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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. Cake on Wednesdays sounds good cause I will be there. :D
  2. The Astra is too small. I got a VZ Holden Ute. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2115115764471&set=a.2002348705365.120298.1443008237&type=1&theater
  3. The GSDA trial on the 24/7. I don't want to do stays or SFE. Is that okay? OT - Today is new car day!
  4. Cool thanks. I feel nervous already.
  5. Great idea! I need all the help I can get. :D
  6. How do you enter a trial NFC? It doesn't say anything on the entry. Do I ring them? Thanks. :D
  7. Happy 14th Ollie! He looks like such a sweet old man.
  8. Off to look at a car this afternoon.
  9. RV your brother got a SBT didn't he? Is she behaving herself? :D
  10. Hey RS does the guy who's fitting out your car do the false floors? I want one for my new car. Oh and security screen things for the windows too.
  11. RS exciting about your car. I am looking for a ute with a canopy. I might even make it to training when I get the new car. :D
  12. OMG he is adorable! Love the rocking horse.
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