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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. What club have you joined? I bet they were watching you in awe .
  2. :D I need to get a proper video camera as trying to video with my little digital camera is a pain. I won't be rushing out to get one just yet though, too scary .
  3. I'm over my little obedience hump, it didn't last long , I'm excited about starting both dogs in CCD very soon I hope. Little Miss Sophie is real close now I'm nervous :D .
  4. I believe that was you . I'll still give you a for effort.
  5. You know now you are offically the most popular WA Doler! I keep meaning to but always baulk at the cost. Yay I'm popular ;) . It only works out being $6 an issue. I have to wait until July to get my first issue but the Agility Right From The Start book should keep me busy . I've just finished the chapter on training yourself. How are you going with it?
  6. I just subscribed to the Clean Run magazine .
  7. I'm not feeling very motivated to train obedience at the moment . I blame my new obsession with agility . It's all I want to train at the moment. Does anyone else go through this when training multiple sports or is it just me .
  8. The wide part goes around the front of the neck for padding I guess.
  9. Just tell Daisy they were jealous of how awesome she's working and you're doing a great job with her .
  10. I have an Astra Wagon like amypie said, I better watch her I think she wants to steal it . The wagon part is probably the same size as the new Holden Sports wagon. I'm pretty sure the crates would fit in the older holden station wagons. The crates are 30" though, not sure if they're big enough for Whippets.
  11. Trixie sounds like she's going really well and you sound like Miss Professional .
  12. amypie have you started taking Trixie to training yet? Just wondering how she's doing and are you doing obedience with her to?
  13. So I've just started agility training with Banjo and I really want to put the time into the foundation/flat work so I'm wondering if I should keep training at home until I'm ready to start him on the obstacles. We started at a club this week and we had a great time and Banjo did really well but I don't want to start him on the obstacles before we have our good foundation so I don't know.
  14. He looks cute. Is his other foot shaved to?
  15. Hang onto it, no rush Agility right from the start is my bible now. It's a great book . I think I'm up to chapter 4.
  16. Do you want me to post your dvd back or hang onto it until I see you next?
  17. Put that fatty on diet! Just kidding he looks great.
  18. One fits easy and according to my measurements two should have fit . I can fit one of my 36" crates in sideways so will keep doing that.
  19. I have two crates for sale if anyone is interested or knows someone who is. I'm open to offers. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=195721
  20. Banjo had a grass seed in one and ended up with stitches and now he's got this I'll be so happy when his feet are all good again.
  21. What I'll be working on with Banjo this week is our agility flatwork with him mostly on my right side as he's a 'homing pigeon' as my Instructor said to my left side because of his obedience training.
  22. Banjo's had sore foot to. The Vet thinks from allergies maybe. His are healing but I'm only walking him on bitumen until they do because any dry grass or nuts/rocks etc hurts his feet but I've ordered the Ruff Wear dog boots and until then he's walked in baby socks . I have a Vets All Natural cream which I pile on everyday and this is working well.
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