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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. Sitting won't enhance his quality of life but stressing him out to sit, most definately will. It's not an important thing inspite of some people thinking a dog must sit on command to be a decent dog. (owner of show dogs that don't learn the s-i-t word)
  2. Manchester Terriers used to be only known as Black and Tan Terriers. They fell out of favour when many factories no longer needed them to get rid of rats and such and a fella from "Manchester" worked to bring the breed back to life and popularity so the name now reflects their place of rebirth. German Pinschers. They are only known as Pinschers in most European countries. German got stuck on there primarily when they began to be seen in North America only a short time ago, as it was often confused with Doberman Pinscher. Country of origin and rebirth when they almost fell extinct in the early '50's. Pinscher meaning simply 'bite' and there was the rough and smooth pinscher. The former turned into the schnauzer which was simply the name of a popular and much winning rough pinscher and then it stuck.
  3. But this is the majority of the reason cross bred dogs are chosen and are selling so well, simple fact. People like the look of them. Most that I talk to have no idea what each breeds characturistics are like and when you explain them they say to me, "that's why he does this or that" yup. Many people buying a purebred buy because of how they look first. Then they investigate to see what they are like, but if one breed doesn't suit (is too prey driven for example) often they will try to find something less so, but looks similar.
  4. Pug x Cavalier Tibetian Spaniel Malt x Cav Lowchen-Chinese Crested Puff-Havanese Malt x Poodle Bichon-Crested Puff Lab x Poodle Portugese Water Dog
  5. Hoping for a Valentines Day litter of German Pinschers for Angelsun
  6. Once again, the ethical registered breeders are left to deal with the misconception that they are the problem with overpopulation in the shelters. Its not even really the back yard breeders making puppies for profit...the fault lays on the people that purchase the dogs, get bored, move, have a child or generally will not take responsibility for that animal and dump it at the shelter. Because it's pretty easy to dump a dog when situations get challenging. It wasn't the breeder that dumped the dog, it was the owner. The ones that got tired, or inconvenienced by the animal and in todays disposable society, do what they would do with anything they get bored with.....dump it. As for breeding, I breed for me first and the lucky ones that get the rest of the litter, get awesome dogs. If they find life gets challenging and the dog will suffer, it simply comes back to me. It's easy because I stand behind my dogs. I don't have a huge demand for my breed, although not sure why as once people have them, they tell me they can't imagine owning another breed. But even if demand picked up, I'd still only breed at the level I do, because it's a lot of work and can be a money losing situation with the small gene pool and costs of importing semen and dogs.
  7. Dobes shed a lot as well. I have German Pinschers and am constantly sweeping hair. No, it doesn't tumbleweed down the hall like the shepherds but it finds its way into cupboards and a lot of places you raise your eyebrows about!
  8. RSPCA cat adoptions at Petbarn for cats over a year of age is $20. Now I just about fainted when I saw this and only could envision anyone and everyone snapping up a cat that's desexed, chipped, innoculated and out of the kitten stage on that twenty dollar impulse whim and then who knows what would happen to it!.....but......it hasn't happened. We had a lovely cat that was over two weeks before she got a family. The current foursome have been here for almost a week without a home. Lots of pats and people looking, but no impulse purchases. Are the public getting more responsible to a degree?
  9. Very important as I don't want my breed to end up a mockery of what it should be. My line knows how to hunt and kill rodents and snakes and such and does it with amazing skill and speed and accuracy. They work as a team if there is more than one out hunting and I will never discourage them from doing this. We are seeing nice results in things like nose work and barn trials because there are some of us that keep the old instincts alive instead of worrying soley about conformation ribbons. My dogs are structurally correct, that's why they can work. My dogs work because they are physically and mentally able and correct to do so.
  10. I'm not in QLD but can a vet clearly have enough knowledge of MY breed to indicate that any of my pups are not suitable for future reproduction? short answer...nope. Most don't even know what my breed is!
  11. I think it's safe to say that Angelsun German Pinschers will be expecting a litter around March 15th. This was a repeat mating of last year that sent three of the pups to the show rings around the world. Lulu in Spain, Angel in Japan and Gossip who has stayed here.
  12. Just get yourself a curved pair of nail scissors and take the claws off. Have Potassium Promanganate hand to dust on and done...it's REALLY easy and no drama. Place the scissors firmly into the leg, and push til the dew claw pops away a bit, then cut. Seriously..you CAN do it...giving pups drugs at this age, never mind taking them to vets is stupid and more importantly only benefiting the vets bank balance!!
  13. I have no real interest in the people behind the bitches that may want to use my stud. I must approve the bitch, this takes into account many of the other items you've listed such as titles or experience in the breed however I do not dismiss a bitch nor her owner for those reasons alone. The bitch's pedigree needs to make sense with that of my stud dog. The bitch needs to benefit in some way from my stud dog. What the owner of the bitch does with the pups is not my right to dictate, so I can't tell them what they can or can not do with the offspring nor who to sell them to. That goes back to approving the bitch..if I feel that they are a bit shonky, they will not use my stud dog. At the end of the day, if I don't approve, for any reason, the male will not be put to the bitch....it's very simple. Any questions or flags pop into my head at any time, it simply doesn't happen....sure they can find another stud....that's the right of the bitch owner.
  14. Rawlenson here as well..very fast turn arounds, they email you the basic results and then you get your breakdown. As well, he is the one that was recommended by Wyburn....
  15. Goats milk first, and add some Animalac if needed to enhance if I feel the need.
  16. I usually have about three times the people as possible for pups at any given time. Because I ask them on their application what gender and colour they want, it weeds out some when the litter arrives, but generally I know what I want at birth and by a week, I start sorting out what is going where. This give people time to pay the amount in payments which I find easier for many families to manage instead of a lump sum. By the time the pups are 8 weeks, all paperwork is done and usually available, pups are paid, travel arrangements are done and they all tend to leave within a few days of each other. I keep people up to date on things via the litter page of my website. It's easier than contacting each person separately until we get to the six week mark, and then it's one on one due to travel needs and other specifics. Although I 'advertise' It's not all that needed and I've had many litters where it's never been posted anywhere.
  17. I heard the dog section wasn't happening this year.
  18. Great news for Bob's family and friends who are still in disbelief of such a tragic loss. We speak of Bob all the time :) (we have one of the last pups he bred)
  19. Actually, litters remained constant average for that breed....
  20. I've not had a circumstance to bring back a daughter whilst the mom was still around...but I did witness the mother of one of my manchesters.....I got Misty at 8 weeks...she hadn't seen her mother for almost 3 years.....Anna turned circles when she got a sniff of her...and grunted and talked to her, washing her etc....Misty stood there with this 'what the?' look on her face....it was as though Anna knew her daughter, but Misty didn't know her mother.....
  21. I know of only one dog that was used excessively and developed health problems because of it....because he was used two and three times a week for months on end (dog was amazing, and flavour of the month and anything and everything went to this dog within a six month period) he was terribly underweight and out of condition and as a result, his health degraded (stupid owner at the time could have prevented this but the lure of so many stud fees far outweighed the health of this dog) He was dead in six months.....underweight and organs started shutting down as a result of lack of condition and care....BUT....this was an extreme case....(he was also still being shown for much of this time, until his weight dropped so much that he could not enter the show ring for obvious reasons!)
  22. I had the same issues when I sent vWD test swabs...they promised the moon, but I never got any results back and yes, they tried to bill me, AND sent some REALLY nasty emails regarding default payment (for things I never received) During the wait, they told me that the test I wanted was complex and that they were waiting for permissions or something....six weeks I was told..went to three months and then a year....all the while they wanted payment even though it was made clear at the start that payment would occur ONLY when the testing was done. I can't recommend this company at all.
  23. We always dressed properly when showing GSD's at specialties in Canada. Yup...I felt for the men as most of the shows were stinking hot but they never lost their jackets or ties!! ( I think awards should have been handed out for those handlers as well as the winning dogs!)
  24. But then the state councils couldn't generate income from it. The downside to user input databases are that they often aren't accurate. You take the info with a grain of salt. I've had issues with the chinese crested one out of Norway over the years but most of the time, people are honest with their input and it's a great source of information even if it can't be totally trusted.
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