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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. Cut it in half and let the puppy enjoy. Remember that you shouldn't overfeed as this can cause bone and tendon developmental problems. If you are feeding a BARF diet then generally you feed 10% of a pups weight per day.
  2. If your puppy/dog is getting a good diet then you don't need to be wasting money on multivitamins. Were you going to feed pre packaged BARF patties or your own homemade BARF?
  3. I am pretty certain there is an operation that can be done to enlarge the sheath opening. Is he being showed now? If not could you trim the fur around that area? I would probably be putting an elizabethan collar on him to make sure he isn't licking at it.
  4. Hope his reaction gets better. Your photos are to small to see what it is. In realtion to his entropion (eyelids rolling in and elashes irritating his eyes) does he already have brown pigment (pigmenatry keratitis) occuring? I seriously would only do the surgery if this has started to occur. I have seen dogs diagnosed with entropion and have never developed PK so the operation was unnecessary.
  5. DieselWeisel best of luck with Diesel's treatment. Fingers and toes crossed for you.
  6. Get rid of the canned food & rice. To many carbs. Buy fresh veggies and fruit and put them through a food processor along with whole eggs with shells. Always feed raw. Don't cook his meat, bones, veggies, fruit, eggs etc. Soft bones like lamb and chicken are generally better as the dog is able to fully consume them. Beef bones are usually to hard to be firstly processed properly by the dogs teeth and then by the dogs body. Add some Omega Oils to his diet either by supplements or with fatty fish or both.
  7. No need to worry. Just make sure you cut your boys food back to 400grams a day and your girls to 360grams (if 18kg is her ideal weight). Your girl will lose the extra weight over the next month or so. If you want to get the weight off her faster simply cut her food back even more.
  8. The pugs love roo. Some dogs find it to rich and it gives them the runs. Bushes seems very overprocessed to me. Having a look at the contents listed online I would be very carefull feeding it to a puppy as it contains added calcium and who knows what other preservatives to keep it fresh. The added calcium could cause problems with bones and joint growth. You would probably be much better off just buying normal human grade meat and offal as well as chicken necks and lamb bones. Sardines are a good easy choice of fish to add. You must remember that if you are feeding raw or even partially raw you must maintain the correct balance of bone to meat.
  9. I would be a little upset that your breeder is not microchipping your puppy before it comes home with you. In terms of microchipping $60 is expensive. But that could be Perth prices. In Victoria most vets charge approx $40 to $50 but you can get them done for $25 at the RSPCA and for ever less at microchipping days run by local councils and canine clubs.
  10. If your dog is a normal healthy adult it should be feed approx 2% of it's ideal weight. You can adjust this up or down a percentage or so if you feel your dog is to slim or to fat. Youi have calculated incorrectly. If your dogs ideal weight is 20kg then 2% of this is 400grams per day. Instead of making his meals all Canine Country BARF you could included fresh lamb bones, fresh kangaroo bones, chicken necks/carcusses and fish such as sardines to mix things around a bit. But always remember that everything you feed per day should only add up to 400grams.
  11. Fred looks like one happy boy and he is very lucky to have such a caring owner.. I have heard alot of good outcomes with MCT if they are removed with clear margins. With dogs leading normal lives afterwards. Fingers crossed that Freds margins will be clear. My suggestions would be to get rid of the carbs in Freds diet as cancer cells thrive on carbohydrates. Replace these carbs with Omega Fatty Acids as these feed the dog and not the cancer.
  12. It does sound like an allergic reaction. When did you first notice it? Any photos? It could be caused by anything from a plastic toy, plastic water/food dish, preservatives and colourings in treats & food, plants, cleaning agents used on the floor/bedding, insect sting or plant.
  13. No idea for dry food. But approx 2% of their ideal body weight if you are feeding raw food.
  14. Poor Mandela. The snood and elizabethan collar could be a good option. I am glad you have found a solution with the enzymes. It's a bugger that it has taken this long to diagnose the problem. On a side not I love the name Mandela. I named on of my past foster puggies Nelson, after Nelson Mandela, because he had a very dark face and prominent saddle markings despite being a fawn pug.
  15. That has been my experience too. I've actually experienced the complete opposite. The last time I had KC here the other dogs that contacted the KC were the ones that were nearly due for their annual KC vacciantion. The ones that had had their vaccinations in the last 6 months showed no signs or symptoms of the KC. botheration I owuld suggest you don't worry yourself silly about keeping the visiting dog away from Martha as being in such a confined space he probably would either have it by now or not. He could have also been the one to pass it onto her.
  16. Yes but hopefully it will be less severe because she is vaccinated. Keep her quarantined, in your house, for at least two weeks. Vets can only treat secondary infections that occur because of the KC. So if she is happy within herself, still eating etc then a vet visit isn't needed. If she starts to go downhill then off to the vets for some antibiotics. Years ago when my pug boy got KC I knew he was really sick with a secondary infection because he felt so crook he wouldn't curl his tail. (pugs always have curled tails unless they are sick, scared or asleep)
  17. Glad you got some antibiotics. The stomach looks like warts.
  18. If you do choose the yearly heartworm injection (I'm one that would never use it) it should never be given in conjuction, on the same day, as normal vaccinations.
  19. So they didn't prescribe any antibiotics? They seriously look infected. Do you have any soft padding/dressing that you could apply over the ointment and then bandage with something like vetwrap.
  20. OMG poor baby. Has he seen a vet? They could very well be infected and need something more then just bathing in salty water and applying something like Paw Paw Ointment. If thye are infected I would be worried about the infection travelling into the joint. I know in rescue there is not much money to go rushing off to the vets for every little thing but for this I most likely would be.
  21. Most puppies and dog eat thier food, if it is easily eaten, in seemingly one gulp. What is it that you feed? His reflux could be just because he is a puppy and something he will grow out of. Or it could be his food not agreeing with him.
  22. It looks like you only get 4 tablets in a box of 20kg. If your dog is 33kg then you would be having to give nearly 2 tablets per dosage. If a box costs $40 then that would be $20 a month. You can by a 6 pack of Sentinel Spectrum (22 - 45 kg), that does exaclty the same thing, for $70 meaning that a dosage of that would cost you under $12 a month.
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