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  1. Hi all, my 5 1/2 month old pup has recently started dribbling really heavy when he goes in the car. I thought at first that maybe he was getting too hot in his crate? But now have noticed that he is actually reluctant to get in the car and wondering if the heavy saliva is a result of anxiety? I've also tried him out of his crate and just harnessed to the seatbelt but still lots of dribble. Once he is in the car for a few minutes he is fine, gets comfy and usually goes to sleep. Any ideas?
  2. Ok, thanks everyone. It seems to be a little better the last few days. I'll get the vet to check him out just in case
  3. me too, cos now I'm really confused....
  4. My pup began teething a few weeks ago now. He has lost about 4 teeth that I have seen (2 at the back and 2 canines). Since this started I've noticed his breath has become quite nasty, and getting more so. I've been feeding him brisket bones and turkey necks (as suggested in other threads for good dental hygeine) and he eats Eagle Pack puppy dry food at the moment mixed up with minced chicken or turkey. What can I do to try and make his mouth smell better besides giving him lots of bones and things to chew? Is doggy toothpaste worthwhile or a waste of $$?? I've looked in his mouth and can't see anything untoward, and his teeth and gums all look good and healthy. Is this just something that happens with teething or do I need to be doing something different with his food?
  5. We got back to taking him out regularly and he's been very good. I realise it was naive of me to think he'd have it all figured out so soon
  6. Ok, I thought it was too easy!!!! We've started putting him out again , thanks so much for your advice!
  7. Hi all, My 16 week old beagle pup has been toilet trained for some time now. Unfortunately, just the last couple of days he has been peeing inside and has peed twice on his bed! It has been miserable and rainy, so I'm wondering if it's just been too wet for him to venture out of his doggy door!?!?! Anyone got any ideas... ?? nothing has changed in his daily routines...
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