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Baileys mum

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Everything posted by Baileys mum

  1. I tried my dogs on Nutro Lamb & rice for a couple of weeks, & my dogs all had terrible stinky wind & very big poos. They have now been eating Black hawk holistic for over 3 weeks now & am very happy that their poos are now very small & not one bit of stinky wind either.
  2. I know exactly how you feel atm bjazld....With my last litter (9 puppies ) I had a much smaller puppy that put on weight at a slower rate than the rest of the puppies. Like your puppy she had heaps of personality & was very feisty, but was obviously much smaller & seemed to gain the least weight every day. I asked my vet about supplementing & he told me aslong as she was gaining weight (even small amounts ) & not going backwards, then he would just let her be for now. Despite her size she seemed very strong to me & not dehydrated, so I just made sure she got extra time on the better boobs at the back & she continued to gain weight at a slow rate. When I started weaning the litter at 3.5 weeks that's when her weight gain took of in leaps & bounds & she never looked back after that.By the time she was 8 weeks old she was still my smallest puppy, but not too far away from her brother & sisters. Her owners just sent me pics of her the other day (she is nearly 7 months old now ) & she has turned out absolutely stunning & is very healthy. So my advice is just to make sure she has extra time on the good boobs (make sure that her bigger siblings aren't bullying her & pushing her off ) & keep weighing her twice a day.If she does start going backwards then maybe it wouldn't do any harm to top her up with a bit of formula. Have you asked your vet for advice?....Might be a good idea mentioning her to your vet & see what they say. I know how worrying it can be to have a little one that's obviously much smaller than the other pups & I hope she continues to put on weight & grows stronger & ends up thriving for you. ETA: if you have some Nutrigel,I suppose it won't do any harm to give her a couple of drops to give her some energy.
  3. I'm with you....I can't for the life of me see the appeal of crossing a JRT with a Rotti I can't even imagine what they would end up looking like. Stupid morons Poor little JRT bitch having to carry puppies that are probably too big for her body & then more than likely needing a C-section to get them out. I don't know if I can believe that 5 vets would condone such a breeding.
  4. Lovely Video Jules ....Brought a few tears to my eyes.
  5. Mines pretty plain & simple....My first Purebred Aussie terrier who is also my heart dog is called Bailey, & I'm his mum!! :D
  6. Yep. Not a chance. + 2, but I would probably just give back all the money paid just to be rid of her.
  7. Congratulations on your pregnancy The exact same thing happened to a lovely lady that was on my puppy waiting list for my last litter. A week before the puppies where due to be born, she found out she was pregnant, so she had to make the sad descision that the time was not right to take on a puppy, & she is now on my waiting list for my next litter which isn't planned till the first half of 2013, & by then her baby will be about 18 months old. I'm sure when the time is right, you will get your puppy.
  8. Well I have now had my dogs on BH for a little over 2 weeks & so far it seems to be going great. My dogs absolutely love the taste, & get so excited when I dish it out to them, I'm so happy they have had no gas ( A real problem for us when feeding Advance ) & their poos are firm & alot smaller. Even my old girl with the yeasty ears has so far been ok on it ( i was initially worried about the brewers yeast in it ) but she so far seems to be coping & she absolutely loves it. I have found that they all have a big drink of water just after eating, but their not drinking excess water all day or anything, so I'm not too concerned. So it's still early days, but it looks as if we could be staying with this food, & I'm absolutely rapt I have a stockist that's a 10 minute drive up the road from me. For anyone who lives in the Melton, Bacchus Marsh, Pentland Hills, Ballan, Gordon, Ballarat areas.....Cross Roads trading (rural supply store ) in Ballan have 20 kg bags of it for $85.00.
  9. I also think that is way too many questions, & personally I would be very put off if i received an enquiry like that. If i get a puppy enquiry, I usually reply back with a link to my website...I tell the person if they are still interested in getting a puppy from me after they have seen my website, then they are welcome to give me a call for a chat, as I prefer to have a conversation with a potential puppy person, rather than emailing back & forth. There's no way I would sit & answer a survey like that....it would take up way too much of my time.
  10. I feel much more secure knowing she's safe inside, got shade, away from predators and thieves. I use puppy wee pads but thats because she has been trained to do her business on them but I'm sure many others use newspaper. I know of people who use bits of fake grass (bought from bunnings) over newspaper/a tray for inside use as well with good effect for dogs who are trained to go on grass. Something like this could be useful too (cheap enough at $23), not sure how useful they are though as i've never used one: http://www.crazysales.com.au/indoor-pet-toilet-p684.html Thanks Donatella , those doggy toilets are really cheap, so I could actually afford to buy a couple of them.
  11. Great thread guys, & getting lots of good ideas. I'm increasingly getting paranoid leaving my dogs outside unsupervised when we go out during summer due to snakes on our property. (We have done everything to snake proof the dog yard, but there is still the chance, one could get in ) I would like to start leaving them inside when we go out (which isn't very often anyway as I'm at home for most of the time ) So this thread is giving me some good ideas. We have left them in the house unsupervised for short periods of time, & they never did anything naughty,but never any more than an hour at a time...We could let them have run of our family room, dining & kitchen, & close of the door to the rest of the house, & they should be alright, if I leave them with their pile of toys,their beds, food, water & something to chew on. What about toileting? does everyone just leave newspaper on the ground, or does everyones dogs just tend to hold till you get home? Our dogs are house trained , but on the odd occasion when they can't tell us in time that they want out, they will do an accident on the floor nearest to the sliding door they use to go outside....I could probably cover this part of the floor with newspaper or wee pads if they really need to go.
  12. Naked dogs in my house hold too. They all love play fighting & I just don't want to take the chance of them getting caught up in each others collars. I'm home most of the time anyway, & when we do go out they get locked into secure dog runs, so theres only a small chance of them escaping.If they where ever to stray of our 40 acres & get lost, I would hope that their microchip would help us to be reunited again. We only put collars on them when we take them for a walk,or if they come on an outing with us some where. I don't really like collars on my breed either as I think it makes their ruffs look messy. I've read some really sad stories on Dol,where dogs have died by being hung/strangled with their own collar.
  13. I would hate to have been manipulated by a breeder in this way; i like to think that purchasing a puppy is a team effort where open honest communication is exercised. Gees...call it how you like - I dont see it as manipulation at all, but gentle persuasion. Yep, seeing as you dont know the whole long and lengthy conversations that entailed beforehand I guess its easy just to assume there was a lack of communication. I agree, I don't think you manipulated him at all Miss Monaro, The way i see it, is that you just gave him a gentle nudge in the right direction, & he ended up getting the best pup for his family,which I'm sure they just love.
  14. Aloveen shampoo (oatmeal & Aloe ) is a pretty good one....It's gentle & soothing for irritated/itchy skin.
  15. I will not let my puppy buyers choose from the whole litter....I usually choose a couple of puppies from the litter with similar temperaments,that I feel would suit that particular family & let them choose from them puppies. With my last litter,I had an interstate puppy buyer...In this case the buyer was happy for me to pick the puppy for them.
  16. Sorry, I didn't even think that some people might feed more than 1 brand I have now edited to allow multiple options.
  17. With the other list, just tick "Not on this list" & then you will be able to vote in both sections. I have made the switch to Black Hawk for all the same reasons as you, I'm just hoping it will work out for my dogs in the long run.
  18. Hi everyone, Just thought I would do this Poll, as I'm interested in what brand of dry food everyone is feeding their dog/s atm. I've been feeding Advance to my dogs for quite some years now, but I'm in the process of making the switch to Black Hawk, which so far is going very well. I've also tried Super coat, Eagle pack, & Holistic select in the past, but these foods didn't really agree with my dogs. So please tell me what you feed your dogs :D I've tried to list as many brands as I could think of, but of course there will probably be some that I have left out.... you can just tick other if this is the case, & post what you feed your dogs. If you don't feed dry food at all,you can just tick Do not feed dry food. Thanks everyone.
  19. Yep definately scrap the weet bix & milk, & instead give her some dry, or some dry & raw mince, or maybe something like a chicken wing or some chicken necks.
  20. 3 Australian Terriers & 1 Australian terrier x JRT.
  21. Hi Sherel, the sample I received was from Dol member Ososwift from WA,...unfortunately I never got either of the samples you sent me. Hopefully there's no funny business going on with Aus post. I will have a look at your new website. Hi Sherel....I have Pm'd you.
  22. Hi Sherel, the sample I received was from Dol member Ososwift from WA,...unfortunately I never got either of the samples you sent me. Hopefully there's no funny business going on with Aus post. I will have a look at your new website.
  23. Congratulations on your new Aussie terrier!! Don't forget to pop into the Aussie terrier thread when you get some time....Would love to hear all about your dog & maybe see some pics. I agree with Austerra, now that you have an Aussie,you might not want to have another breed, & Aussies definately do not think they are small. My Aussies have played with my In laws Rotties with no problems though, & one of my puppy owners also has a Hungarian Vizla, & they play together with no problems. Here's some pics of one of my puppies Jedi, with his best friend Rusty.
  24. I finally received a sample of BH yesterday thanks to Ososwift Gave some to the dogs, & they all went crazy for it, haven't seen them so enthusiastic for dry food, especially my young bitch who is usually very fussy with dry food. so looks like I will be joining the BH family too. :D Now I'll just have to figure out away to get hold of a 20kg bag, will have to contact my nearest distributors, to organise buying a bag of it.
  25. I've never heard of them either. When I had to fly a puppy from melb to Cairns earlier this year, I got Dol member Wayrod to organise the flight for me. I found that he offered a very professional service for a great price, & he is a very nice bloke to deal with aswell.
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