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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. I had one done about two months or so ago, that took just over two weeks. I also had a broker doing the work for me. I have heard they are swamped because of the new import changes which have resulted in a flood of dogs to come over prior to that.
  2. Manly club has rally trials listed in the NSW magazine for the first full weekend in January (7-8?)
  3. Finally....(as she hangs up her teaching books) Have fun with this folks....it's more than what many think it is.
  4. I get that there isn't really Neuter in Group but Open Neuter in Group and as such, like the other 'normal' classes, doesn't get any points but although Open in Show doesn't gather any extra points either....it's VERY frustrating to be offered ONLY Open Neuter classes, go Best Neuter in show and still just come away with 6 points. I understand that the two types of competition must run the same and as such the same point system applies.....I"m simply whinging and saying that it just doesn't seem fair (stomps foot) No worries..I'll get over it! 30 some odd points to go!
  5. wish they had neuter....would have had another entry from this place too!
  6. Have not pulled a bitch from a show simply because she's in season, however I will not permit them to be exercised close to others (or like some do, IN THE RINGS!) I keep a distance when waiting to go in the ring and make sure I tell anyone coming around with a dog, that my bitch is in season. I also tell the judge the first moment they are close enough to examine the bitch. I have not had any issues with this sort of courtesy from either inside or outside the rings. As for the boys losing their brains...well that's just what it is. Some you can distract (have had those) others you can't (have had those too) But I've also had males that even before a bitch starts, he's going bonkers....to compensate for his over active libido and lack of brains, do we eliminate any bitch even remotely due to come on heat? He was no different when she was standing, to when she first came in....so after all....fairs fair...right? Lack of good manners, is what creates problems, not bitches in season...they've been shown in the breed rings long before we all walked the earth....why now, is there so much whinging?
  7. Well, here we go again.....(maybe) GIPFEL is HOPING for puppies December 24th. I'm not getting too excited about anything at this point. As well one of my girls is in season and will be mated, but by the time she's ready, I"m thinking it will be a January litter if she get preggy.
  8. Smears are cheaper but sometimes not accurate. If you feel she is ready, simply collect from him and do an AI. It's not difficult (or find a vet that can, or another breeder) I've never used a vet for fresh collect AI as many of them are quite useless with collections.
  9. do a fresh collect and AI...less drama, gets the job done.
  10. Agreed....this is the one thing I don't think I"ll ever get used to. We always just set up wherever and tents were never closed in (unless the weather was absolutely FOUL) but on sunny days, air and breezes and shades over the crates only. Lots of open spaces and no one worried about if they were RIGHT in front of THEIR ring. We also grabbed our chairs and sat by the ropes at whatever ring we wanted, watched and learned. I'm told this isn't allowed here because of the 2m ring side rule (and I probably would get bowled over by a bunch of trolleys!) We sat and watched the group judging and we clapped when the dogs moved around. Yes we had favourites but everyone got claps. Same thing for BIS.....appreciating the seven dogs in the ring for getting there! Cheers for the winner....here, you can hear a pin drop....We didn't have the many class in show awards, just Best Puppy in Show...but we treated it the same as the BIS and clapped for everyone that was in there and moved around. It was a big event to win and the crowd was behind you when you did. All I seem to see here, is rolling eyes, hearing snorts of disgust or bitching coming from tents ringside because the occupant figures they were pretty hard done by to not win class A or B or whatever. I don't win much here (clearly I'm not a 'face') but my satisfaction comes from a dog that shows well for me. I'll take that and enjoy it, but unfortunately most often, it's simply not enough to keep up the enthusiasm for a weekend at a show.
  11. I think although many can say "all of the above" in most cases its a bit of this or that and in the end, no entry. For me, my health was crappy this year so I think I've been to half a dozen shows all up. Tony's taken over the Pinschers mostly to get them through their titles. He is pretty much over Shepherd showing as it's discouraging to see roach backed, out of control dogs, being put up all the time. he's got a bum knee as well that continues to give him grief so it's not hard to stay out of that ring really. I get frustrated when my dog shows well, but is ignored in the group after a judge gushes over her at breed making statements like "never seen one this nice" etc etc....and group goes to a face because the dog to be honest, is out of condition in many aspects. I don't bother entering many international judges because they have not got my breed there, nor have in many cases, ever seen my breed in person....why bother? It's discouraging to know who will win the group/show, before the judges are even introduced on the day based on who's shown up (read: chased) Not saying the dogs aren't good....but they aren't the ONLY good dogs in the ring that day.....the others just don't have the $$ behind them to do all the advertising or jump around every weekend to shows. I don't and haven't chased judges...ever....now I"m told that when I enter a show and a Canadian judge happens to be on the panel, I must be chasing them...or people figure if I DID win (which I've never really done much under any visiting judge to date) that it's simply because I'm Canadian and so are they....we know this DOES happen....hasn't happened to me....only a few have figured out who I am, simply because they don't expect to see me here. Petrol prices, motel prices etc...all go towards deciding if I'll go to a show. Who's judging..of course that is part of the decision. In the end, it comes down to whether I have dogs to enter....and currently, we don't have much until we get a litter or two and some new ones to start out again.
  12. Testing is important but yes, there are higher priorities depending on the health issue that breeders are trying to 'manage'. We have cataracts in our breed, but with the exception of a few dogs with PRA that have lost their sight, we have no had any dogs go blind from punctates. However, we have a great deal of people that are willing to throw out dogs, with one or two small punctates that have remained stable for years, simply because they have them and show no cases of it being passed along to offspring or further generations. As a result, we have lost some good pedigree/balanced and structurally complete, dogs to the mix. Mediocre dogs of both physical and mental traits are being used simply because they 'eye test clear'. I believe that our eye issues are not life threatening, nor debilitating and although I test yearly, and will base my breeding on those results, will not eliminate a dog with a few punctates, in favour of a lessor dog with clear eyes. I do my best to not double up on a problem, but I would hope that applies to ANY problem, whether it's eyes or crappy fronts or bad temperaments! We can't lose sight of the bigger picture based on some single sided genetic issues that may not affect the breed as a whole, however we can not ignore them totally either. Too many people that are relatively new to breeding, seem to feel that things need to be either fixed in one generation or that they only, can 'save' their chosen breed.
  13. I've been fighting to have these draft rules and proposed rules released more widespread, but for some reason, one person in particular spent twelve months guarding them and telling many that they were 'not for distribution' (I sent them around anyway!) As always, I've told folks to email me and I"ll send them the latest draft (remembering draft is the word we use til the rules are officially done and dusted...but there won't be many changes if any when that happens) Have yet to understand why some are treating this like some top secret document.....it's not doing ANYONE any favours to think that way!
  14. It's a done deal and to happen starting January 1st. Already we are seeing schedules with the events. The only thing pending will be judges in most cases til they sort that part all out.
  15. Yes, very frustrating. I'm sitting on a bitch with two BNIS's and multiple NIG awards, but claiming six points at the end of the day. Frustrating to sit and look at both VCA and Dogs NSW magazines in this month to find neuter classes offered up in Sydney (six + hours) away and specialty clubs offering them only. We have begged, pleaded and offered sponsorship for the classes in our local clubs, only to be turned down....scuse me? We're offering to PAY for the sashes, supply the trophies....and it's refused? I just don't get it!
  16. Be VERY careful of any DVD's or apps on this sport. As mentioned, most are designed on the American rules, which are NOT the rules/signs we will be using. Yes there are many similarities, but in this new sport, there are enough differences to create training problems down the track. I've attempted to do a video of each station (footwork, dog position etc) but unfortunately, there hasn't been the support to follow through and as it turns out, I've learned that had I done it, someone else probably would take credit for it. One more seminar for me, and one more demo and then I'm retired and will cross my fingers and hope everyone gets along ok with this sport.....it won't be for lack of trying on my part, that's for sure!
  17. Yes, had I known in more time, I might have been able to rearrange things...well, not all things that day. :D
  18. GIPFEL is hoping for a litter around December 16th. We're trying to not get too excited as we've been in a very big famine for pups for a LONG time now! Another possible mating may happen next week, putting GIPFEL up to try once again around the end of December.
  19. The Rock Toys Pom (puppy) Terrier Westie (minor) Gundog Cocker (inter) Hound Elkhound Working Border Utility Dobermann (open) Non Sporting Jap Spitz BIS Dobermann RUBIS Cocker My neuter Angel got first in the Neuter sweeps and M got Inter in group.
  20. I've always just asked the organizer of the shows. At times, they ask for a small donation, other times they don't. And for me with what I"m doing (dried and smoked bait/treats and gourmet biscuits) I make sure that there isn't another at the show, offering the same as I don't want to step on toes. So far, this method works, but I don't take stuff to every show because by the end of the week doing this in my shop, my one day of show, is not for working! (although Tony enjoys manning the treat bins and helping folks)
  21. Thanks for the info. Bedazzeldx2, does this mean there IS provision or WAS, for a current non obedience judge to obtain a permit for that sport (I'm meaning prior to the sport being actually in place) or was this done AFTER the sport was recognized?
  22. Can someone out there in the 'know' answer me a question regarding judging in Dancing With Dogs please. What criteria was required for judges to be accredited when this sport was first recognized. In other words, who was deemed qualified by their state body, to judge a new sport that had not had anyone attain a title yet.
  23. No pups for either of our Gipfel girls this time...that's two misses for both girls unfortunately. We are in a drought here with five missed litters in the past 18 months.
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