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Baileys mum

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Everything posted by Baileys mum

  1. A student ID Card - they have photo's on them. Proof of ID card Sorry I don't know how to link, but you can also get a photo id card called a keypass...www.keypass.com.au It's more exspensive than the proof of age card, but it also shows your address too (I think the proof of age card just shows your name & DOB ) & it's also recognised all round Australia. I have nothing at all to hide either...but I'm just a little confused how it can work. If the point of it is to weed out all the bad eggs, then these people can just go & get dodgy id's made up anyway, unless you are made to personally go into the office & show your id when you apply or renew your membership(which wouldn't be practical ) or get a photo copy of your id verified by someone like a police officer.
  2. Harper looks very handsome!! :D
  3. Thanks everyone This little girl was pretty much my favourite, & had I been keeping one of the pups in this litter it would have been her, & I have to admit I cried bucket loads of tears when she left. So it does warm my heart when I get photos of her looking so happy, loved & dare I say spoilt too. These owners are such lovely people...they live in the city (Melbourne )& have told us if we are ever in Melbourne we are very welcome to pop in to visit Misty & have a coffee
  4. Have you thought of an Australian terrier? They are wonderful family dogs,that are great with kids. They are a very hardy, robust & healthy breed, itelligent, friendly, loyal fun loving clowns with personality plus!! They have a low shedding easy to maintain coat, they love to please their people so they are one of the easier terriers to train, & are not too yappy either...but will bark to announce company or strangers, so they make good watch dogs too.
  5. So how will we go about supplying the id...do we have to photo copy it & then get it verified by a police officer & send it in ? What about people that don't drive or have a passport..what do they do? I like to encourage my new puppy owners to become members of DV, but if it's going to be too much trouble to apply, then it might put alot of people off.
  6. Well that's all really good...but what about people like myself that lives on a rural property, & has all mail delivered to a PO Box. Are DV going to automatically think I'm dodgy because my mailing adress doesn't match my home adress?
  7. I think it's a good idea to supply photo ID if someone is applying for a new membership...but I don't really see the point of having to supply it if your just renewing your existing membership,especially if you have been a member for years. I agree with lilli..what is it suppose to achieve?
  8. I thought it was lovely & very sweet. I didn't realise that Humming birds where so tiny.
  9. Thanks Alkhe ....I'm sure if your breeder is anything like me that they would love getting your photos, & yes it is very reassuring for the breeder that a pup they have bred & raised is so happy & loved. I tell all my puppy owners when they pick up their puppy that the more photos they send me the merrier. I especially love getting pics when they have matured, its lovely to see how they turn out.
  10. Yep I noticed that too Alkhe, & was also disgusted that they could make light of the situation. That poor Lab The owners shouldn't be allowed to own a dog again until they are educated in dog nutrition, & IMO I think it is a form of abuse.
  11. ...is when your puppy owners sends you pics like this. :D Here is 10 week old "Misty" Terraozzi Miss Jillaroo. She was one of my favourites & has already grown so much. Its such a lovely feeling to see her so happy & loved & to know she is bringing so much joy to her new family.
  12. Wow so many gorgeous puppies Here is some more pics of some of my very cute Australian terrier pups from my recent litter.
  13. So glad you decided to keep him Harper I read the last thread, & felt really saddened when you decided to give him up,so I'm very happy to read this, & glad it has all worked out for you. I agree with the poster that said that sometimes it does take a week or so for a baby puppy to settle into a new home, & also for a new owner to get into a routine (& I warn all my puppy people about this too, & remind them I'm only phone call away when they are feeling overwhelmed & need support) So I'm glad you persisted & gave him another chance. I hope he brings you many years of joy, love & companionship. I hope the other family weren't too dissapointed in your descision & they get there own puppy in the near future.
  14. Wow that's a huge deposit If I was the breeder, I would give you most of it back, & keep a little of it for readvetising ect...
  15. Thanks for sharing Fordogs...& what lovely puppy owners I have to put one of my babies on a plane to Cairns in a weeks time (first time I've sent a puppy interstate), & while after hours of telephone conversation, numerous emails, & photos of the family home, I am very confident this family will be fantastic puppy owners...the whole idea of sending one of my puppies interstate...from the actual plane journey to whether the owners will like the puppy,& hoping I've made the right choice, is a vey daunting & nerve wrecking experience, so reading your post has really reassured me a little.
  16. We've had 2 litters ...first litter we did the ultrasound at 4 weeks,( 28 days after first mating ) vet confirmed pregnancy & saw 3 puppies,....she ended up having 8. With our current litter we once again got the ultrasound at 4 weeks,vet once again confirmed pregnancy & saw 6 puppies...she ended up having 9. So in my experience so far, ultrasounds are fantastic for confirming pregnancy...but not really reliable for determining numbers.
  17. Totally agree ellz...had a lovely chat on the phone with him this afternoon & he's a very nice guy to talk to...I'm more than happy to trust him to organise my puppies flight for me.
  18. Same here Rebanne...I need to send a puppy to Cairns at the end of next week & I also sent a PM to wayrod on Sunday night, which he has not responded to yet.
  19. Some more ... I can't believe they are all going to start leaving me to go to their forever homes in about a weeks time.
  20. Hi everyone, my babies will be 7 weeks Tomorrow & going well...the weather has been horrible in my area lately, but we got a reasonably mild day the other day, & I was able to let them enjoy some outside time for the first time...they absolutely loved it Here is some pics of their first outdoors experience.
  21. I don't really know much about Amstaff size...but just wanted to say that your puppy is beautiful. I really don't like the look of the dogs in the first pic that Keira & Phoenix posted....I much Preffer the look of the 2nd dog.
  22. yep its a great feeling isn't it BB to feel apprecciated. Yes I thought it was very thoughtful of them to realise that dog breeding & raising a litter is very hard work....& even though I don't expect or ask for it, it does feel nice when you get a lovely thank you like that.
  23. Hi Lindainfa, if you go into the Aussie terrier thread in the breed subforums...You will find a heap of pics of my current litter.
  24. I hate it when you get an enquiry & the person seems really great & very keen, & says all the right things & you talk on the ph to them for over an hour, make a date & time for them to visit to see the pups...you wait for hours for them to come & they don't end up showing up. This happened to me on Sunday...the person was supposed to come at 2.00pm...I waited till 4.00pm & they still hadn't turned up. I then rang them up to see what was going & I'm then told that they had changed their mind about getting an Aussie terrier puppy & had decided on a JRT instead...I then say that it would have been nice if they had of phoned me to tell me this, so I wouldn't be wasting my time waiting for them, & all she can say is 'Oh sorry, I meant to ring you, but didn't get round to it" Some people are just so inconsiderate, as if I have time to wait for someone that has no intention of showing up all day.
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