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Cleanrun.com Has Free Shipping On Lots Of Toys...
Jessca replied to megan_'s topic in General Dog Discussion
Spoke too soon, it arrived this morning!! Hubby wont let me open it till he gets home (and of course he's working late today!) ah the anticipation.. I hope everyone's arrives soon! -
Cleanrun.com Has Free Shipping On Lots Of Toys...
Jessca replied to megan_'s topic in General Dog Discussion
I'm starring to get a little worried. The last tracking status was on the 15th November and it had left NY on its way here. How long has everyone else's taken? -
Cleanrun.com Has Free Shipping On Lots Of Toys...
Jessca replied to megan_'s topic in General Dog Discussion
Things are disappearing from my cart! I went away for five mins and the puzzle ball and a couple of other things (that I can't remember, wow I think thats a sign I am buying too much!) have gone. Thanks for linking! EDIT: Oh no! Now the whole website is down!! -
Where abouts are you, if outer east or heading out through Beaconsfield, I may be able to help out. Do you have a store Austerra? We are up in berwick every Saturday and just noticed we are running rather low! Yep, in Beaconsfield Plaza near Aldi, if you know the area we are just along from the chemist opposite Subway. Ah I know the one! Will stop by next time I'm up that way :-) Thanks!!
Where abouts are you, if outer east or heading out through Beaconsfield, I may be able to help out. Do you have a store Austerra? We are up in berwick every Saturday and just noticed we are running rather low!
Abbey Addie AJ Ajanta Akira Alera Ali x 2 Alice Alika Alchemy Amber Amelia Amy x 2 Anais Andie (Andromeda) Aneira Annie x 2 Anastacia (Annie) Angel X 6 Angelina Anishinaabe Annabelle Annabella Anouk April April RIP x 2 Ari Arizona Arki Arya Asante sana Asha Ashka Askari Ashleigh Astrid Astro Athena Aubrey Audrey Aura Aurora Ayla Baba Babe Margaret Hoolihan Baci Bailey Basha Beanie Beans Becky Bella x 5 Billie Bianca Bibi Bit Blaize Bloss Blossom Bonny x 5 (Bonnie) Bonita Boss Bow wow Bracken Brandi Brandy x 2 Breagh Bree x 3 Brianna Bridie Bronte Bubbles Buffy Buttercup Cally Cara Casey Cassie Casper CC Cedar Chapparelle (pronounced Shapparelle, and shortened to Chappa (Shappa)) Chalice aka 'Chali' Chelsea x 2 Cherrie Chevy x 2 Chloe x 3 Charley Chanel Charli Charlie Charlie-May Charlotte Cherry Chiko Chilli Choo Choo Chops Ciara Cider Cinders Cindy Cinta CJ x 2 Claire Claudia Clover x 3 Cleo Cleoparta Coco x5 CocoNut Colour (for a greyhound who's not grey!) Cookie Cossette Cossi Courtney Cricket Crystal Cristie x 2 Crupi Daenerys Daisy x 3 Daisy-Mae Dallas Dancer Danika x2 Darla Delilah Delta Demi Dempsie Dexta Diazz Didge Dinky Dixie Diva x 2 Dizzy Durham Dusty Dyzney Ebony Echo x 2 Electra Elizabeth Ella x2 Elley Ellie x3 Elsa x 2 Elsie Emily Emilly Emma Emmy Enya Erin Esky Evie Faith Fame Fanta Feather Feonix Finta Flame Flash Fleur Flossy Flute Frenchie Froggy Gabbie Gabby Gael Galadriel(Gala) Gemma x 4 Genie (not exactly a girly name but I thought it suited my goldy) Genevieve George Georgea Gertrude Ginger Ginny Gina Gita Glitter Goldie Gooby Grace x 2 Griffin x 2 GT Gypsy x 7 Gyrle HambleRIP Halo Harlow Havarna Hayley x2 Heather Heddy Heidi x2 Holly x 7 Honeyx3 Honour Hope Imme Imogen - Imy Indi India x 2 Indigo Georgia Ingrid Iris Isabella Issie Jade Jag Jamie Lee Jane Jasmine x2 Jaxx Jay Jay Jazz Jazzman Jedda RIP Jelly Bean Jenna x 2 Jersey Jess x2 Jessi Jesie Jessica Jessie x 4 Jeune Jezebel x 2 Jicin Jindi Jinxy Jodie x 2 JoJo Jovi Joy Juliet Juno Kamikaze Kara X 2 Kari Karma Karmen Kaos Kassy Katie x 3 Katy Kayla X2 KC Keeta Keilani Keira Keirra Keisha x 2 Kelli Kelly Kelsey Kenzie Kibah Kiesha Kimba Kira Kirah -- pronounced "Ki-RAH" (the"Ki" sounding like that in "kid") Kiri Kiri-Lu Kirra (agility name Kiz) Kishka (called Kish most of the time) Kisses Kitty Kizzey Krissy Kuean - (Queen) Lacey x 2 Latte Lady Layla x 2 Lea (lele) Leader Leia Leila Lexi x 4 Lexie Lia Libby Lily x 4 Lizzy Lobo Logan Lola x 3 Lolly Lotta (as in Li'l Lotta) Lottie Lucia Lucky (yes, a bit tacky, but I loved her) Lucy x6 Lucinda Luka Lulu Luna Luuka Mable Mac Maddie x2 Maddison Maeby Magali Maggie x3 Magic x2 Maia Mallee Marie Claudette Marina Mary Marlo Matilda Matilda-Rose Maya Meeka Meg x 2 Meisha Meggz Merrique Mia X 3 Midge Miekah Migaloo Mika Milky Milla Millie x5 (Milli) Mimi Mindy x 2 Minky Minnie x 2 (Mynni) Minouche Mischa Mishchief Mischka Misha Missy Missie Mistletoe Misty Mitzi Molly x 9 Molly Coddle Monet Moochie Mung Bean Mya Nala Nandi Narla x2 Natasha Nellie Nena Ness Nora Nyima Olivia Ollie Pagan x 3 Panda x 2 Paris Paxy Pchelka Pearl Pebbles Peggie Penelope Penny x 3 Pennylane Pepper x 4 Perry Phoebe x 2 Phoenix Pink Pip x 2 Pippin Piper x 2 Pixie Polly x 2 Poochie Popcorn Poppy Porridge Porscha Poung Prada Priah Quince Quinn x 2 Rani Razzle Reba Rebel Reno Rhoda Riki Ricky River Rizzi Rogue Rommi Rose Rosey Rosie O'Grady (sweet rosie O to her friends) Rosie x 2 Roxie Roxy x 4 Ruby x 7 Rumour Sabine Sabrina Sachi Sadie Saffron Safire Sahli Sally x4 Sarah x 2 Sarah Jane Sari Sascha x 2 Sasha x3 Sarsha Satu Savannah Scandal Scarlet Scruffy Serena Seven Sha Shae Shandy Shannon Sharnie Sharon Sharna Sheba Shelby Shimmer Shine Shishka Shona Siann or Cyan Sinta Sienna X 3 Skye x 3 SkySnow Snotty Dotty Sola Sonya Sooki Sooty Sophie x2 Sophia Sparkles Springy Sputnik Spook Stella x2 Stimpy X2 Storm Stussy Sue x 2 Summa Suzie x 2 Sybill Sydney Tait Tamar Tameeka Tango Tara x 3 Tasha Tashi Tassie (with a s sound NOT a z) Taya Tayla Teegan X 2 Tess x 6 Tessa Texas The Divine miss Sophie Thea-Rose Tia x 2 Tieke Tikaani Tilba Tilli Tilly x3 Tinka Tinny (tin tin) x2 Toot Tori Tully Tyche Tyra Tyneal Ulla Ursula Vada Vicki Vienna Viviane Voodoo Wandy White Whitey Whitney (reg'd) Whitneigh) Winnie Winona Winter Wilhelmina Willow x 2 Wolf Xena Xanthe Zara Zahli Zillah Zippedeedoodah Ziva x 3 Zena Zoe x 4 Zora
Andrew Andy Appollo Archie Armand Arnie Arminius Asher Aussie x2 Axl Bailey x 4 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Basil Bear x2 Beau Benji Benny Benson x2 Beowulf Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Boss Boxer Brady x 2 Brock x 2 Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Brutus x2 Bud Buddy Bundy Buster Caleb Caramel Carl Carter Cash Casper Cedar Champ Charlie x 4 Chester Chevy Chief Chip Chisel Clyde Coco x 2 Cobber Connor x 2 Cooper x 4 Cowan x 2 Cruise Cuba D'Artagnan Dakota Dalton a joke from the road house movie "I thought he'd be bigger" he is a big boy Damit Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Denver Denzal Dennys Dog Deputy Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Doc Dog Douglas Dozer Dragon Drifter Drogo Duke Dumas Dylan x2 Ebon Eddie EJ Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Enuff Esky Fender Fergus FEZ Fido Fionneaghan (Fionn) FlashBazil Flash Harry Flynnch Fox Frank Franky J Holden Fred Gandor Gimmick Granger Greedy Griffin Gus Guiness McGuinness Gypsy Hail Hamish Harley Harrison Harry Hemi Henry x2 Heraldus Hiram Hogan Hudson Hugo x 2 Ivan Indiana Jack x 3 Jackson Jacques Jag Jake x 3 Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Jingles Jock Joe Jonty Jordan x 2 Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser x2 Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kolya Kyle Kynan Kyojin Kyzer Leo Leroy x2 Lestat Link Logan Louie Louis Luca Lucky Lughie Lukas Lumen Mac MacKenzie Magnus Manny Mars Max x 4 Maxey Maxie Mel Merlin Merlot Merry Micah Midge Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mokha Morrison Morris Moses Mr Darcy Mungo Murphy Murray Nammu Napoleon x2 Ned Nelson Nicky Nigel Nikolai Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Nutnut Oberon Odin Ollie Oliver Onslow Oscar x 2 Oso Oz x 2 Pal Payton Percy Piikki Porsha Porthos Punch Punky Quick Rafe Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Rasta Rauri Reeve Remy Rex x 2 Rhaegar Rhino Rico Riku Riley Ripley River Roary Rocks Rocky x 2 Rolly Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Russell Rusty x2 Sam Samurai (Sam) Sarge Sasha Scout Scrap Scratch Sebastion Shadow x2 Silas Snitch Snoopy Sonny Sox Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Spiritus Sport Spud Stanley Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tango Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thorn Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x 2 Toffee Tonka Trojan Trusty Tub Tusca Tye Tyrant Tyson Ulf Valentino Viserys Vulcan Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson x 2 Weave Will Willow Willy Win'ja Winston Woody Wolf Xander Yelka Yoshi Zac Zander Zedley Zep Zephyr Zero Zeus Zuess Ziggy Zoltan Zontie
Is There Any Things Said About Your Breed...
Jessca replied to Baileys mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes she is a German Shepherd, no she is not a cross (the amount of times I've been asked if she is a wolf is crazy!), and yes I'm 100% sure she is purebred. Oh, but i GSD's don't come in that colour, so her breeder must've lied to me but then when you ask if they have seen 'send in the dogs' the little light bulb goes off. Shes not scared of you, just because she doesn't give a s**t that your there. And her moving away from you means she doesn't want you to touch her, not that she's scarred and might bite you! (although if you don't get the hint and leave be alone....) Shephers are aloof! I was asked once if my dobe (rip ) was an Alsatian, that's just wrong on so many levels! And no I'm not scared he'll turn on me in my sleep, or their brains grow to big for the skull and they snap, ect.. That's all I can think of with little sleep. -
That's a good point Jules! Gosh it'd be a worry if it did cause a fire! Hey Jessca C tick compliance is not something that is obtained in the US, it's an Australian standard. There are many things you can import but would need to obtain certain compliance for such as motor vehicles etc - you can bring them in but not use them. Hope that helps clarify :) Where does the department of communications do dog patrols to see if they are wearing non C tick approved Ecollars :laugh: The C tick requirement more applies to commercial Ecollar resellers within Australia. :laugh: I'd like to see that! The sticker rubbed off I swear! Interesting.... I thought they were illegal to import without a permit, but not illegal to buy in Aus. I tried to buy a radio fence collar from overseas several years ago and customs siezed the collar, but not the remainder of the package (wire, instructions etc). HOWEVER - looking here (http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/num_reg_es/ciar20085n226o2008622.html) it appears that ban has been lifted. Collars designed to bruise or puncture the skin are still illegal to import. The list of restricted imports can be found here http://www.customs.gov.au/site/page4369.asp This older thred may have some answers too http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/166765-importing-training-gear-from-the-usa/ Hope that helps. Thanks Tumbleweed!! I ended up ordering one from K9Pro (thank you to thr very helpfull Bec who answered all my questions!!) Can't wait to get a new one!
Club Suggestions - Se Melbourne
Jessca replied to megan_'s topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
There is also K9IQ in berwick. http://www.berwickk9iq.com.au/ -
You can import prongs, it's just restricted (i.e. you need to have a permit). There isn't an import restriction on e-collars but the warranty won't extend to Australia and there is no C Tick compliance which makes them illegal to use or even own anywhere in Australia. Besides that, the shipping costs usually make importing small numbers of collars quite expensive. Thanks Huski! Please excuse my ignorance, but if you can get the same model here and overseas wouldn't they both be exactly the same (in regards to the c-tick compliance) Thank you! M-sass I don't believe they are illegal to own(unless, as Huski said, they are imported). From memory the use is restricted but not illegal (may depend on each state tho).
Yep, as far as I am aware the import ban was lifted a few years ago.
Just wondering what the advantages are of buying ecollars in aus over getting them o/s? When they are so much cheaper in the USA, would the only difference be a charging adaptor and warranty? Thanks in advance!
JulesP I believe escapes and xtrails are quite similar :) If you get the measurements you might be lucky!
Great ad!! Thanks for sharing