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Baileys mum

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Everything posted by Baileys mum

  1. Yeah I'm kind of getting nervous, now that I've had time to let it sink in, I'm aware of all the things that can go wrong, but I'm trying to stay positive at the same time. My mentor lives 3 hours away, so it is unlikely he will be able to be here, but has assured me he will be available via phone call. My neighbour across the road breeds Aust Silky terriers, & has offered to help if required, & my hubby will also make a very sensible assistant & will keep me sane. The vet is only a 5 minute drive up the rd for piece of mind, & they have already advised me that they charge $1,000.00 for a c-section. I've also got a breed that has a reputation for being easy whelpers that rarely have problems, but that doesn't mean I won't be prepared for complications to happen. Yep I ordered the $90.00 whelping kit, milk replacer & bottle , feeding syringes, & few other things from Sways whelping supplies store this morning, so I'm slowly getting myself organised. Nicole
  2. Thanks Kaffy Magee, so far everythings going well. The vet said my girl is in great shape which is good to hear. I don't think she really looks pregnant yet although it's very hard to see anything with all her hair. Her nipples are getting really big & she is sleeping more than usual. She is also being a bit fussy with her food. She has gone off the Eagle pack Holistic a bit, so I'm hoping this passes soon , as I wan't her to get the right nutrition. The vet said to me if she doesn't eat a balanced diet & get the correct amount of calcium, she could get eclampsia, especially being a small dog. So this has me worried a bit. My vet also said that I should stop feeding the Eagle pack (She has actually never heard of it ) & start feeding her Advance puppy food. What do you all think of this? I always thought that the Eagle pack holistic select would be a better feed than Advance. I hope you don't have to wait for much longer, & you get some good news soon.
  3. I'm so excited, Brandy has been confirmed pregnant by ultrasound. The vet was able to see 3 pups but says it's possible there could be a couple of more in there hiding. Being my first litter I haven't got any supplies yet, but I've just went shopping at Sways whelping supplies, & put in a huge order. Yeah I know i've still got plenty of time to get everything, but I'm just so excited & want to be organized early. Next thing to organize is the whelping box, & vet bed.
  4. Hi everyone, it's now been 24 days since Brandy's first mating, & 22 days since her last. I rang up my vet about booking an utrasound & they like to do them 30 days from the last breeding, so she is booked in for next Thursday. I'm feeling positive that we may have pups. Brandy is sleeping more than usual & her nipples look alot larger & are getting really pink. Her vulva is also still a little swollen. She has also been really hungry, but in the last couple of days she seems to have lost her appetite a little. Is this normal at this stage? I always thought she would have a huge appetite all the way through her pregnancy, & possibly go off her food a little in the later stages. She could have a little morning sickness, but I haven't seen her vomit at all. Anyway I might buy a cooked chook tonight & see if I can tempt her too eat some of that. Her personality still seems the same, she's still happily playing with her toys & the other dogs, & is still enjoying her daily walks.She has always been a sweet affectionate girl, but she seems to have become even more affectionate in the last couple of weeks & has become my permanent lap dog. So all the signs are looking good so far, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much yet, (I know how bitches can trick their owners with false pregnancies ) but please wish us luck , & I will let you all know the verdict next week. cheers, & I wish good luck to everyone else in this thread for May babies aswell. ;) Nicole
  5. Fingers crossed for some Australian terrier puppies due 2nd May :D ETA: this will be my first litter, & the waiting & the not knowing if she is or not , is driving me crazy. Will be taking my bitch for an ultrasound on about the 29th, so I hopefully will have some good news.
  6. Such an adorable little puppy Sallywill & a beautiful mum, what a stressful time for you that all is not well with the pup. :D I will crossing my fingers & saying a prayer that everthing will be ok. :D Nicole
  7. Mine get bathed about every 2 months & I will brush them atleast 3 times a week. However they will always get a bath straight away if they have had a swim in the dam or have rolled in something gross.
  8. very cheekily asks, Nearly everything, what else do you need or want? That way i can stock it ;) Sway you have everything I need, except for the whelping box & vet bed, but ithat's alright as it looks like I might be going to Kenol for those things. Hopefully you will be hearing from me in a month or so with a nice big order.
  9. Yep the bloke I was speaking to, said they are made from melamine.
  10. Thanks for the link Hesapandabear, I had a look & wow!! what a great site, it seems like Sway has nearlly everything I'll need there, which is very handy. Seeing I'm a newbie & still have absolutely nothing yet, I think I'll probably buy one of the whelping kits aswell as other bits of pieces.
  11. Thanks guys, I rang the guy up yesterday & they sound really great. We have just bred our bitch (first litter ) so we are very far of any confirmation. But we have been planning this breeding for over 2 yrs & are a little excited & are just thinking ahead of time, while we are playing the waiting game. I think we might actually go & have a look at them anyway, as he also sells Vet bed, puppy feeders & other miscellaneous bits & pieces. I also rang up another lady who has an ad in the dogs vic magazine, & she also sells whelping boxes aswell as hiring them out. She told me that seeing it's my first litter, that she would recommend that I hire one, rather than buy a new one,( in case I decide not to breed again) but I worry that a hire box might carry some nasty diseases (I'm a little paranoid when it comes to things like that)especially as she told me that one of her recent customers whole litter came down with parvo & she had to use hospital grade disinfectant to clean the hire box, when it came back. So after hearing this I really would prefer my own brand new one, & I can always sell it again in the future if I have too. Also where would be the best place to purchase all my whelping supplies from? Like I said where still far off from any sort of confirmation, but I don't see any harm in starting to plan ahead of time Just in case, & we are trying to think positive & have our fingers crossed that our bitch whelps a lovely litter of healthy Aussie terrier pups sometime at the start of May. But I have to say I think the waiting is going to kill us , how do you guys do it all the time? Thanks everyone Nicole
  12. Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has heard of kenol whelping boxes, & what your opinion is of them? Thanks in advance everyone Nicole
  13. Here's some piccies of my dogs. My girl Brandy Bailey [i [iM
  14. 1. What is the relationship with the breed? (ie breeder,first time owner ect) I own 2 Aussie terriers, & have bred 1 litter of puppies 2.Where & why was the breed developed? The breed first originated in Tasmania in the 1800's as a working terrier (to hunt snakes & vermin ) & also as a companion pet. 3.How common is it in Australia? Aussies are not rare in Australia, but they are not as common as they used to be in past years. Litter registrations have declined in recent years aswell as numbers in the show ring. 4.what is the average lifespan? A very healthy breed that has an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years ( I know of an Aussie that lived to 19 ) 5.What is the general temperement/personality? I would describe the Aussie as being fearless, cheeky,charming, extreamly friendly fun loving clowns, very energetic & can be tenacious. They are also extreamly loyal & love to please. I find them very easy to live with. 6.How much dailey excercise is needed for an average adult? I would say they would need atleast a half an hour walk a day, but I also live on acreage, so a little hard to tell. I do know that if for any reason I haven't been able to take them out they are very forgiving if you play & good game of fetch with them. 7.Is it a breed that a first time dog owner could easily cope with? It would really depend on the individual person. Aussies are very energetic busy & detemined little dogs that would certainly take over a household if let go. They do need a firm hand & consistency is required.They do like to dig & can be escape artists, so I would recommend all owners to have a secure yard & fencing. However they are very intelligent & they love to please, so I do find them very easy to train, & they will & do thrive in most dog sports. I would recommend all first time owners to enroll your puppy in puppy school & do some basic obedience training. Once your Aussie has established you are the pack leader, they are an absolute joy to live with. 8.Can solo dogs of this breed easily occupy themselves for long periods? Yes they can, aslong as they have lots of toys to amuse them,aswell as something to chew on. 9.How much grooming is required? A good brush a couple of times a week to remove hairs ( Aussies are low shedding)nails are to be trimmed, hair around the eyes, ears, bottom, paws ,ruff to be trimmed & maintained. For show dogs the coat needs to be stripped. 10.Is it too boisterous for very small children or for infirm people ( unless the dog is well trained )? As stated above I do believe an Aussie terrier needs a firm hand & basic obedience to get the best out of them. However they are extreamly affectionate & friendly & I find them to be fanstastic around children. I have 4 nieces & my Aussies adore them. I have yet to meet an agressive Aussie terrier, but like all breeds of dogs I do recommend adult supervision when children are playing with an Aussie terrier. 11.Are there common hereditary problems that a puppy buyer should be aware of? The Aussie terrier is a very healthy, hardy breed & there is not really much hereditary or health problems within the breed. As far as I know some breeders are now testing for Vonweilderbrands disease (blood clotting disorder) The Aussie can also suffer from Luxating patellas ,but this is not very common in the breed. Older Aussie terriers or Aussies that have become obese may develop diabetes, so it is recommended not to let your Aussie get too fat. 12.when buying a puppy, what are the things you should ask your breeder? (eg what health tests have been done (if applicable) and what is an acceptable result to those tests so the buyer has an idea of what the result should be) As stated above there is very little health problems with the breed. Make sure your breeder has got their vet to check the pups patellas before purchasing. Also a good idea to ask your breeder about diet, (your breeder should give you a written diet chart ) & also ask them about worming/vaccination schedule.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss :D RIP Cujo, you where such a lovely big boy, take care of little Memphis
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss :D RIP Memphis,taken way too soon.
  17. My little female Aussie terrier will eat just about anything. She love's standing in the kitchen with me when I'm preparing meals in the hope I will drop something on the floor, she has even eaten frozen peas. She loves all fruit & vegies, especially raw cabbage, raw carrot, pumpkin, raw potato & potato skins, apples, banana & strawberries. Bailey is a little more fussier but he does love carrots, vegemite toast & apples.
  18. i am so there with you!!! ;) I'm with you too!! Still can't make any sense of this thread & I'm a little surprised it is actually still here.
  19. We are in agreement So does mine. count me in too, I'm so confused.
  20. Thanks for sharing the experience and the picture! I showed my husband all the posts and he commented that everyone is so helpful and had so much information to share we us. And he said we will make things work for Stewie, no problems! He also sent me some pictures he had on facebook. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Oooh! he's a little cutie !!!
  21. Congratulations on your new puppy!! You have been given lots of good advice here, I really can't add anything else, but I do 100% agree with crate training. I've raised 2 Australian terrier puppies within the last 2.5 yrs & the crate was a godsend. I also like the idea of a puppy pen, so your pup has safe confinement during the day, when you are too busy to totally supervise puppy. It comes in handy when your doing household chores or you just need a rest. Just make sure you put heaps of toys in there to keep puppy occupied. Oh & the most important thing of all . Where's the Pics?
  22. Yummo!! :p I have it with cabbage too. I always boil it with the silverside, gives it a lovely flavour. I usually feed the dogs small amounts of cooked left overs , but agree with everyone that it is way too salty to feed raw.
  23. My 3 dogs are at the moment sitting outside in the shade & blissfully chomping down on a whole icy cold carrot each.
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