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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. I hate it when I lose motivation . I think for me it comes from comparing myself to what others are doing/have achieved with their dogs and feeling like I'll never get there and lately I've just had too much of a puppy brain to think about much else . I just take a break for a week or so then I feel super motivated to get back into it and sometimes I'll just work on fun shaping exercises etc so we're still training but I'm not putting any pressure on myself I guess. I know I could never go back to obedience classes, I shudder at the thought, so if obedience is something I want to do I'll drive to K9 on Mondays but my focus is agility at the moment(RS is probably thinking heard this before ) and when I start putting pressure on myself I think hey this is a fun hobby I do with my dogs, at the end of the day I just want to enjoy the time spent with my dog . Sorry for the ramble .
  2. Not embarrased at all but seriously proud!! My work contract is up for renewal so I am being a good girl and not DOLing at work ATM ;) Good idea
  3. Where's Miss vCBR lately? Hope she's not embarrassed she topped the list for posts in this thread , don't be shy it's too quiet in here without you :D .
  4. Hope Varda is feeling better soon mirawee I always found my vet bills for horses cheaper than the dogs vet bills, it's crazy :D
  5. I just finished off the fencing for Shimi, it took 3 1/2 hours , I was so over it by the end but glad it's all done.
  6. I know thanks to RSG I have my Shimi album from 2 days to 8 weeks
  7. The count down starts - It's a week today little Shimi arrives
  8. Poor bedazzled you're not having much luck with long leads are you :D .
  9. That'll go by in no time!! I'm getting very excited :D
  10. At least you can get daily Shimi updates on here :D .
  11. Shimi is 8 weeks old now, she arrives in 8 days . I love this photo Pea and Shimi - I love this boy, I wish I could have them both This is just cute
  12. For the first time in weeks I have no clean run orders on the way but I'm already thinking I should grab some wubbas while they're on free shipping but I know I'll be tempted to get other stuff to so must stay away .
  13. Sorry about that VM, Kenobi is keeping with the theme I see .
  14. awww Vader's so cute I'm sure your Mum won't be able to resist having him on the lounge
  15. Love this one It's so hard to photograph a black dog to
  16. Who can pick which one is Shimi The Whippets look like they're thinking "oh sh*t, a WAVE of Staffords, we're gonna get drowned in puppy slobber!" Such a great shot! Shimi... is on the far left? Correct
  17. :rofl: Congrats on another great score and win I hadn't even heard of the West Coast Challenge
  18. Thanks Golden :p They are a very cute "odd" couple My boxer likes to show off around the sibe, and acts like a puppy when he is around He has made her young again (she is 8) :D I know it's great isn't it? My big Goldie just turned 8 and back into a puppy when the little one came along a few weeks back :D lab rat - no good! Hope you feel better soon!! Go hug your dogs, they are the best medicine! My old boy Buster(10) is soon to meet puppy number 3 . It does keep him young although they've given him grey hair :D .
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