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Everything posted by Tiggy

  1. Sorry I can't help with the overbite but that first photo is a crack up .
  2. I know there's been several posts on Insurance already but my post is kind of different ;) . I'm looking to get accident/illness cover with no routine healthcare cover. I'm happy to pay $500 excess to bring the Insurance down as the bills I want help with are the big ones eg $1000+. I think Pet Insurance Australia looks good but before I sign up I wanted to check with you guys as I've never had Pet Insurance before.
  3. I feed my Staffords a raw diet. 2-3% of their bodyweight daily, so about 400-600g daily.
  4. I usually feed 3% of bodyweight raw food. So for a 20kg dog 600gms. If your dog is too skinny maybe try 4% or feed fattier foods.
  5. Just wondering if they have EFTPOS at A & D Pet Meats. I know a few DOLers go there. I was thinking I'd stop there after dropping Sophie off at the Vet tomorrow morning.
  6. [quote name='huski' date='25th Jun 2009 - 08:44 AM' post='3782135' If you're worried to start off you can buy pre made BARF patties to try them on and see how they go - I've used the Dr Billinghurst ones. I do it myself now, but am looking at changing Cherry over to them if she keeps going well on her elimination diet as they make a roo based BARF which is what she's eating at the moment (roo). It's not as hard as you think, but the BARF patties are a good place to start if you want to try them on it to see how they go :p I think the roo BARF patties have beef organ meat. I know they use to.
  7. You can buy the Dr B's BARF patties from Better Pets and Gardens and if you live anywhere near Midland the Pet Chef sells a BARF mix to.
  8. I switched to the Interceptor Spectrum it's nearly half the price. My dogs don't have fleas so I'm very happy with the swap.
  9. I think the BARF patties say to feed puppies up to 10% of their weight so you could be feeding up to 800gm. The diet sounds good to me.
  10. I'm a newbie at agility. Definetely not experienced enough to be an instructor .
  11. I'm only doing agility at the moment. I liked my old club for obedience. I haven't done agility there but I'm going to watch this week to see what it's like.
  12. I'm getting bored at my new club . There's so much waiting around, I end up being there for 2+ hours. I know it's run by volunteers so I don't like to complain but my last club was so good at starting and finishing on time but this one is putting me off going . I've already paid my membership so I kind of feel like I'm stuck there but I'm thinking I might leave and go back to my old club. I only went to this club because I like their agility instructor. Sorry for the whinge but I wanted to discuss it with other doggie people .
  13. Could be from the cold weather. I've started getting dry skin from the cold. My dog Buster(Lab x Rotty) use to have really bad flaky skin and it only went away when I changed him to a raw diet.
  14. Fingers crossed she hasn't done a crutiate ligament. Sophie is banned from fetch due to a crutiate ligament injury. I think more and more people are having to stop playing fetch with their dogs due to injury or the risk of injury.
  15. I feed my Staffords a raw diet. I feed them 3% of their bodyweight a day, so 20kg x 3% = 600g daily.
  16. It's probably a good thing she's not putting any weight on it at the moment.
  17. I feed my dogs - raw meaty bones meat offal fish eggs greenpet essentials fish oil
  18. Thanks for the well wishes.
  19. My old dog Zack who lived at my mum's had to be put asleep today. He was 15. He was a good dog and I'll miss him. ;)
  20. I buy kangaroo tails from Better Pets and Gardens, $5.99 for a 2kg bag. I can also buy whole tails from another place for $5 I think.
  21. Thanks for the replies . It was the most fun teaching the tunnel. Banjo took the longest to go through but once he'd been through once he was wanting to run through all the time. The other dogs loved the tunnel to.
  22. I feed a raw diet with no vegies/fruit. The only supplement I use is fish oil.
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