonderful their dog was and how many things they've won with said dog. It's not true, but as we know, dog shows are rumour mills and anyone that doesn't know the truth, generally just makes something up that might have a bit of 'shock' effect!
  17. I"m sure you will do great. Jan is a very good teacher there! Have fun with it!
  18. Please tell me that you are using the CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB Signs and not the AKC ones...ANKC is sanctioning the CANADIAN version of this, and using the other signs, as much as most are similar, are NOT the same and will get confusing. You want to spruce it up and get energy going...give me a buzz..I"ll come and do the seminar....for those that have attended, they will attest that the energy level is WAY up there!
  19. I recently lost an entire litter to Parvo bar one. All pups were vaccinated twice and only a couple days from beginning to go to new homes. By the time the last one died she was 13 weeks of age. It happens unfortunatly and it's not always anyones fault. This virus is nasty and finds its way easily to pups. Without scaring you....simply taking shoes off and washing hands, isn't enough to stop it from finding its way to your home. This can carried a long way on many other bits of clothing besides shoes and not touching pups doesn't mean much as the virus can be left on floors/textiles etc that come in contact.
  20. The chemist that supplies ostomy fixtures will have adhesive remover. It's not cheap but you use it sparingly (and don't have false nails on when you do it, or they will end up coming off!)
  21. Enroll....you WILL learn and you will find that your heel work will improve for it. Jan is the teacher and she is VERY good with her students, adjusting the class to suit what level they are at or what specific issues they might need.
  22. This line is the kicker....were the other judges then given morning tea by someone else or did they miss out entirely? If they did, this clearly is something to be discouraged. No there is no rule, but it most certainly doesn't look good and the line about being the only one available to do it, is pretty lame. As busy as a show can be at times, there is always someone that can attend to a judge without creating a potential controversy! There were many times that I was free to help out at my club(s) but as an exhibitor, made sure someone ELSE attended to the judges that I would be showing to later that day. Even if it was another exhibitor that was not entered under them....who cares if that person is a member of the club or not as long as the judges are taken care of, and it was done so as to not ever make people stop and say 'mmmmmm'.
  23. You have not been Pinscher'd yet? well now, we'll have to change that....Miss M has her mothers licking gene and I'm told that Luna is a real cuddler! We'll be out with M very very soon!
  24. She is there the mandatory 30 days and we can visit her only twice a week
  25. Another lovely German Pinscher to the Angelsun family! Luna left Sweden and is currently in London and will be departing later today for the next leg of her journey to come to Australia. We are excited about her arrival and can't wait until our first visit to her in Quarantine!
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