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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. Does anyone know who the black Stafford was ? http://www.yourdogphotos.com/displayimage....=396&pos=46
  2. I'd invest in a good wire one to be safe.
  3. I know several DOLers use the K9+ soft dog crates but was wondering if anyone has tried the NFS ones. If so what is the quality like. Thanks . http://www.nfspetsupplies.com/crate.htm
  4. I find if you have multiple dogs you have to train the youngest one first - if you make them wait - then they get just so over the top that it becomes very ugly and yep like you said JulesP, every turn is their turn! Banjo is the baby of my dogs and yes he wants to go first .
  5. Totally agree TerraNik . I just started at a new club who is fine with me doing my own thing on the sidelines. Had a really good night .
  6. Toby's barking is good distraction training . Lincoln was cute and very laid back. I was exhausted after lugging my crate back to the car, next time I might park on the drive like other people were doing.
  7. Wow you must have sped home ;) . I hope the Instructor didn't mind me doing my own thing . I didn't want to be disruptive to the class coming in and out so I'll train on the sidelines and do bits and pieces in class when they're doing something I want to work on. I like how it's a small group and they didn't do any 'paddock bashing' .
  8. Where did you get them from Masons_mum?
  9. Great job bedazzled and Brooklyn . I love him in the scent discrimination, he'd run out have a sticky beak then get back to work so cute ;) .
  10. I went down to rejoin but they'd already put the receipts/badges away so asked me to come back next week :D . I just remembered I can't go next week :D so it'll have to be the week after that. See you Thursday then. You bringing both dogs? Yep bringing both dogs .
  11. I went down to rejoin but they'd already put the receipts/badges away so asked me to come back next week . I just remembered I can't go next week so it'll have to be the week after that.
  12. My Dad took the photo . He took lots but most were of Banjo and that's the only one of Sophie where you can actually see her and then the battery went flat.
  13. I found a photo of Sophie at the practice trial .
  14. I'd try ringing because they don't always get back to you when you email. My class starts at 7.30 but I might get there earlier to watch the UD class. I'll bring the dvds on Thursday .
  15. I had the practice trial Sunday and thought I'd be really nervous but when I was in the ring I was fine, just concentrated on what I was doing, it wasn't unti I left the ring I looked around and thought I hope no one was watching .
  16. I'm not sure about the beginners class but the obedience starts back tonight after the break over the school holidays. I'm taking my two so might see you there and I'll see you at Eden Hill on Thursday .
  17. TSD you must be so proud. Well done .
  18. Maybe had to wait the two weeks after vaccination?
  19. Speaking of 'aussies' RubyStar did you see the one at the practice trial . I can see why you want one but I like my short single coat doggies .
  20. I know some DOLers use these. http://www.aryed.com.au/shopping/index.html
  21. The kick back stand is getting them to stand from a sit. Start with something in front of them or on top of a step. I hope Caffy doesn't mind me posting her youtube vid . http://www.youtube.com/user/caffy33#p/u/51/j70Is85GTzo
  22. Are you sure they meant my dog? I wanna know who said that now Millie was so hot the poor sod, I really had to keep the treats flowing to keep her motivation up. Very proud of her SFE, though, I keep asking her when she's going to teach her sister Ruby how to do it Due to the heat, there was no way I was going to ask Ruby to do any heelwork, so we just did the Open exercises minus the heelwork. After missing the cue on her first DOR because she got distracted by what could have possibly been remnants of food on the ground, we repeated the exercise and she did a very nice, speedy DOR Saw your dogs in the ring, not sure which dog is which, but the second one you had in the ring worked lovely ;) It was pretty warm especially for Banjo. Sophie was the second dog, she's the orange one .
  23. Di Rose's boys Brodie and I can't remember the name of the other one. She bought my secura pen .
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