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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. We have natural bob tails in my breed. not many..but it's happened. My pedigree has it and I look forward to the chance to produce one. Yup...it's about the look. I like a docked/bobtail in my breed...I won't deny that, nor should I be chastised for admitting it. If I knew enough about genetics and how to capture this gene to continually create short tails, I damn well would...in a heartbeat! My breed, traditionally was docked...like it or not..it is the history of the breed and I respect that. I get very frustrated and angry with the fanatics that have managed to remove this peice of history in 'form' from my breed (and others) because of their misguided information. I embrace those that have pushed forward, inspite of a lot of pressure, to create the bobtail look that their breeds history held. I no further believe that a genetically created bob tail, is detrimental to the dogs health, or happiness or ability to communicate, as is a docked tail done at birth and without pain (banding) I have two litters planned, one is due in the next month...there is a good chance there will be a natural bob tail...the pedigree shows the odds pretty high....the same with the next planned mating... But then....I am hoping to produce another chocolate one day.....(another topic)
  2. Exray shows our Bekki to have 8, but maybe one more due to a shadow...another week for her to get through!
  3. Is this similar to the QLD version? If so, they also reqire those in the program to advertise in the monthly mag. Friends of mine have rejected the accreditation due to this financial issue. In my opinion, having five litters doesnt raise a person above someone that has had four. But like so many 'awards', it makes for a nice catch line when advetising litters to unsuspecting buyers. No mention of health testing history or titles required?
  4. thanks everyone..am following up on a few and hope to get this sorted by Christmas as my girl is due early in the new year!
  5. I'm looking to buy a whelping box, doesn't have to be heated as I usually use overhead heat lamps with great success. I have contacted the business that advertises here on DOL but was wondering if anyone can offer other places to get prices from. Looking for less than 1000mm square (German Pinscher sized) with pig rails that could be removed and notched out front if possible (your basic whelping box design) Needs to have a bottom and be scrubbable. any direction for folks that either have a small business or are very handy, and can either deliver or ship to NE Victoria (I can do pick up within a reasonable distance) would be appreciated.
  6. Confirmed BOTH GSD girls in whelp....argh...we knew this would happen...(figuring that one of them would miss!) gonna be a busy few weeks at 'shepherds rest'
  7. At the Royal in Toronto Canada, they have the 'dog and pony' event....jumping on the horse, and dogs doing a small agility course...someone always draws the pig...they seem to really want to draw the pig...they know they won't win...but they always get air time on the evening news!!
  8. Ultrasound has confirmed pregnancy....phew....I was begining to wonder if I would hear the pitter patter of pinschy feet!
  9. Unless otherwise noted: there will be a demo happening at the Dogs Day Out at KCC on December 11th, run by the Schipperke club. Courses, instruction, covering rules and ring set up and proceedure will be done. Any interested parties wishing to run their dogs through the courses are welcome to do so. I'm not sure on this, but there may be a gold coin donation box to help cover expenses to run this event. I will post more info when/if I find out more. special thanks to those with the Schip club for organizing this event.
  10. We don't have breed specific (stand alone...currently we have one specialty event that has three breeds featured) We do not have a qualified judge in my breed here in this country. If we had someone say from Sweden (one of the big countries with my breed that has routinely 25+ at any given routine all breed show) I'd hope to present and do well. At this point, doing well in the All Breed is more important, simply because that's where I am most weekends. This is where the new potential owners hang out, and this is where I get a chance to show off my breed to the general public that came along to see Dobermann and realized that my breed might be a better size or suit their lifestyle and never heard of it. General public do not usually attend specialty events held at the major dog centres (based on what I have seen since I have been here) Unless they have contacted me prior, and I tell them to go on such and such a day at whatever time, so that they can view....we never see general public attend.
  11. And the bottom line of all this is simply, if you don't like to compete and attempt to attain these goals....stay home (and stop whining) I once had the top GP in the country....never met another of his breed...attained all his points for title out of group placements....(we have four) does his record then, because he never beat another of his breed, be diminished? He beat BIS poodles, schipperke's etc....the judges didn't have to reward him in the group as there were plenty of others there to select....He obtained a BIS without (to that point) competing against anything in his breed.....we didn't have any breed specialty event. We don't have here, a breed specific specialty, and the club we have that offers shows (with three pinscher breeds) doesn't offer 25 point challenges due to lack of numbers.....which doesn't mean lack of competition, or competativeness. It's not a case of being easier....it's a case of being realistic in my opinion. In saying that, I have no real aspirations to campaign a dog to a Grand. In the long run, no one really cares....even those in the breed other than the owner/shower of the dog in question.
  12. I have no issues with the changes. This year, we have only one in my breed that has obtained a group sin. We have one that has obtained a runner up. Last year, there were none, the year before there was one that got a runner up and only because of (in my opinion) favoured judging practices. We don't have a breed that generally is rewarded in group. Yes it happens, but we don't seem to be seen much, jammed between the Dobe and a Neo and constantly compared to the former, when we are nothing the same but the judge clearly can't figure out why our topline isn't flat and level!! We do ok in the class in group competition however and occasionaly pick up a class in show. We have in the past had some outstanding examples of the breed.. there are a few kicking around at the moment, but yes...work to be done including what I own myself.....but when many judges comment first up that they just don't see them much, or that they haven't seen one in years, or when you head in for sweeps and are told you are too far back and should be up behind the Fox Terrier.....you gotta know that the judge hasn't a clue what breed you have unless the steward yells it out.
  13. On this subject...you still are going in a straight line *as opposed to weaving or bobbing during heeling* but that line may not be ninety degrees from the other one...
  14. Quick note, forward action signs are on your RIGHT, not your left. If judges were asking you to keep signs on the left, they were wrong. Change of direction signs are in front and not passed or circled. Exception signs are weaves, spiral, serpentine and jump
  15. Wayne at all Creatures Air Road, handled the three imports from here to Canada that I did. Great job, reasonable price and lots of communications.
  16. did I have the only tart last month? On that note...I am pretty sure she's preggy...she's turned into a lap monster...
  17. I agree Trisven...that's a preggy poochie. Happy to report our Bekkie is almost positive to be preggy...she's lost her girlish figure, nipples plumping up and super sookie (more than she normally is) The other GSD girl is a week behind her..so too early to say...and my Luna(tic) has on two occasions snuggled up beside Tony and once plunked on my lap for an extended stay....maybe the drought has broken at Shepherds Rest?
  18. We have been looking to rehome a 10 month old girl. We clearly state in the advert that she WILL be desexed prior to placement, with no exceptions...Of all the calls on her, there has been ONLY two that have no issues with desexing (unfortunately they don't have the ideal home situation for this girl) as the rest of them want to breed from her. They don't seem to understand that if she was correct enough to breed from, we would be doing that!
  19. So sorry to hear this news Trisven13....can totally relate to your disappointment. There is always a Plan B though...even if you might not know what that is at the moment!
  20. Well here I go then....ANGELSUN is hoping for a litter born around January 4th (German Pinschers)
  21. I'm thinking the poster is saying the certificate showing their prefix, does not have the breed noted on it, not the original application for the prefix?
  22. I have used and will use again, a carrier...it's only a carrier, not affected (doesn't matter the disease) As long as testing is around, and I can test offspring, and make decisions and go from there...it's a non issue for me really. In saying this, I would not do a carrier/carrier mating, but only carrier/clear.
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