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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. It was the Junior Sibe that took the group.
  2. Yes, same as a single entry in a regular class would get six points for BOB challenge.
  3. All my pups take the same amount of work in the original planning and then care and raising, so I have never charged more for a fully registered dog versus a pet, nor has colour played into my prices (I had two chocolates born in a litter and could have tripled the price but didn't) My fully registered pups go as co owns. The bitches, I ask for one pup back on either their first or second litter bred to a stud we agree upon. Most times, I never take back actually but it's in the contract that I have the option to refuse. The boys I can use on my own if I choose, and again, seldom happens really but the option is there for me. Co Ownership remains in most cases for the life of the dog/bitch. For me, this helps build the relationship with the new person, however established breeders don't have this rule and often I co own until titled and then sign off. It sounds restrictive and tough, but it's really not. I've done this with many in the past with great success.
  4. My apologies for not posting sooner, but my flight was delayed 3.5 hours returning from Hobart so it made for a very late arrival back home, and with fighting left over cold and post surgery stuff, starting a new business and yes, even buying a car, I"m only now sitting down to post!! I was thrilled with the turn out to the Tassie "Advanced/Excellant" workshop. Yup, we worked hard and it really showed. Drill work to get footplacement correct. Going over and over the stations to ensure that everyone learned to do them right the FIRST time...then we added the dogs....that created a whole new challenge! We started about 9:30am and with just a half hour for lunch break, finished up about half four. Five course runs later, tired dogs and blisters on feet for some, I think we accomplished a lot! In my opinion, Tassie is more than ready for this sport when it is official and will do this country proud when they start official trials. I have enjoyed watching the evolution of many of the participants over the past two years as they embrace and excell at this sport. WELL DONE!!
  5. They can demand the moon..if it's not in a written contract, they are not entitled. You have done more than what I would have done in the same situation. After this amount of time, the 'not bonding' line is just that....a line... I offer full refund only for a thirty day period for any reason other than health issues which I have a longer guarantee...the thirty day 'trial' period is just that..if they find the dog doesn't fit into their world, they will find it out quickly. I then rehome (once properly assessed to ensure that the owners haven't totally screwed up the puppy) and charge what I believe is a fair price based on age and 'issues'.
  6. exactly !!! let's not "cheapen" our Ch titles. How much cheaper could it get? I have two six point champions! I'm not happy about that, but can't help having a breed that isn't common and never has competition. In the dogs defence, they are class in group winners (with competition) however since those awards don't go towards their ch. title, it's pretty scant arguement. but in the end, they both are titled and never beat another dog to get there....that's cheap! Putting a championship class in, won't affect me here in any form because of the numbers, however having a champion class is common place for me and I wouldn't have any issues with it, regardless of whether my breed is popular or not. The ONLY problem I've always had, is that the judges tend to put the dogs up for best of breed from that class simply becaus they know they are champions and not all those dogs are better than the non championed exhibits.
  7. Results back, two weeks after sending to GT with both coming back vWD clear.....onward and upward!!
  8. Was there any explanation for this particular time period?
  9. Most US breeders don't register their kennel names so anything goes there. My swedish import has the breeders name up front and my prefix on the end. My Angel's sire is a NZ import and has the importers prefix added with the breeders prefix. I'm currently co leasing a bitch of my breeding so that I can put my kennel name on a pup. The rest of the litter will carry the prefix of the co breeder only (did this with M's litter as well) Everyone gets what they want when it comes to a 'name'. I did a co breeding one time with someone in the states and because the litter was born in Canada and we register kennel prefixes, mine came first and I worked hers into the middle or end. CKC didn't really care because her kennel name was not registered and as long as the name was individual and one of a kind, they were fine with it.
  10. that's up to you....I have had mine done in the middle of the cycle, and this last one was done on day 10!! There is no documented proof that the hips will be different based on heat cycles.
  11. That first exray was shocking!! there was little if anything correct about the positioning....you can clearly see on the second, how much more correct this one is. One tip, those dark spots beside the spine on the indide of the pelvic bones should give the same look as the TV/Movie alien eyes like on Close Encounters. (that was my former vet that gave me that one! haha) They should be the same and any deviation from that is one of the first indications that positioning isn't right.
  12. When we were figuring out who to send xrays to, we called his wife and spoke to her at length about his medical issues. He won't be reading again (if she has anything to say about it)
  13. To those of you who are keen to enter neutered classes to obtain a Neutered Champion... What 'sort' of dogs do you think this means you show? 1. Do you think it is a fun thing for the pet or a serious title for a good specimen of the breed? It is fun, but showing should be anyway. Yes it's a serious title, as serious as this dog show stuff should get but that depends on who you talk to! and yes, it should be always about the correct specimen for the breed. The only difference between the neuter and the regular classes should simply be that the dog is missing some reproductive parts. 2. Do you think the dog should be in peak condition or just an oldie who you think likes to show? If the above is still met, in either question then the answer is yes. It's the same question asked of the veterans....the old dog which simply because its' the oldest in the line up winning, or the best example of the senior dogs. 3. Will you be upset if you come up against Champions or Grand Champions? I am showing a champion to her neuter champion title out of respect for the dogs breeder, the dog is a decent example of the breed (she won quite a few class in groups during her regular showing) and is in great shape and loves to show. It's no different I guess than some people that bitch when their class/non titled dog is in against a grand champion who gets the challenge every weekend. May the better dog win and that's up to the judge. After doing my first catalogue that includes neutered dogs I am just curious.
  14. When I lived in Canada, I had BLKNTAN (for my manchesters firstly and then my preferred colour of Pinschers) I have no idea what I would get here with just six.... PINCHER P1NCHER GP4ME BLKTAN GPNCHR ANGELSN NGLSUN boy, this is hard!
  15. There was one to be held at Erskine Park in the evening but I have not gotten any feedback good or bad on that one. The other was a chat/discussion where it was attended very well, but agreed that more work needs to be done, so I"m in the process of hopefully getting organized to get up that way and do a two day seminar for about 50 possible attendees.
  16. Dr R J Rawlinson BVSc DVR(Lond.) MACVSc FACVSC PO Box 1626 Mt. Barker SA 5251 [email protected] Hips $64 Elbows $9 Email him to obtain a form to accompany your xrays. (I have his form if you want to email me to get it)
  17. Rawlinson was quick and professional. Got our scores back yesterday and the paperwork (hardcopy) will be arriving shortly. (hips 2/2-elbows 0/0)
  18. We'll be doing more advanced and excellent shortly in Tassie. I"m due to be down there in a few weeks. Am looking forward to it. Should be a nice challenging day of training!
  19. I have in the past had a good raport when I've used their males and given them a list of people that own the pups, however I do not expect that from bitch owners. For me, it's just a courtesy but not an obligation. There would be no stud dog owner dictate to me, who I could or could not sell a puppy to out of a litter of my breeding. Now if you're talking just good manners and communication, that's up to the individual. Not every stud owner cares where the pups go on an individual basis. By agreeing to breed their stud dog to the breeders bitch, they agree that the breeder will do right by the pups.
  20. One time, we did progesterone and this sort of kit at the same time to determine how accurate it was. It involved blood draw and placing it in three vials with solutions and looking at the colour to determine where on the scale the level was. We found it pretty accurate, however the reader must interpret the colour and guage on the scale where it is, so it's not as precise due to this. However for natural matings, it would be a great tool because you don't need to be quite as accurate as with a frozen implant.
  21. "Blade" at 9 weeks doing his 'shriner' impression. This dog was unique for me. It wasn't my first champion by far, nor my first show dog, but he caught my eye in the litter and I held him back from many pet home sales. I gave him to what was a friend at the time, as she was in my breed but struggling and said she wanted something red and male and showable. Off he went. Three months later, both of them came to live with me, his ears were not standing due to lack of taping and there were various other issues. I got the ears up, trained him to show and after his then owner, spat the dummy one day and plonked the rego papers on my table, I put him back into my name and showed him to his American Championship with three majors and his Canadian championship, finishing with a Group Win. He was then sent to Barcelona to an amazing owner who realized the potential in the dog that I had seen at such an early age. She tracked all over Europe and has put on another 7 championship titles, making him the most championship titled GP in the history of the breed. She's not done yet! She has always consulted me on any matings he does (she is not required nor expected to do this as he is HER dog fully and without strings) and I"m pleased to say that frozen semen will be arriving in Australia to be used back into my breeding program. He comes from a long line of superior GP's that have done well, including his australian grand champion sire, his All Breed best in show grandsire and his mom who was the top pinscher in Sweden and world circuit BOB winner. Canadian-American-International-Spanish-Portugese-Luxemburg-France-Monacco-Gibralter Champion Angelsun Excalibur
  22. Transcervical is great when you have the bitch to handle the proceedure. Many can't for one reason or another. A surgical implant, when done correctly, with progesterone to indicate the precise time only HAS to be done the one time. I used to do progesterone and do natural matings, and did one mating... Yes GS is always a concern for any proceedure, but I will stick with the surgical implant that I know has been inserted precisely where it needs to be because quite simply, you hold the uterine horns in your hands and do it...no guess work. Most of my breeding plans here will involved surgical implant due to lack of quality breeding males available. Thank goodness for frozen technology!
  23. Yes, last year was a challenge due to the weather. I"m glad it's been dry...we don't expect to get too close though as it's a bit of a drive for us with an 8:30am start
  24. Does anyone have any contact information for a Dr. Rawlinson? My vet was given this name as a source of hip/elbow reading. We can't find anything....we were told he/she? was in SA. We got two bitches exrayed today (digital) and this was the first set done by my vet since Wyburn is no longer reading. Any help would be appreciated.
  25. Yes and three pups came out of the event (Samoyed)
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