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Baileys mum

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Everything posted by Baileys mum

  1. My bitch must be doing a great job with toileting the pups & cleaning the box, because my vet bed seems to be staying very clean & dry. My pups are now 11 days old & I have 8 of them, but the box never seems to get dirty. I'm changing the papers underneath the vet bed once a day (even they are not that wet though,) & I'm changing the vet bed every second day just because I like to have the pups on fresh bedding, but when I pop it in the washing machine it doesn't even look that dirty. Oh well I suppose when I start the pups on solids in the next couple of weeks & my bitch decides to pull the plug on toileting & cleaning, I will then be in for a very dirty smelly shock, & that's when my washing machine will then start to get a really good work out.
  2. The poor little guy I wonder what his owners are up to, some people just shouldn't own dogs. Are you thinking of adopting him if his owners don't come foward? Please keep us updated on what becomes of this poor little Aussie.
  3. Congratulations Darkrai, :D can't wait to see piccies. RIP to the little girl that didn't make it. All my pups are the same colour too, black & tan (which will turn into blue & tan ) makes it a little harder for id'ing them too.
  4. :D Congratulations to RoseRed, Derharv GSD'S, Elkie1, & Kanati whippets on the safe arrival of your babies. Hope to see some piccies up soon. Nicole
  5. I'm new to all of this, but I have already had several emails from interested puppy buyers that wan't to know when they can come & visit my Aussie terrier pups. I just emailed them back to say that they are only 10 days old at the moment, & I will most probably not let anyone visit until they are atleast 4 weeks old. I also put in the email if they could give me a call if they are still interested to have a chat, so we can get to know each other,before I give them my adress. I also worry about diseases people could bring into the home (even though my bitch has been vaccinated, & pups should have some immunity ) it still worries me that pups could still get infected. I suppose this is just a chance every breeder has to take if they want't to place your pups into a good home.
  6. Couldn't of said it better myself, Aussie terriers are so much fun to have around, I would never ever be without one now. :p They are so intelligent, cheeky, funny, so full of personality. They really like to think for themselves, but you have to make sure they understand that you are the pack leader, or they will quickly take over the house hold. They are so loyal to their family & love being with their people & they seem to love kids. They never chew or destroy things that they know their not allowed to touch, but they get great pleasure in deboweling their soft toys. :D They love getting about half an hour walk a day, but are equally happy with a game of fetch, however my dogs favourite thing to do is to go for a walk down to our dam, & go for a swim. :p I haven't had any problems with mice, since I've owned Aussies, they a are fantastic at hunting vermin. They really do have the easy goiing fun loving Aussie spirit, & it is such a shame more people don't own them. :p My Aussie bitch whelped her first litter of 8 pups last Wednesday, & I know we are going to have so much fun raising them. ;) Nicole
  7. Good on you for rescuing a puppy from the pound As Christina said your dog is obviously a mongrel & there is no definate way of knowing what he is mixed with. I also wouldn't dwell on what breeds he is mixed with, but just enjoy & love him. However if you do what to have a discussion on what possible breeds he could be a mix of, you will probably get more responses if you start this thread in the General discussion forum, as this forum is for purebreed dog breeders, & not everyone is able to post in here. Nicole
  8. Congratulations ravensmyst00 ;) ;) Another big litter, well done !!looks like you will be joining me in the April thread too. Can't wait to see piccies.
  9. Thanks guys, Brandy & the pups are both doing well today, Brandy is just a perfect Mum, so devoted & is so far doing everthing right. I think due to how large the litter was,that was the reason they came a little earlier,their just was no more room left in her little body. I wish all of you a safe whelping with lots of healthy pups. ;) Nicole
  10. Thanks Bilbo Baggins, you not wrong the Aussie terrier population definately needs to be increased, there really isn't many around at the moment, so I'm very pleased that there is 8 more Aussies in the country today. ;)
  11. Thanks Bonduca, ;) but they are not actually Australian Silky terriers, They are Australian terriers, 2 different breeds, But Don't worry though alot of people mix the breeds up. ;)
  12. Thanks Aziah, I was thinking that too, so I checked all her nipples & she is producing thick creamy milk at the moment which I say would be the colostrum. The pups are a lot more settled today, half of them are sleeping at the moment, & the other half feeding. I will weigh them again this afternoon & see how they are all going. But just by looking at them they all seem to look bigger from yesterday. But I am making sure the 2 smallest ones get on the nipple a little more just so they don't get left behind. Brandy ate some breakfast this morning, & has slept a little, she is still doing an amazing job, I just hope the larger litter doesn't take it out of her. Do you think I should start weaning them at 3 weeks, or should I wait for Brandy to let me know when she has had enough? I have a heap of Biolac on hand, aswell as some bottles & feeding syringes if I need them. Brandy has also had some Diahorrea last night & this morning, that looks like black tar, would this be because she ate alot of the placentas? Will this pass soon? & is there anything I can give her to settle her tummy? Thanks everyone :p Nicole
  13. Hi guys, the little ones are being so noisy tonight , that I've given up getting any sleep, so I thought I would put some piccies up. These photos where taken not long after whelping, so please excuse the dirty towel. Nicole
  14. Thanks Kaffy magee, Brandy is being an absolute sweet heart, I always had a feeling she would be a great mum, she only leave them, if she is absolutely desperate to go to the toilet,I have to feed her in the whelping box at the moment. Yes it is a massive litter for such a little dog, I'm still a little in shock by it, The little ones are so noisy, so I've given up getting any sleep tonight So I thought I would put a couple of piccies up. These piccies where taken not long after whelping, so please excuse the dirty towel.
  15. Hi everyone, It looks like I will be joining this thread, as my Australian terrier puppies, which where due on the 2nd of May, decided to come a little early. My bitch Brandy whelped 8 pups today, 5 boys & 3 girls, all seem to be going well. Highest weight 269 grams, lowest weight 189 grams. The first pup was born at 1.20 pm & the last was born 4.40pm. All whelped freely, with no complications, thank god. Brandy is being a great Mum & loves her pups. She is doing a great job of cleaning & feeding them. She also ate a big meal tonight of scrambled eggs & cooked mince,so she is happy. My hubby & I are still in shock with her having such a large litter, as we where confinced she was only going to have 3 or 4 pups, & 8 puppies for an Aussie terrier is absolutely massive!!, Looks like we are in for a very busy couple of months. I will try & get up some piccies tomorrow, as I am absolutely exhausted tonight. Nicole
  16. Hi guys, just letting you all know that it looks like I will have to join the April thread. Brandy whelped 8 Aussie terrier puppies today. 5 Boys & 3 girls, all seem to be going well. Highest weight 269g & lowest weight 189g. First pup born at 1.20 pm & last pup born 4.45 pm, all whelped freely, with no complications, thank god. She is being a great mum & loves her pups, & is doing a great job of cleaning & feeding them, she also ate a huge meal of scrambled eggs & cooked chicken for dinner, so she is happy. My OH & I still can't believe she had such a large litter, as we where confinced she was only going to have 3 or 4, & 8 pups is a huge litter for an Australian terrier. Looks like we are in for a very busy couple of months. I will put some photos up in the April thread tomorrow, as I'm absolutely exhausted at the moment. Nicole
  17. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss GOGOgidget, how devastating for you My thoughts are with you at this very sad time RIP Mum & Babies Nicole
  18. I actually bought my Vet bed from a place called "The Wolves Den" for $26.00 a metre. I think they advertise on Dol aswell.
  19. Thank you so much Jed, that was so beautifully put. I am sitting here at the moment with my heavily pregnant bitch at my feet, & am waiting with nervous excitement for my first ever litter to be born hopefully sometime next weekend. It's so lovely to read something about the positive side of breeding for a change, I can't wait to meet my Aussie terrier pups!! P.S I have every intention of keeping in touch with all puppy buyers, to find out the progress of my pups & I like most caring reputable breeders will always care for every pup I breed, even when they go to their forever homes. Nicole
  20. We too where going to buy heated whelping box from a place in Melbourne called Kenol, but we got qouted $520.00 for the size we needed. We decided that seeing this was our first litter, that it was a bit too much to spend. So my hubby went to Bunnings & bought all the parts for $80.00 & made one. He made it out of white Melamine, which should be very easy to clean. IMO if your hubby wants to make one, then he should go for it, atleast it will save you some money. We bought a heat pad, which takes up a little under half the size of the box, so there will still be lots of cool areas for my bitch & puppies to go if they get too hot. Here's a piccie of the box, sorry it's not a very good one, & my bitch's bed is in it at the moment, as we are trying to get her used to sleeping in it.
  21. Here's the whelping box my hubby made :D My poor girl is just so fed up!!
  22. Here is some photos of my girl that I took on the weekend, She is about day 49 from the first mating in them. It's a bit hard see with her longer coat, & with the ones she is standing in, you wouldn't even think she is preggers. :D She doesn't even look pregnant in this one
  23. My 13 yo Aussie terrier x Jessie was fed all her life on the supermarket can dog food "My dog" & Supercoat dry food up until a couple of years ago. When I first joined DoL, I did alot of reading & soon learnt that this diet was not very ideal, so I changed her over to raw food with Eagle pack holistic dry. I don't really think the new diet has made much of a difference to her health,other than less poo & wind, she still seemed pretty healthy on the other food, but it does make me feel better to know that I am now feeding her a better diet, & I do hope to have her around for many years to come.
  24. ;) Congratulations Kaffy Magee on your 2nd confirmed litter,(looks like she proved the vet wrong) Congratulations also to Kanati whippets (wow!! your girl is looking big ) gapvic & RoseRed, & fingers crossed for you too Ashanali. May all your girls whelp safely & have healthy puppies. My girl gets bigger by the day, but no where near as big as Kanati whippets girl, but I am only expecting a small litter. With 12 days to go the poor girl is getting totally fed up. She lies around & sleeps alot now, but is also so restless & can't seem to ever get really comfortable. She has us up alot during the night now, as she needs to go to the toilet alot more, & the poor thing has also had a couple of accidents in the house when she couldn't wake us up in time. She is eating like a horse at the moment, which I am pleased about. I took some photos on the weekend of her belly, which I haven't got round to uploading into my computer & photo bucket yet, but I think she has got a little bit bigger again in the last couple of days, so I will have to take some more. So the time is getting closer, & I'm now feeling so nervous aswell as excited. Reading all the past litter threads has got me a little bit nervous (especially last Decembers thread, so many puppies & 1 bitch lost ) My OH keeps telling me off for reading them, but I have to be realistic, & prepare myself for what could happen. But I'm still staying positive, I have myself a healthy breed that are normally easy whelpers, so I'm hoping for the best out come. I was just wondering at what day would you normally be able to feel the puppies moving? Nicole
  25. ;) I also agree with this. Before I had my purebred Aussie terriers, I had Jessie my Aussie terrier x JRT. We took her in at the age of 1 when her owner at the time (who BYB her,) didn't wan't her any more & was going to dump her at the pound if he couldn't find a home for her. She is now 13 & has given us so much joy over the years, never given us any trouble, & I don't regret for one second for taking her in. I don't really believe in the statement, "You get what you pay for" as Jessie has been such a great dog, & I never paid a cent for her. Jessie shows alot of the Aussie terrier temperment,(her dad was a beautiful Aussie ) so she kind of inspired our interest in purebred Aussie terriers. My OH & I decided years ago when we got another dog that it would definately be a purebred Aussie terrier. So we got Bailey, & he most definately did not dissapoint. We got my bitch Brandy soon after that, & we became quickly hooked, & I have to say I am totally in love with this breed. So yes I will probably only own a purebred Aussie before a x breed now, (Not because I don't like x breeds, I adore my Jessie) but just because I love the purebred Aussie terrier as a breed. I still love all dogs no matter what sort of breeding it has, & would never make anyone feel inferior for choosing to own a x breed, so I don't really consider myself a snob for loving & prefering to own my purebreed Aussie terriers. I say each to their own, You should have the right to own what ever type of dog that makes you feel happy. I believe all dogs are special!!
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