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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. This isn't the first time I've heard this about Lavelle. There are a few dogs out there (that were in this house) that were given very bad scores. changes in the scores were done when the dogs were not indicated to be 'show dogs'. We are very happy with Rawlinson, as he was the recommended vet from Wyburn
  2. It was a singleton pup that didn't make it....join the club to many of us. It was a maiden litter that didn't go well..but you have the bitch...many of us are not that lucky. Planning to the next mating isn't cruel, it's life..either realize that or find another hobby to be honest. Thickening up the skin is required as well. Spend money if you want over a repro specialist but the bottom line is, your bitch was bred, she carried without drama, she whelped without stress..the pup didn't survive....it was formed with hair, and all its parts. That's breeding for you! Yes, this sounds short, crisp and probably not very nice, but that's what it is...clean up, move on...both humans and doggie mother. The more you fret about this, the more insane you will be the next time you go to do this. Breeding in my opinion, is not for the faint of heart...it's a series of very highs and very lows, and you have to be able to level it out so neither peaks or falls so badly that you lose your sanity over it. You have your bitch who is healthy. She can be bred again if you choose to do that. You are very fortunate to have that opportunity. Take it and move on.
  3. Wow, what is up with so many misses? We may be added to that miss list as well before it's all done with both our girls, and this is after missing with my GP in September. Apparently a LOT of people are having problems lately getting litters out of proven bitches with proven males. I'm thinking one of the girls MIGHT have one or two tucked away, as she's lost her waist...am thinking a trip up to the vet next week for a quick exray will be in order to be sure. The other girl, I don't think is preggy, but she has hidden them well in the past, so with almost two more weeks to go, time will tell. Very frustrating this breeding stuff lately! I'm hesitant to get hopes up on the next of my girls that is due to go off to be bred....
  4. I beleive English Setters are born white and their flecks comes in later? Some red german pinschers are almost black when born (known as stag) Fawn great danes can be almost black and then go to their correct colour as they age. Sable german shepherds change colour as they grow and may not finish until they are a year or more depending on the lines. We've had some born cream, and end up black sable. In the middle they go through a weird colour change where they look like lions and then suddenly their black tips start to come back (can happen in a week or two!) Chinese crested....when it comes to puffs..it's anyones guess til they are about two years of age...I had a little boy that was registered as sable/white and he matured at two years to be a rich cream colour. Many times I've seen or had dark almost black, that ended up a silver blue or lighter.
  5. Word just in that a grandpuppy of mine just won the American Nationals for German Pinschers. Max is a black and tan boy out of a girl I bred whilst still in Canada. She is the daughter of the amazing Vegas that recently won the group at an all breed show in Sweden (a first for a bitch) and an amazing feat when you consider that Group 2 over there can have over 50 breeds in competition at any given time, never mind the average GP entry for breed there, is about 20! Max is the great grandson of the only Best In Show (all breed) GP in Canada, a dog I loved dearly named Reise, and who is the foundation of what I do in this breed. (My girl M is his grandaughter) I"m very proud of the consistancy that is found in my pedigree on a global scale. Max's uncle is the amazing boy in Spain named Blade who I will be bringing frozen semen in to this country very shortly and is the most conformation titled GP in the history of the breed.
  6. Station #20 and #40 are incorrectly described. That version you have states it is a change of direction exercise (it is not) and that it should be done in front of the sign, which it can't be or your dog will trip over the sign when you advance forward. It's a BIG error, which I can't seem to get corrected as my emails etc are being ignored on this matter. My hands are tied and I"m afraid it will end up probably being printed and accepted wrong, and we can't make changes for a few years due to the ANKC rules on newly recognized sports. Jeb5, hopefully your video's don't reflect the incorrect ways of doing the stations, presenting them as correct.
  7. Second that statement! (it's NOT a dobermann!!)
  8. If you have the rules, go to the back pages where the small signs are printed. Beside each is a written description of how to perform that sign. The trick with this, that some don't get....is you can only get so far with an instruction BOOK, to truly understand this sport, you MUST do practical work with someone that understands how to do each station. We are constantly running into issues where the trainers are teaching the stations incorrectly, and as a result, we're going to run into some disappointed people when trialing happens when they are marked based on incorrect stations. I've been trying to do some video, showing correct footwork for both human and dog and make it available but due to recent events in this sport, I won't be putting that effort in. I apologize for this as I know it's the right thing to do, but without the support from my local state dog council, I"m no longer going to be extending myself to the level I have been in the past and sitting back and watching others get the pats on the head. After the October seminar in Sydney to instruct their judges, I"ll be hanging up my teachers hat. It appears I'm competent enough to instruct obedience judges nationwide, but not competant enough to judge here.
  9. If you read the rule above, you will note that by allowing a bitch to whelp three times in 18 months, you are breaking the rule. It's just worded strangly...but it's the same exact thing. By not whelping MORE than twice (three times) it's the same as saying you can't breed a bitch to whelp three times in 18 months. Therefore you ARE allowed to breed to whelp a bitch twice within 18 month calendar period, however a third litter born even ONE DAY after that period, is fine according to Vic Dogs.
  10. Couple simple tricks that work in no time flat. Boil up some liver and reduce the water (use only enough to cover the liver in the pot) to half. Let cool and syringe fluid into each pup. About 10ml should work nicely. Through the mom....give her some goat milk. Let her have as much as she wants. Usually one good nursing of pups and an hour or two later, relief. the key with constipation in either pups or adults, is increase moisture dramatically.
  11. There is a seminar happening in SA with a presenter that is a rally judge and conformation judge as well. Please be aware that this presenter is an AKC judge and most likely will be using SOME of the signs or descriptions on how to do the signs based on the AKC rules and NOT the CKC (which is the model for our Australian Rally O) Please be aware for ANYONE attending seminars not presented by myself (or a few select individuals that have been well and truly had the rules stamped into their brains by me) that station #20 and #40 have been altered incorrectly. Neither of them are change of direction as indicated, and neither of them are to be preformed BEFORE the sign as it is technically impossible to do the station correctly this way. It has come to my attention that the re writing of the description MAY be based on some AKC, however I speak from trialling experience (unlike a few that seem to feel they fully understand this sport) that the description noted in the ANKC draft is in fact NOT the way we trialled in the USA and doing it the way described, would in fact result in a major point deduction as the station would be performed incorrectly.
  12. There is a seminar happening in SA with a presenter that is a rally judge and conformation judge as well. Please be aware that this presenter is an AKC judge and most likely will be using SOME of the signs or descriptions on how to do the signs based on the AKC rules and NOT the CKC (which is the model for our Australian Rally O) Please be aware for ANYONE attending seminars not presented by myself (or a few select individuals that have been well and truly had the rules stamped into their brains by me) that station #20 and #40 have been altered incorrectly. Neither of them are change of direction as indicated, and neither of them are to be preformed BEFORE the sign as it is technically impossible to do the station correctly this way. It has come to my attention that the re writing of the description MAY be based on some AKC, however I speak from trialing experience (unlike a few that seem to feel they fully understand this sport) that the description noted in the ANKC draft is in fact NOT the way we trialled in the USA and doing it the way described, would in fact result in a major point deduction as the station would be performed incorrectly.
  13. Send me an email and I will send you the ANKC (draft) rule book. This should give you a good start.
  14. there is a workshop planned for Sunday October 23rd and geared to the judges to prepare them for what they need to know to course design, mark and run their rings. It's a full and busy day planned with hands on design work to be done, practical course building, detailed analysis of judging. I'm not totally sure if this is judges only, but it's geared mostly for them and I beleive sanctioned by Dogs NSW.
  15. Not to my knowledge or based on any rules I have seen. The rule that the bitch must not WHELP more than three times within an 18 months time period.
  16. Interesting, as this isn't what we were told...we were informed that no one in Vic was mailed out numbers and only NSW folks were getting them in the mail. Gotta love it when people can't even be honest about a simple thing like this!
  17. No numbers here...apparently no one in Vic got them? We were told to pick them up the day of the show...
  18. just two days to go and no numbers here...lets hope they make it! What happened to the rule about having numbers to exhibitors a week prior to the event?
  19. this could be a GOOD change then!! I'm hoping the owner of the male I"m looking at bringing something in from, has a good vet, up to date on rules and regs! Just hoped someone might have done this lately and given me an idea what I'm in for regarding time lines/testing (and costs of testing)
  20. I'm interested in seeing the written rule as well. I have found here, that all too often, many quote what are supposed rules, but end up being hearsay rules. I know that many clubs can say they have policies they run their events by, but it's POLICY more than rule. I was told a while back that when in a certain area of another club, NO check chains were permitted to be used and this was loudy stated to some others and yet on an open day where demo dogs were needed, I worked my bitch on a check chain without comment. As well, the shows are held every year and guess what.....the majority of dogs are shown on check chains! So much for the 'rule'. Now I know that there are restrictions on E collars (I have the documents outlining the state rules and regs on this) but I've never been able to get any written rules about pinch collars and their use. I know that some folks have attempted to bring them in via postal and they have been stopped, however I know of many more that use them regularly (and without incident) I know how to use one correctly, and I know how they work. They are in fact FAR more human and less injury prone than a correction chain, but thanks to the many that don't understand them or how the collars look, a small portion have raised voice to say that any use by anyone, is deemed cruel. Well that's their opinion, but it's not mine. We had clubs where I was from, that stated in the entry forms to their shows/trials, that pinch was not permitted on the premisis and they do have the right to say this, however it turns out, they did not have the right to enforce it, as it wasn't CKC policy and the shows/trials are overseen by CKC rules and regs. Interesting vicious circle of heresay and misinformation, and I find the same sort of thing happens here. (same issue with importing a cropped eared dog from a country where it's permitted, and being told it can't be shown...wrong..it can be, you just need the right paperwork to do so.....big difference between getting the right paperwork and not being permitted...all because a bunch of people THINK that they know the rules) ;)
  21. Long coats aren't bred for, they just happen. The parents must each carry the gene and then it's a crap shoot. Two years ago, we had a litter with 10 pups and 4 of them were longcoats. It's hard to see them til they are about 6 weeks of age or so, so people sit back and wait to see if they will get one. I giggle at the orders we get..."Long coated sable bitch please, with a good kind nature that is good with kids" .....yup...we can do that! Tilly...great shot....nice topline and good colour! ;) As for the trotting arguement...there are many trotting breeds out there, but only the GSD is stacked three points. You can however stack a GSD four square like ALL the other breeds and still show the angulation that is required, however many of the dogs fall over because they can't use their own back legs to hold them up like is often the case with the pivot point stand. As for 'winning where it counts'....that's up to interpretation.....we have far too many so called breed specialist judges in this country. It seems to be labeled as that, you only need to have owned or shown the breed once....(yes, I can list a few with those criteria) It's no different to me than having someone claim to be a 'working dog specialist'.....did they own/breed and successfully show ALL the breeds in group five? if not...they are not a working dog specialist.
  22. Anyone done this recently? Because they have similar restrictions as we do, is it as much of a paperwork nightmare as bringing in from a Cat/4 country? (too lazy to go look at the AQIS site and internet not behaving today)
  23. There are different rules for different collars in different states. I got a full layout of this with one company I deal with (for my business) to ensure that I sell the right items and not break any laws. I know many that use pinch collars, I used them all the time on difficult dogs, during the transition to a correction chain and then half check. No biggie when used correctly, and no different than any other collar/harness/leading device. All can cause injury when used incorrectly.
  24. I agree....a few shows I attended, I felt VERY out of place....to me, it was a vetrans class, not a neuter show. Dogs that should have been groomed by hand, were done with clippers for example. The show SHOULD be the same as any other show, including HOW a dog is to be presented...if it's correct for the all breed show, it should be the same for the neuter class held within that same show. I have had MANY uplifted eyebrows when asked how old my girl is.....judges are getting used to hearing 10 or 8 years of age....when they hear 2 1/2, they don't know how to react (or this was what was happening the first few neuter shows I went to) They then asked WHY my girl was in this class and I told them, which usually results in which is quite funny. Lets face it, not many will admit that they have a hemaphrodite!! (and less will actually do the right thing and neuter it when they find out!)
  25. To my knowledge, there is no ANKC or state link up yet. I'm hopeful that after October, this will change with every state, to allow time for people to get sorted out with the details of the rules. All I can offer is that you email me at [email protected] and I"ll send you the last draft I have. There are a few small things that need attention (descriptions of two stations in how they are performed) and I"m working on it, but at times, it's like hitting a brick wall! A reminder, do NOT yank off the AKC (American) website the signs and rules, as they are NOT the signs and rules we are using.
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