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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. Great videos inspiring me again @ the white crocs
  2. Hey forgot to tell you I saw a dog that looked just like Mason at the beach, I think his name was Casper or Jasper .
  3. I just have to get Baby Bear one of these http://www.cleanrun.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...p;ParentCat=449
  4. Thanks for all the replies guys will definitely put into practice .
  5. I was wondering for those who train in multiple disciplines especially obedience and agility how do you go about training both, would you train both together from the start, would you get a CCD title in obedience before starting agility etc. Just asking now before I start any "serious" training with my pup .
  6. I thought my tunnel came today but false alarm it was Banjo's life jacket
  7. Bear with his elephant cuddle buddy It was bigger than him when he first came http://www.youtube.com/user/Tiggy3010?feat...u/0/yYLqHPdH7WY
  8. Oh no :D Baby Bear is a dog agressive Staffy ;) We got a soaking yesterday afternoon/evening. Ground was even still moist this afternoon We got no rain :D
  9. This poor doggy suffered the fate of the Baby Bear
  10. there are many advantages in being single http://www.youtube.com/user/weevdog#p/a/u/0/MH-kWnRxq8w :D
  11. Ditch the obedience :D With my training I just switch the dogs when I feel the 1st dog has done what I want for that time frame - I have done this both with obedience and agility.
  12. I thought it was about time I started teaching Bear to sit , well he already offers the behaviour but I need to put it on cue. So first lesson this morning went really well , plus I think I have myself one focussed little dog .
  13. Happy birthday Rommi Love the group shot :D
  14. She has a nice big hole in teh side of her hoof and is feeling very sore and sorry for herself She seems to have just sliced a chunk out though rather than ripping it and damaging anything major I should put the photo up on FB LOL Poor horsey :D I remember when I had a horse everyday I'd do the full check like okay what have you done to yourself today but I must say the last horse was pretty good never did anything major.
  15. My power was out for an hour, it was dishes by candlelight .
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