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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. God to hear he is starting to use it more. Having the other leg done soon will force him to use it. I still wouldn't be encouraging him to run around like crazy yet though.
  2. :p How can people think that rotting teeth in mouths are good? Teeth should fall out not rot out. If you want teeth removed leave it up to a vet. If your pup is being desexed and still has retained teeth alot of vets will ake them out whilst the dog is under GA.
  3. :p Oh that Chicken Fairy is a good one. Glad Asher is home and well.
  4. Please be carefull with aftercare as I know of one dog that died a few days afterwards because of swelling. Owners came home to find him dead.
  5. Um is he actually allowed to run around so crazily so shorty after the operation?
  6. Does look a bit nasty. If it was more brown I would say yeasty type reaction but it is black. Have you had a poke at it? Could it possible be something that has scabbed? Where is it located? I think the most common places in pugs for MCT are neck/chest and hind quaters.
  7. Yep covers on the lounge that you can take off and wash. If you don't want him on the lounge then don't let him have access to it when you are not there. When you are there tell him off if he jumps up and direct him to where he is allowed to be.
  8. Vibes for your boy. He will be fine. Hope the tooth fairy remembers to come to him.
  9. Lots of older dogs do it as well. It's part of REM.
  10. Could be just a puppy thing or could be his food not digesting properly. What do you feed? I would tell him off if you catch him and make sure you clean up after him often.
  11. Great idea for someone who really has no idea of what breed to get.
  12. What does she do when you just clip her lead onto her collar? No idea how to help other then to ask why she has a blue harness. Bailey don't worry princess you can come and live with me and I will buy you a pink harness so you don't have to wear that blue one and have people confuse you for a boy.
  13. Strange. It seems like a good diet. The only grass eaters I have come across ar those that are unwell, those that want to try and make themselves throw up and those that don't really get any veggies & fruit in their diet. I would cut out the tomatoes studies have shown that they can be harmful to animals.
  14. Does sound like he is favouring that side though and you did say that there is some discolouration now to the teeth on that side.
  15. Great news. What GLM product did you end up using?
  16. My boy pug used to get dirty smelly ears constantly untill I got him off all grains. Now ac lean out in the bath once every 7 to 10 days is all he needs whne it used to be every day.
  17. If it's brown and yucky all the time then definatley sounds like a yeast infection. What do you feed?
  18. Unless he is in any pain I would leave. If it is causing him problems you will probably be able to tell that he is favouring it in a few months time if tartar starts to build up on it. If it does cause problems then I would just take it out. What bones do you feed? They could be to hard. Stick to non weight bearing bones. As 'dancinbcs' suggested soft bones such as lamb, chicken & turkey are the best.
  19. Sorry but the thought of Gomez giving his insides a rinse with soap is a little amusing. :D Hope he has no ill effects.
  20. Depends on how deep the cut is really. Give your vet a call to see if they put stitches in because I can't recall if they do or not. If you decide to treat yourself.... Bath the foot with some luke warm salty water. Stop the bleeding with a compression bandage. You could even sit holding her holding her foot to stop the blood. I would do this for a good 10 minutes or so to get a good clot. Once you have stopped the bleeding I would keep the foot bandaged and keep her to a restricted are so that she can not run around and reopen the wound. She might need antibiotics which you would have to go to a vet for.
  21. I wonder what caused it. Glad Hamlet is feeling better. I wouldn't be to freaked out with the runs but if it contained blood I would be. When I was looking after puggy with stomach lymphoma that had constant diarrhea it was suggested by the vet to give him Metamucil or psyllium husks.
  22. Do you want to go totally raw or keep feeding the dry food. If you wanted to get rid of the dry food I would replace it with offal & muscle meat.
  23. What were the symptoms of the reaction he had last time?
  24. Quarantine? Did you import him? Worming can make them have the runs.
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