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Pink Cupcakes

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Everything posted by Pink Cupcakes

  1. I seen this in Woolworths last week.. I also wonder what it would be like. Did you see the lactose free frosty paws ice cream treats? in little paw shapes.. so cute!
  2. Oh the gorgeous darlings... give them a big hug for me. That is great.. how lucky you are that the intruder was scared off! My 84 year old grandmother came face to face with an intruder only 6 weeks ago. I keep telling her to get a dog.. at least a dog would bark and alert her that someone was there!
  3. Awe you poor thing.. hopefully it is just a reaction to the drugs. I know Deca had a good dose of diarrhea after his op, but no vomiting at all. The vet rang us the day after the op to see how he was, and after explaining that to him, he said it was a normal reaction to the drugs.
  4. My amstaff was desexed a few months ago and he moped around for a good 2-3 days before he come back to his normal self.
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