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Everything posted by puggy_puggy

  1. For pups 10% of their body weight daily. Divided into 3 meals a day. Once he has stopped growing you cut it back. You can feed raw from the time they are weened. What else do you feed other then chicken carcusses? With pups I have had they had minced chicken carcuss mixed with veggie/fruit slops for breakfast & dinner and a lamb bone for lunch. Sardines, offal and other meats were mixed into the carcuss & slops mix every few days.
  2. I have a vet who charges $75 for C5 and another one who charges $79. If you are doing both dogs together you are probably getting a small discount.
  3. Even if some dogs do eat bones and chunks of meat their teeth a posisitoned in a way they can't self clean. I think that the make up of the pugs mouth means they all should have a dental at least once in their lives.
  4. I would be making areas where the cat can go and hide and get away from the puppy easily. You might do this by baby gating off certain rooms.
  5. Do you feed pulped veggies & fruit? I would be adding some of this to the BARF patties. It will contain the water she needs and help with the rock hard poos. Otherwise just add some water in with her food. She will drink it because it will be flavoured by the food.
  6. I would be wanting tests on stools and vomit to make sure it was a tummy bug and set my mind at rest that it was not the injection.
  7. Unless her behaviour goes on for a few days I wouldn't be to worried. If she doesn't eat her dinner within 10 minutes take it away. And try again with breakfast tomorrow.
  8. Just washed 4 pugs and did 3 loads of washing that included their bedding and the stinky thing the new foster bought with her. I'm just a little buggered now.
  9. Not what I'd call prey model. Definitely doesn't sound right to me No bone content, no fibre/roughage/no offal (heart is a muscle meat) Give the poor little guys a chicken wing That's not even a BARF diet and is no way a Prey Mode diet. Where is the bone? They need to have their diets changed quickly as it's totally out of whack. How old are they? I hope they are not puppies.
  10. I feed raw/BARF and have no problems. Before I fed this way the pugs always had leakages and I would have to get them expressed a few times a year. As well as chicken necks and lamb bones the pugs also get pulped veggies and fruit.
  11. I try for once a week but at the most it will be two weeks. I think it depends on the dog as well. Mine sleep in bed with me and are always being handled so I don't want them to smell at all. But if you had a dog that was outdoors then you might not feel the need to keep it so clean.
  12. Oh no that is terrible. Poor puppy. I seriously haven't heard of vomiting as a reaction after vaccination. Tiredness and lumps at the injection sight and even snotty noses if they have the nasal spray but not vomiting.
  13. When she has a certain look in her eye you will know. The last boy I put down was here on holidays and had stomach lymphoma. I did pallative care for him for three weeks, syringe feeding etc, he was still happy as larry and enjoyed trotting around the house and the yard and napping in the sun even thought he ate very little had constant explosive diarrhea and looked like a skeleton. The day before I let him have his wings he just wasn't his happy little self and I knew it was time.
  14. Totally normal and puppies and younger dogs will do so more the older ones. Part of their body growing and learning. I believe it is to do with REM sleep. As well as the yips and other sounds they will have often have body twitches.
  15. I wouldn't worry about his jaw either. I've had pugs with wonky mouths and all seem to do fine with the raw diet I feed. Most dogs have a natural gaging reflex. If they swallow a bit that is to big they will gag it up and munch it again and then see if it fits. Yes it's a bit scary sometimes but usually it works. This is why I supervise bone time incase it doesn't.
  16. Sounds like you are feeding to many grains. The pasta in the meat loaf and the grains in the dry food. Do they make a pet mince with just meat, bone and vegies in it? The only problem that some dogs have with kangaroo is that it can be to rich for their tummies. Get some kangaroo meat and see how he goes with it. What is the problem with his skin?
  17. What's in the meat loaf? Who makes it? Could be the dry food as well. I would have a go with a different brand or ditch it all together for lamb bones, fish and offal.
  18. I shudder when I walk past the processed pet meat fridge section that Coles has. Musch better to buy human meat. Even some mince would be fine.
  19. Poor baby. He's not that old either is he. The xray would only show if the heart was inlarged wouldn't it? Unless they injected some dye into him which might so blockages or the likes. You would think that an ultrasound would be able to show you more and you most likely wouldn't have to give him a GA to perform one.
  20. They are usually a bit tired after vaccinations. Give him a small amount of cooked chicken breast tonight and see how he goes. Was the KC the nasal one or injection?
  21. What are you feeding? Lamb flaps are good for putting weight on. But yes the 2% for adult dogs for BARF is only a guide line. If he is a young active dog then he possibley needs to be feed .5 or 1% more. My two pugs, 6 who is 7.3kg and 8 who is 8.7kg, are feed approximatley 1.5% of their ideal body weight. If I up it to 2% they start getting to chunky. Whereas my foster girl, approx 15 months old and 5kg, is fed 3%.
  22. My old family dog had several taken off his eyelids during his 16 years. Leave it untill it becomes to annoying.
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